Attention !!! Votre fils peut devenir un hacker ! PTDR !!!!!!!!! - Windows & Software
Marsh Posté le 12-01-2002 à 01:18:33
je l'avais déjà posté tiens... [...] p=1&trash=
Marsh Posté le 12-01-2002 à 01:20:27
If your son has requested a new "processor" from a company called "AMD", this is genuine cause for alarm. AMD is a third-world based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor chips. They use child labor extensively in their third world sweatshops, and they deliberately disable the security features that American processor makers, such as Intel, use to prevent hacking. AMD chips are never sold in stores, and you will most likely be told that you have to order them from internet sites. Do not buy this chip! This is one request that you must refuse your son, if you are to have any hope of raising him well.
c dingue d'écrire des mensonges pareils !!!!!!
Marsh Posté le 12-01-2002 à 01:20:27
antp a écrit a écrit :![]() je l'avais déjà posté tiens... [...] p=1&trash= ![]() |
ha pardon...
Trop fort cet article !!!
Marsh Posté le 12-01-2002 à 01:31:17
bon je pense que la dernière solution est la bonne : clikez sur Soviet computer hacker : C'est forcément un fake cet article, mais je pense qu'il doit y avoir des ricains assez débiles (bon OK, c'est un pléonasme) pour y croire...
Marsh Posté le 12-01-2002 à 01:33:10
C un fake c pas possible autrement
". AMD is a third-world based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor chips"
parce que sinon, il sait pas de quoi il parle, AMD, ca veux dire American Micro Device justement. Hmmm, mouais, il c pas de quoi il parle en fait
Marsh Posté le 12-01-2002 à 01:53:36
Nan, g vgt relu, c obligatoirement un fake c pas possible sinon Assez marrant néanmmoins
Marsh Posté le 12-01-2002 à 02:26:09
"Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. It is a popular meeting place and training ground, where they discuss hacking and train in the use of various firearms."
"BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos"
Vu les titres des messages dans le forum qui suit l'article, y'en a quand meme qui ont du y croire
[edtdd]--Message édité par Gonzoide--[/edtdd]
Marsh Posté le 12-01-2002 à 02:47:50
c un fake
If you read carfully.
This is not serious. its simply a story to catch all you simple minded fools that are too stupid to know what the author is really saying.
We all know that to be a hacker all you need is a modem. havent you see the movies.
I suggest most of you read this story again.
Print it out. If you have a printer, which of course could be used for hacking by any teenager, so be careful. Printers are evil.
Especially Epson. which arent really printers at all. but a sophisticated hacking device.
Then after you all read it a dozen times. do some research on all these hacking programs, you will then see why its a joke. Also this may then help you to see the complexity of the humour in the other 9 items.
I was rereading the the Hacker article and and finding how funny it is when I noticed the names of the people in question. The writer speaks of his wife Carol, his tatletale daugter Cindy and his naughty son Peter. Hmmmm Now where in the world have I heard those names before. For those of you who havent already gussed yep your right its everones favorite hip seventies family the Brady's. I think the 4000 + people who posted flames are the real funny Ignorant people. This even wound up on ZDTV. Pretty funny. My kodos to the Author.
ET OUI L'AUTEUR EST TROP FORT !! impressionnant comme il a déchiré tlm avec son fake !!
en tout cas ceux qui sont "brainless" sont violents :
"As i can see, you're a complete snob; "I have the perfect family". Bitch ass, if i ever saw you, id shove your head up your ass and beat the fuck out of you.
Bonzi buddy being a hacking program? you are the dumbest motherfucker in the world. Bonzi is smoe annoying free program to get your informtaion and sell from some company..and quake? just a 3d shooter you shithead...I am very educatd in computers, and i aint no dumbfuck...god dmanit, i swear, i hope your kids KILL you, for being so snobish and wrong, mom cant even use microsoft word, but she knows what a real hacker is, you shithead. god damnit, fuck need to go back and do research, or you might as well say harry potter is a hacking book, dumbfuck. YO CAGO EN TU LECHE PUTA...."
"I would like to say that I have come to the conclusion that this article is not real.....Nor does it have any real truth in it. I would also like to say that i think it's very funny that some poeple tried to correct this person....then, were very WRONG themselves!! "
"First of all, the names are all from the Brady Bunch: Peter (the son), Carol (the wife), Cindy (the sister). Second of all, even the most dim-witted person knows that meningitis is not a psychological disease. Third of all, the multitude of wrong facts in this article is too much; no single human being (who, by the way, is knowledgeable enough on computers to start this thread) could possibly believe this stuff, or even get anywhere close to references like Linus Torvalds, AMD (
Mirco Devices) and DOS (which is just funny) without coming across some facts. Finally, at the very end, he says "it cannot be taken too seriously", which, if taken in the close-minded context of the article, refers to hacking, but is apparently a tongue-in-cheek reference to the stupidity of the article. This is an excellent satire of the ignorance of mis-informed people and was convincing enough to incite a major flamewar, and some responses from genuine idiots "
alors avant de vous enflammez, réflechissez !
Marsh Posté le 12-01-2002 à 02:50:07
Y'a vraiment des connards pour écrire ça sans rien comprendre :
Marsh Posté le 12-01-2002 à 11:11:04
DarkAngel a écrit a écrit : AMD, ca veux dire American Micro Device justement. Hmmm, mouais, il c pas de quoi il parle en fait |
nan ça veut dire Advanced Micro Deviced
Marsh Posté le 12-01-2002 à 11:50:34
c'est une compagnie américaine probablement, je n'ai jamais dit le contraire... je disais juste que le nom c'était pas ça surtout pour DarkAngel qui disait "il sait pas de quoi il parle"
Marsh Posté le 12-01-2002 à 19:10:12
mai cai portnawak ct article
le type ki a écrit ça a du fumer un arbre !
Marsh Posté le 12-01-2002 à 19:14:06
6- trolleur facétieux salarié de Intel
Marsh Posté le 12-01-2002 à 01:11:37 [...] 42056/2147
Heu ce type est au choix :
1- bargeot
2- nazi
3- salarié de Intel ou de MS
4- a recopié un article sur le net qu'il vient juste de découvrir
5- un trolleur facétieux
En tout cas j'ai été écroulé de rire !!!!!!
Faites gaffe aux mecs qui ont des AMD