Wanted for a student-oriented startup: Web dev from Paris. We'll pay;)

Wanted for a student-oriented startup: Web dev from Paris. We'll pay;) - Annonces d'emplois - Emploi & Etudes

Marsh Posté le 22-05-2014 à 16:56:24    

Hi guys!
Yes, it's in English :), since I'm not French (ukrainian, finishing M2 at Polytechnique).
We (me and 3 French guys) are currently creating a platform for students interested in entrepreneurship. Link to find out more - below.
We are looking for 2 web devs (preferably PHP). We are offering: being a cofounder and/or money (to be discussed).
A bit about what the platform is for -  click here (don't kick me for the code, it's done with a tool for prototyping)
Prototype is currently in work, I'll tell you everything once you ask ;)
To find out more, feel free contact me:
email amberv.mail@gmail.com
skype amberv_vlad


Marsh Posté le 22-05-2014 à 16:56:24   


Marsh Posté le 23-05-2014 à 07:57:21    

Oh! when i see "money" and "to be discussed" in the same line, I think you don t have a lot of money.


Marsh Posté le 23-05-2014 à 08:19:48    

boby62423 a écrit :

Oh! when i see "money" and "to be discussed" in the same line, I think you don t have a lot of money.

Bien vu l'aveugle, est ce que c'est le mot "start-up" qui t'a mis sur la voie ?
Laisse moi deviner, tu vas leur demander si le télétravail est possible.


Marsh Posté le 23-05-2014 à 08:26:10    

boby62423 a écrit :

Oh! when i see "money" and "to be discussed" in the same line, I think you don t have a lot of money.

Well, when I write "{1st option} and/or {2nd option} (to be discussed)", I mean that different options are possible, and this is to be discussed.


Marsh Posté le 23-05-2014 à 14:41:29    

barth95 tu es mauvaise langue.
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