Problème X / Xgl - Installation - Linux et OS Alternatifs
Marsh Posté le 22-02-2006 à 09:47:16
apprendre à lire les tutos sur le net qui disent "ça va couper chérie !"
Marsh Posté le 22-02-2006 à 11:30:16
bon ok ça va j'ai compris!!!
ça ne sert à rien de me dire : "on t'avait prévenu", "c'est instable", "c'est écrit que ça peut foirer", etc.... j'ai déja eu cette réponse maintes fois...
j'aimerais qu'on me dise s'il y a une solution pour purger un serveur X et le réinstaller...
Merci d'avance
Marsh Posté le 22-02-2006 à 11:31:49
y'a la procédure, cf le topic ubuntu pour le lien
Marsh Posté le 22-02-2006 à 11:49:54
Je t'ai déjà répondu. Tu fais un apt-get remove xserver-xorg gdm xserver-xgl. TU NE VAS PAS JUSQU'AU BOUT. Tu regardes ce qu'il veut virer et tu les vires avec apt-get remove (histoire que ça n'efface pas tes préférences).
A ce moment là, tu fais un apt-get remove --purge xserver-xorg gdm xserver-xgl qui va te virer les préférences (que tu as modifiées) pour ces programmes.
Et puis tu réinstalles le tout.
Enfin le plus simple serait que tu donnes tes gdm.conf et gdm.conf-custom parce que ça doit pas être très compliqué à résoudre.
Marsh Posté le 22-02-2006 à 13:45:29
black_lord a écrit : y'a la procédure, cf le topic ubuntu pour le lien |
chez moi : CA NE FONCTIONNE PAS la procédure de retour!!!
Je suis pas débile, si je demande de l'aide sur un point précis : désinstaller purger réinstaller, c'est que le reste ne fonctionne pas!
Marsh Posté le 22-02-2006 à 13:46:16
Goon a écrit : Je t'ai déjà répondu. Tu fais un apt-get remove xserver-xorg gdm xserver-xgl. TU NE VAS PAS JUSQU'AU BOUT. Tu regardes ce qu'il veut virer et tu les vires avec apt-get remove (histoire que ça n'efface pas tes préférences). |
Ben ouais mais c'était pas concluant... Je réessaie et reviens surtout avec mes fichiers gdm.conf et gdm.conf-custom
Marsh Posté le 22-02-2006 à 14:09:57
Voici mes fichiers :
# GDM Configuration file.
# You should not update this file by hand. Since GDM, configuration
# choices in the gdm.conf-custom file will override the default values
# specified in this file. This file may be overwritten on upgrade, so to
# ensure that your configuration choices are not lost, please make sure that
# your modifications are only made to the gdm.conf-custom file. If you were
# using a previous version of GDM and had made changes to your gdm.conf file,
# this file should have been automatically renamed as gdm.conf-custom to ensure
# that your previous modifications are preserved.
# You can use the gdmsetup program to graphically edit the gdm.conf-custom
# file. Note that gdmsetup does not support every option in this file, just
# the ones that most users want to change. If you feel that gdmsetup should
# support additional configuratio options, please file a bug report at
# If you hand-edit the GDM configuration, you should run the following command
# to get the GDM daemon to recognize the change. Any running GDM GUI programs
# will also be notified to update with the new configuration.
# gdmflexiserver --command="UPDATE_CONFIG <configuration key>"
# For example, the "Enable" key in the "[debug]" section would be specified by
# "debug/Enable".
# You can also run gdm-restart or gdm-safe-restart to cause GDM to restart and
# re-read the new configuration settings. You can also restart GDM by sending
# a HUP or USR1 signal to the daemon. HUP behaves like gdm-restart and causes
# any user session started by GDM to exit immediately while USR1 behaves like
# gdm-safe-restart and will wait until all users log out before restarting GDM.
# For full reference documentation see the GNOME help browser under
# GNOME|System category. You can also find the docs in HTML form on
# NOTE: Some values are commented out but show their default values. Lines
# that begin with "#" are considered comments.
# Have fun!
# Automatic login, if true the first local screen will automatically logged in
# as user as set with AutomaticLogin key.
# Timed login, useful for kiosks. Log in a certain user after a certain amount
# of time.
# The GDM configuration program that is run from the login screen, you should
# probably leave this alone.
#Configurator=/usr/sbin/gdmsetup --disable-sound --disable-crash-dialog
# The chooser program. Must output the chosen host on stdout, probably you
# should leave this alone.
# The greeter for local (non-xdmcp) logins. Change gdmlogin to gdmgreeter to
# get the new graphical greeter.
# The greeter for xdmcp logins, usually you want a less graphically intensive
# greeter here so it's better to leave this with gdmlogin
# Launch the greeter with an additional list of colon separated GTK+ modules.
# This is useful for enabling additional feature support e.g. GNOME
# accessibility framework. Only "trusted" modules should be allowed to minimize
# security holes
# By default, these are the accessibility modules.
# Default path to set. The profile scripts will likely override this value.
# This value will be overridden with the value from /etc/default/login if it
# contains "ROOT=<pathvalue>".
# Default path for root. The profile scripts will likely override this value.
# This value will be overridden with the value from /etc/default/login if it
# contains "SUROOT=<pathvalue>".
# If you are having trouble with using a single server for a long time and want
# GDM to kill/restart the server, turn this on. On Solaris, this value is
# always true and this configuration setting is ignored.
# User and group used for running GDM GUI applicaitons. By default this is set
# to user "gdm" and group "gdm". This user/group should have very limited
# permissions and access to ony the gdm directories and files.
# To try to kill all clients started at greeter time or in the Init script.
# does not always work, only if those clients have a window of their own.
# You should probably never change this value unless you have a weird setup.
# Note that a post login script is run before a PreSession script. It is run
# after the login is successful and before any setup is run on behalf of the
# user.
# Distributions: If you have some script that runs an X server in say VGA
# mode, allowing a login, could you please send it to me?
# if X keeps crashing on us we run this script. The default one does a bunch
# of cool stuff to figure out what to tell the user and such and can run an X
# configuration program.
# Reboot, Halt and suspend commands, you can add different commands separated
# by a semicolon. GDM will use the first one it can find.
RebootCommand=/sbin/shutdown -r now "Rebooted from gdm menu."
HaltCommand=/sbin/shutdown -h now "Halted from gdm menu."
SuspendCommand=/usr/sbin/pmi action sleep
HibernateCommand=/usr/sbin/pmi action hibernate
# Probably should not touch the below this is the standard setup.
# This is our standard startup script. A bit different from a normal X
# session, but it shares a lot of stuff with that. See the provided default
# for more information.
# This is a directory where .desktop files describing the sessions live. It is
# really a PATH style variable since to allow actual interoperability
# with KDM. Note that <sysconfdir>/dm/Sessions is there for backwards
# compatibility reasons with 2.4.4.x.
# This is the default .desktop session. One of the ones in SessionDesktopDir
# Better leave this blank and HOME will be used. You can use syntax ~/ below
# to indicate home directory of the user. You can also set this to something
# like /tmp if you don't want the authorizations to be in home directories.
# This is useful if you have NFS mounted home directories. Note that if this
# is the home directory the UserAuthFBDir will still be used in case the home
# directory is NFS, see security/NeverPlaceCookiesOnNFS to override this
# behavior.
# Fallback directory for writing authorization file if user's home directory
# is not writable.
# The X server to use if we can't figure out what else to run.
# The maximum number of flexible X servers to run.
# And after how many minutes should we reap the flexible server if there is no
# activity and no one logged on. Set to 0 to turn off the reaping. Does not
# affect Xnest flexiservers.
# The X nest command.
Xnest=/usr/bin/Xnest -br -br -audit 0 -name Xnest
# Automatic VT allocation. Right now only works on Linux. This way we force
# X to use specific vts. turn VTAllocation to false if this is causing
# problems.
# Should double login be treated with a warning (and possibility to change VT's
# on Linux and FreeBSD systems for console logins)
# Should a second login always resume the current session and switch VT's on
# Linux and FreeBSD systems for console logins
# If true then the last login information is printed to the user before being
# prompted for password. While this gives away some info on what users are on
# a system, it on the other hand should give the user an idea of when they
# logged in and if it doesn't seem kosher to them, they can just abort the
# login and contact the sysadmin (avoids running malicious startup scripts).
# Program used to play sounds. Should not require any 'daemon' or anything
# like that as it will be run when no one is logged in yet.
# These are the languages that the console cannot handle because of font
# issues. Here we mean the text console, not X. This is only used when there
# are errors to report and we cannot start X.
# This is the default:
# This determines whether GDM will honor requests DYNAMIC requests from the
# gdmdynamic command.
# This determines whether GDM will send notifications to the console.
# Allow root to login. It makes sense to turn this off for kiosk use, when
# you want to minimize the possibility of break in.
# Allow login as root via XDMCP. This value will be overridden and set to
# false if the /etc/default/login file exists and contains
# "CONSOLE=/dev/login", and set to true if the /etc/default/login file exists
# and contains any other value or no value for CONSOLE.
# This will allow remote timed login.
# 0 is the most restrictive, 1 allows group write permissions, 2 allows all
# write permissions.
# Check if directories are owned by logon user. Set to false, if you have, for
# example, home directories owned by some other user.
# Number of seconds to wait after a bad login
# Maximum size of a file we wish to read. This makes it hard for a user to DoS
# us by using a large file.
# If true this will basically append -nolisten tcp to every X command line, a
# good default to have (why is this a "negative" setting? because if it is
# false, you could still not allow it by setting command line of any particular
# server). It's probably better to ship with this on since most users will not
# need this and it's more of a security risk then anything else.
# Note: Anytime we find a -query or -indirect on the command line we do not add
# a "-nolisten tcp", as then the query just wouldn't work, so this setting only
# affects truly local sessions.
# By default never place cookies if we "detect" NFS. We detect NFS by
# detecting "root-squashing". It seems bad practice to place cookies on things
# that go over the network by default and thus we do not do it by default.
# Sometimes you can however use safe remote filesystems where this is OK and
# you may want to have the cookie in your home directory.
# Will cause PAM_DISALLOW_NULL_AUTHTOK to be passed as a flag to
# pam_authenticate and pam_acct_mgmt, disallowing NULL password. This setting
# will only take effect if PAM is being used by GDM. This value will be
# overridden with the value from /etc/default/login if it contains
# XDMCP is the protocol that allows remote login. If you want to log into GDM
# remotely (I'd never turn this on on open network, use ssh for such remote
# usage that). You can then run X with -query <thishost> to log in, or
# -indirect <thishost> to run a chooser. Look for the 'Terminal' server type
# at the bottom of this config file.
# Distributions: Ship with this off. It is never a safe thing to leave out on
# the net. Setting up /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny to only allow local
# access is another alternative but not the safest. Firewalling port 177 is
# the safest if you wish to have xdmcp on. Read the manual for more notes on
# the security of XDMCP.
# Honor indirect queries, we run a chooser for these, and then redirect the
# user to the chosen host. Otherwise we just log the user in locally.
# Maximum pending requests.
# Maximum open XDMCP sessions at any point in time.
# Maximum wait times.
# How many times can a person log in from a single host. Usually better to
# keep low to fend off DoS attacks by running many logins from a single host.
# This is now set at 2 since if the server crashes then GDM doesn't know for
# some time and wouldn't allow another session.
# The number of seconds after which a non-responsive session is logged off.
# Better keep this low.
# The port. 177 is the standard port so better keep it that way.
# Willing script, none is shipped and by default we'll send hostname system id.
# But if you supply something here, the output of this script will be sent as
# status of this host so that the chooser can display it. You could for
# example send load, or mail details for some user, or some such.
# The specific gtkrc file we use. It should be the full path to the gtkrc that
# we need. Unless you need a specific gtkrc that doesn't correspond to a
# specific theme, then just use the GtkTheme key.
# The GTK+ theme to use for the GUI.
# If to allow changing the GTK+ (widget) theme from the greeter. Currently
# this only affects the standard greeter as the graphical greeter does not yet
# have this ability.
# Comma separated list of themes to allow. These must be the names of the
# themes installed in the standard locations for gtk themes. You can also
# specify 'all' to allow all installed themes. These should be just the
# basenames of the themes such as 'Thinice' or 'LowContrast'.
# Maximum size of an icon, larger icons are scaled down.
# The following options for setting titlebar and setting window position are
# only useful for the standard login (gdmlogin) and are not used by the
# themed login (gdmgreeter).
# The standard login has a title bar that the user can move.
# Don't allow user to move the standard login window. Only makes sense if
# TitleBar is on.
# Set a position for the standard login window rather then just centering the
# window. If you enter negative values for the position it is taken as an
# offset from the right or bottom edge.
# Enable the Face browser. Note that the Browser key is only used by the
# standard login (gdmlogin) program. The Face Browser is enabled in
# the Graphical greeter by selecting a theme that includes the Face
# Browser, such as happygnome-list. The other configuration values that
# affect the Face Browser (MinimalUID, DefaultFace, Include, Exclude,
# IncludeAll, GlobalFaceDir) are used by both the Standard and Themed
# greeter.
# The default picture in the browser.
# User ID's less than the MinimalUID value will not be included in the face
# browser or in the gdmselection list for Automatic/Timed login. They will not
# be displayed regardless of the settings for Include and Exclude.
# Users listed in Include will be included in the face browser and in the
# gdmsetup selection list for Automatic/Timed login. Users should be separated
# by commas.
# Users listed in Exclude are excluded from the face browser and from the
# gdmsetup selection list for Automatic/Timed login. Excluded users will still
# be able to log in, but will have to type their username. Users should be
# separated by commas.
# By default, an empty include list means display no users. By setting
# IncludeAll to true, the password file will be scanned and all users will be
# displayed except users excluded via the Exclude setting and user ID's less
# than MinimalUID. Scanning the password file can be slow on systems with
# large numbers of users and this feature should not be used in such
# environments. The setting of IncludeAll does nothing if Include is set to a
# non-empty value.
# If user or user.png exists in this dir it will be used as his picture.
# File which contains the locale we show to the user. Likely you want to use
# the one shipped with GDM and edit it. It is not a standard locale.alias
# file, although GDM will be able to read a standard locale.alias file as well.
# Logo shown in the standard greeter.
# Logo shown on file chooser button in gdmsetup (do not modify this value).
# The standard greeter should shake if a user entered the wrong username or
# password. Kind of cool looking
# The Actions menu (formerly system menu) is shown in the greeter, this is the
# menu that contains reboot, shutdown, suspend, config and chooser. None of
# these is available if this is off. They can be turned off individually
# however.
# Configuration is available from the system menu of the greeter.
# Should the chooser button be shown. If this is shown, GDM can drop into
# chooser mode which will run the xdmcp chooser locally and allow the user to
# connect to some remote host. Local XDMCP does not need to be enabled,
# however.
# Welcome is for all console logins and RemoteWelcome is for remote logins
# (through XDMCP).
# DefaultWelcome and DefaultRemoteWelcome set the string for Welcome to
# "Welcome" and for DefaultWelcome to "Welcome to %n", and properly translate
# the message to the appropriate language. Note that %n gets translated to the
# hostname of the machine. These default values can be overridden by setting
# DefaultWelcome and/or DefaultRemoteWelcome to false, and setting the Welcome
# and DefaultWelcome values as desired. Just make sure the strings are in
# utf-8 Note to distributors, if you wish to have a different Welcome string
# and wish to have this translated you can have entries such as
# "Welcome[cs]=Vitejte na %n".
#RemoteWelcome=Welcome to %n
# Xinerama screen we use to display the greeter on. Not for true multihead,
# currently only works for Xinerama.
# Background settings for the standard greeter:
# Type can be 0=None, 1=Image & Color, 2=Color, 3=Image
# The Standard greeter (gdmlogin) uses BackgroundColor as the background
# color, while the themed greeter (gdmgreeter) uses GraphicalThemedColor
# as the background color.
# XDMCP session should only get a color, this is the sanest setting since you
# don't want to take up too much bandwidth
# Program to run to draw the background in the standard greeter. Perhaps
# something like an xscreensaver hack or some such.
# if this is true then the background program is run always, otherwise it is
# only run when the BackgroundType is 0 (None).
# Show the Failsafe sessions. These are much MUCH nicer (focus for xterm for
# example) and more failsafe then those supplied by scripts so distros should
# use this rather then just running an xterm from a script.
# Normally there is a session type called 'Last' that is shown which refers to
# the last session the user used. If off, we will be in 'switchdesk' mode
# where the session saving stuff is disabled in GDM
# Always use 24 hour clock no matter what the locale.
# Use circles in the password field. Looks kind of cool actually, but only
# works with certain fonts.
# Do not show any visible feedback in the password field. This is standard for
# instance in console, xdm and ssh.
# These two keys are for the themed greeter (gdmgreeter). Circles is the
# standard shipped theme. If you want GDM to select a random theme from a
# list then provide a list that is delimited by /: to the GraphicalThemes
# key and set GraphicalThemeRand to true. Otherwise use GraphicalTheme
# and specify just one theme.
# If InfoMsgFile points to a file, the greeter will display the contents of the
# file in a modal dialog box before the user is allowed to log in.
# If InfoMsgFile is present then InfoMsgFont can be used to specify the font to
# be used when displaying the contents of the file.
#InfoMsgFont=Sans 24
# If SoundOnLogin is true, then the greeter will beep when login is ready for
# user input. If SoundOnLogin is a file and the greeter finds the 'play'
# executable (see daemon/SoundProgram) it will play that file instead of just
# beeping.
# If SoundOnLoginSuccess, then the greeter will play a sound (as above) when a
# user successfully logs in.
# If SoundOnLoginFailure, then the greeter will play a sound (as above) when a
# user fails to log in.
# Specifies a program to be called by the greeter/login program when the
# initial screen is displayed. The purpose is to provide a hook where files
# used after login can be preloaded to speed performance for the user. The
# program will only be called once only, the first time a greeter is displayed.
# The gdmprefetch command may be used. This utility will load any libraries
# passed in on the command line, or if the argument starts with a "@"
# character, it will process the file assuming it is an ASCII file containing a
# list of libraries, one per line, and load each library in the file.
PreFetchProgram=/usr/lib/gdmprefetch @/etc/gdm/gdmprefetchlist
# The chooser is what's displayed when a user wants an indirect XDMCP session,
# or selects Run XDMCP chooser from the system menu
# Default image for hosts.
# Directory with host images, they are named by the hosts: host or host.png.
# Time we scan for hosts (well only the time we tell the user we are scanning
# actually, we continue to listen even after this has expired).
# A comma separated lists of hosts to automatically add (if they answer to a
# query of course). You can use this to reach hosts that broadcast cannot
# reach.
# Broadcast a query to get all hosts on the current network that answer.
# Set it to true if you want to send a multicast query to hosts.
# It is an IPv6 multicast address.It is hardcoded here and will be replaced
# when officially registered xdmcp multicast address of TBD will be available.
# Allow adding random hosts to the list by typing in their names.
# This will cause GDM to send debugging information to the system log, which
# will create a LOT of output. It is not recommended to turn this on for
# normal use, but it can be useful to determine the cause when GDM is not
# working properly.
# This will enable debug messages for accessibilty gesture listeners into the
# syslog. This includes output about key events, mouse button events, and
# pointer motion events. This is useful for figuring out the cause of why the
# gesture listeners may not be working, but is too verbose for general debug.
# These are the standard servers. You can add as many you want here and they
# will always be started. Each line must start with a unique number and that
# will be the display number of that server. Usually just the 0 server is
# used.
# Note the VTAllocation and FirstVT keys on Linux and FreeBSD. Don't add any
# vt<number> arguments if VTAllocation is on, and set FirstVT to be the first
# vt available that your gettys don't grab (gettys are usually dumb and grab
# even a vt that has already been taken). Using 7 will work pretty much for
# all Linux distributions. VTAllocation is not currently implemented on
# anything but Linux and FreeBSD. Feel free to send patches. X servers will
# just not get any extra arguments then.
# If you want to run an X terminal you could add an X server such as this:
#0=Terminal -query serverhostname
# or for a chooser (optionally serverhostname could be localhost):
#0=Terminal -indirect serverhostname
# If you wish to run the XDMCP chooser on the local display use the following
# line
## Note:
# is your X server not listening to TCP requests? Perhaps you should look at
# the security/DisallowTCP setting!
# Definition of the standard X server.
name=Standard server
command=/usr/bin/X -br -audit 0
# Indicates that the X server should be started at a different process
# priority. Values can be any integer value accepted by the setpriority C
# library function (normally between -20 and 20) with 0 being the default. For
# highly interactive applications, -5 yields good responsiveness. The default
# value is 0 and the setpriority function is not called if the value is 0.
# To use this server type you should add -query host or -indirect host to the
# command line.
name=Terminal server
# Add -terminate to make things behave more nicely
command=/usr/bin/X -br -audit 0 -terminate
# Make this not appear in the flexible servers (we need extra params anyway,
# and terminate would be bad for xdmcp choosing). You can make a terminal
# server flexible, but not with an indirect query. If you need flexible
# indirect query server, then you must get rid of the -terminate and the only
# way to kill the flexible server will then be by Ctrl-Alt-Backspace.
# Not local, we do not handle the logins for this X server.
# To use this server type you should add -query host or -indirect host to the
# command line.
name=Chooser server
command=/usr/bin/X -br -audit 0
# Make this not appear in the flexible servers for now, but if you wish to
# allow a chooser server then make this true. This is the only way to make a
# flexible chooser server that behaves nicely.
# Run the chooser instead of the greeter. When the user chooses a machine they
# will get this same server but run with "-terminate -query hostname".
Et mon fichier gdm.conf-custom :
# GDM Configuration Customization file.
# This file is the appropriate place for specifying your customizations to the
# GDM configuration. If you run gdmsetup, it will automatically edit this
# file for you and will cause the daemon and any running GDM GUI programs to
# automatically update with the new configuration. Not all configuration
# options are supported by gdmsetup, so to modify some values it may be
# necessary to modify this file directly by hand.
# To hand-edit this file, simply add or modify the key=value combination in
# the appropriate section in the template below. Refer to the comments in the
# gdm.conf file for information about each option. Also refer to the reference
# documentation.
# If you hand edit a GDM configuration file, you should run the following
# command to get the GDM daemon to notice the change. Any running GDM GUI
# programs will also be notified to update with the new configuration.
# gdmflexiserver --command="UPDATE_CONFIG <configuration key>"
# For example, the "Enable" key in the "[debug]" section would be specified by
# "debug/Enable".
# You can also run gdm-restart or gdm-safe-restart to cause GDM to restart and
# re-read the new configuration settings. You can also restart GDM by sending
# a HUP or USR1 signal to the daemon. HUP behaves like gdm-restart and causes
# any user session started by GDM to exit immediately while USR1 behaves like
# gdm-safe-restart and will wait until all users log out before restarting GDM.
# For full reference documentation see the gnome help browser under
# GNOME|System category. You can also find the docs in HTML form on
# NOTE: Lines that begin with "#" are considered comments.
# Have fun!
Marsh Posté le 22-02-2006 à 18:16:09
J'ai d'abord :
GDM : Xserver not found : /usr/bin/X :0 -br -audit 0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -nolisten tcp vt7
Error : Command could not be executed!
Please install the X server or correct GDM configuration and restart GDM.
Puis :
The X server is now disabled. Restart GDM when it is configure correctly.
Marsh Posté le 22-02-2006 à 18:16:38
Et sinon, si je fais un rescue a broken system avec un cd de la dapper ça fonctionne??
Marsh Posté le 22-02-2006 à 18:29:32
En root, si tu fais X ça te donne quoi ?
Ton serveur X est bien installé ?
Marsh Posté le 22-02-2006 à 18:37:36
ca fait rien du tout...
bon je n'ai pas de réseau sous Dapper mais j'ai le cd de la Flight4 si ca peut aider...?
Marsh Posté le 22-02-2006 à 19:02:38
ben là ça foire...
genre :
xauth : creating new authority file /root/.serverauth.5187
/etc/X11/init/xserverrc : line2 : /usr/bin/X11/X:No such file or directory
/etc/X11/init/xserverrc : line2 : exec : /usr/bin/X11/X : cannot execute : No such file or directory
X11TransSocketINETConnect() can't et adress for localhost : 6000 : temporary failure in name resolution
giving up
xinit : invalid argument (errno22) : uable to connect to X server
xinit : no such process (errno3) server error
Marsh Posté le 22-02-2006 à 19:11:51
ben faudrait peut être installer le serveur X .... ( xorg-server et tutti quanti )
Marsh Posté le 22-02-2006 à 23:40:14
ReplyMarsh Posté le 23-02-2006 à 14:00:12
Goon a écrit : ouais, t'as pas de serveur X installé |
C'est pas plutot:
apt-get install xserver-xorg
Marsh Posté le 23-02-2006 à 15:43:25
Ben x-window-system-core est un meta paquet qui contient xserver-xorg mais aussi les polices, etc.
Marsh Posté le 24-02-2006 à 20:33:05
Merci pour tout Goon!!!
Je suis de retour depuis mon Linux favori... ;-)
Merci encore de ta patience et de ta compétence!
Marsh Posté le 24-02-2006 à 22:41:14
Faut juste prendre les trucs tranquillement avec ordre et méthode Content d'avoir pu t'aider. Pense à cet épisode dans quelques années quand t'auras un newbie qu'aura tout pété comme un gros goret et qu'il s'agira de l'aider
Moi aussi j'ai appris en cassant des trucs, ce qui est bien c'est que sous Linux souvent tu peux réparer, t'as pas à appeler ton marabout personnel en priant.
Marsh Posté le 27-02-2006 à 11:18:53
Attends si tu veux j'ai d'autre soucis hein.. mais je vais faire un autre post...
Marsh Posté le 21-02-2006 à 22:52:20
, j'ai suivi la méthode que voilà :
, mais en suivant la méthode de retour en arrière : RIEN A FAIRE...
Bon j'ai déja posé mon problème dans des topics non spécialement sur ce sujet mais je créé finalement le mien.
Je vous explique le topo :
J'ai la Dapper (à jour de ce matin).
Mon PC : Medion 42200, ma carte Video : ATI 9600/9700
Ce matin j'ai voulu installer Xgl
Bon ca a planté
Maintenant je n'ai plus rien qui fonctionne en serveur X
D'où ma question :
Comment puis-je totalement nettoyé ma Dapper concernant les serveurs X et Xgl puis les réinstaller proprement comme ils sont par défaut dans la Dapper?
Merci d'avance,