gestion de ram sous win2k

gestion de ram sous win2k - Windows & Software

Marsh Posté le 10-09-2001 à 12:47:02    

sur ce site, il est expliqué comment entrer la valeur de la mémoire en héxa mais il me semble que ces valeurs ne correspondent à rien, qqn aurait-il une idée? [...] memoireRAM
Mais comment ces valeurs ont-elles été calculées?


Marsh Posté le 10-09-2001 à 12:47:02   


Marsh Posté le 10-09-2001 à 13:20:26    

Citation :

IOPageLockLimit -- This is one tweak that you may or may not get anything out of because it has high volume IO file systems in mind. If your computer has a lot of IO traffic it could definitely boost performance substantially. I personally don't recommend you even attempt this tweak unless you have at least 128 MB of RAM, but I will be including 1, 2, and 4 MB registry files for you to play with anyway. Most users will find that they will get significant performance increases with a setting between 8 and 16 MB assuming they have 128 MB of RAM. Systems with even more RAM than that may receive a performance increase with an even higher setting. Windows defaults this setting to 512KB, or 0.5MB.  

In english, sorry...


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