Corection devoir anglais

Corection devoir anglais - Aide aux devoirs - Emploi & Etudes

Marsh Posté le 09-11-2008 à 17:59:51    

voila je dois faire une description d'une publicité voila l'image de la publicité en question:
This document is an ad and It was published in 2006. On the bottom-left, I can see Copyright notice next to the copyright side. I can see the website this company: WWW dot SAMUS dot com and the phone number: 800.359.5520. Next to the website.  
This document is an advertisement for desk mount for “vision Mount desk mount”.  
I can see a photo for desk mount in bottom-right. I can see a wire channel.  
The desk mount is made up of 3 parts: At the top, is where you attach your monitor. At the middle, you are wire channel to hide the table and at the bottom, to mount the device.  
On the photo bottom right, I can see the device in action. We can see the device articulating.  
now, I will describe the illustration. I can see a person in front of the monitor cumbersome. The monitor seating on the book because the desk isn’t the right height.  
The person isn’t comfortable, isn’t silting straight. can see a book closed, maybe, The person cannot do both at the sometime. Contrary to the photo in bottom-right , the person much place for working well does not have.  
In the illustration, I can see on the monitor a pastiche notice or it is marked “Check out SAMUS”. I think that the person is sad because it does not have a SAMUS.  
To finish, the samus vision Mount it looks very convents.  


Marsh Posté le 09-11-2008 à 17:59:51   


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