Anglais redaction

Anglais redaction - Aide aux devoirs - Emploi & Etudes

Marsh Posté le 22-11-2007 à 20:34:52    

On peut me corriger et m'améliorer mon texte
Isaac Berlin was a Jewish poor man born in Russia. He had 5 brothers.  
Isaac Berlin's travel was very long and hard.  
At first, he took a train.  
Then, he sailed from Hamburg to Liverpool.  
Finally, he left Liverpool in the way to go to New York.  
In the boat, the conditions were horrible. There was no hygienic, no separate toilet and no shower. They lacked water and food.
When there arrived in New York, they're exciting because they can see the Statue of Liberty and their new life start.
But before, they went to Ellis Island which was the immigration station. First, they would undergo a medical examination. After that, the officials checked their papers. Then, they asked the immigrants some questions. Now, they can can go to New York.
Life was not easy when they arrived in New York. They have no house and no place to sleep ... but the biggest difficulty was that they cannot speak English.


Marsh Posté le 22-11-2007 à 20:34:52   


Marsh Posté le 22-11-2007 à 22:40:49    

Isaac Berlin was a poor Jewish man born in Russia. He had 5 brothers.  
Isaac Berlin's travel was very long and hard.  
At first, he took a train.  
Then, he sailed from Hamburg to Liverpool.  
Finally, he left Liverpool to go to New York.  
In the boat, (the) (living) conditions were horrible. There was no hygiene, no separate toilets and no shower. They lacked water and food.
When there arrived in New York, they were excited because they could see the Statue of Liberty and it was the start of a new life.
Before that however
, they went to Ellis Island which was the immigration station. First, they underwent a medical examination. After that, the officials checked their papers. Then, they asked the immigrants some questions. When that was done, they could go to New York.
Life was not easy when they arrived in New York. They had no house and no place to sleep ... but their biggest difficulty was that they could not speak English.
(commentaire: beaucoup trop de d'abord, ensuite, enfin).
edit: typo

Message édité par fzzbnn le 22-11-2007 à 22:49:30

Marsh Posté le 22-11-2007 à 22:42:35    

Bon bah grillé par fzzbnn (m'en suis rendu compte après avoir tapé ma réponse).
Juste une remarque, c'est hygiene, avec un i.

Message édité par Rockstopper le 22-11-2007 à 22:42:50

Marsh Posté le 22-11-2007 à 22:43:21    

Effectivement j'avais pas vu, danke.


Marsh Posté le 22-11-2007 à 22:46:41    

Autre chose, je dirais plutôt "poor Jewish man" à la place de "Jewish poor man", "jewish" étant l'adjectif le plus important, il se trouve donc le plus proche du nom...


Marsh Posté le 22-11-2007 à 22:50:16    

Disappeared cette phrase :s (reinserée)
Hésites pas si tu veux remanier, pour une fois que c'est pas moi qui me fait griller ;)


Marsh Posté le 22-11-2007 à 22:52:21    

J'ai rien à redire sur ta correction, t'as viré les fautes et t'as même un peu remanié habilement la forme :)


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