Bizarre - Débats - Linux et OS Alternatifs
Marsh Posté le 21-09-2002 à 17:13:16
C'est parceque tu tapes très vite
Marsh Posté le 21-09-2002 à 17:13:59
non ... toute façon linux ça sux, y-a plein de problèmes inexplicables et impossible à régler !
toute façon c'est simple, faut croiser les doigt pour que ça marche quand tu installes qq'chose
Marsh Posté le 21-09-2002 à 17:17:45
On est pas vendredi en plus c vraiment bizarre pas d'explication scientifique a la chose
Marsh Posté le 21-09-2002 à 17:19:00
C'est pareil sous windows 2000 en tout cas.
Marsh Posté le 21-09-2002 à 17:21:20
ben c'est mozilla qui merde alors
toute façon c'est un logiciel non commercial et qui ne respecte donc pas de charte de qualié ... ça merde toujours un logiciel libre, y-a pas de secret ... de toute façon les 3/4 sont encore en version béta ...
Marsh Posté le 21-09-2002 à 19:00:51
n'importe koa ici
Marsh Posté le 21-09-2002 à 19:47:59
djoh a écrit a écrit : ben c'est mozilla qui merde alors toute façon c'est un logiciel non commercial et qui ne respecte donc pas de charte de qualié ... ça merde toujours un logiciel libre, y-a pas de secret ... de toute façon les 3/4 sont encore en version béta ... ![]() |
T'es possede ??? Ils ont du faire appel à des vodoos chez Grosoft...
Marsh Posté le 22-09-2002 à 17:04:29
non, c'était une crise passagère au sujet des nombreux problème que ne trouve pas de solutions ici, et surtout, je suis très sceptique en ce qui concerne la futur mandrake :
j'ai fait un tour sur irc avant-hier et on m'a fait comprends que mandrake avait des contraintes, notamment pour les dates de pressions des cd, et qu'il fallait que la final soit prête pour cette échéance ... qu'elle soit stable ou pas
quand je vois tout les pb qui circulent sur la mailing list, et qui fleurissent, même depuis la rc3, je me dis qu'ils font une grosse connerie là. Ces problèmes concernent notamment des bug majeur, influent directement sur la possibilité même d'installer la mandrake, ou du moins, son utilisation : pb pour détecter certaine souris autre que ps/2, détection de cartes son/graphique (les ati notamment), même les cartes rezo basé sur des chip connu se mettent à déconner (realtek 8139, mii ...). De plus, on pourrait penser que ces problèmes ne sont pas lié à la mandrake 9.0, mais il semblerait que certain de ces pb n'avait pas lieu sur les version précédente (8.X) : il serait apparu avec les beta/rc de la 9.0.
enfin, certaine personne se font accuser de publier trop tard leur bug : un mec, par exemple, la posté une trentaine d'heure je crois après la sortie de la rc2 semble que son pb ne sera pas régler dans la finale alors qu'il y a eu une rc3 entre temps ... pour ma part ce n'est pas lui qui a publier le bug trop tard, mais la mandrake qui sort trop tot ...
pour achever de m'inquiéter sur la stabilité de la mandrake, le nombre de bug publier pour la rc3 est impressionnant, même si bcp sont mineur, ou spécifique à tel matériel ou utilisation. or ils n'ont eu que 3 jour pour les corriger : INFAISABLE
bref, le mieux sera de l'essayer, la rc3 marchent très bien chez bcp de monde, mais si elles déconnent chez moi, elle fera qu'un aller-retour et je serai pas près d'en remettre une
pour patienter, un passage intéressant de la mailing list:
SI Reasoning a écrit a écrit : I had thought the original target was the 15th, but regardless, my report was approximately 31 hours after rc2 iso's were on the mirrors. I think that's a respectable interval to get the iso's downloaded, install the distro, discover the problem, search for prior similar reports, and finally report the problem. |
Ben Reser a écrit a écrit : Maybe if it was new bug in RC2. But you said in your initial bug report that it was observed in the earlier betas. Report bugs when you find them not at the last minute. If you see it in a beta report it in a beta. Waiting till an RC is up is a guaranteed way to ensure that there won't be enough time to meet the schedule and resolve your issue. |
SI Reasoning a écrit a écrit : I've said this before... but I'll say it again... Rushing a release to meet a schedule, instead of releasing when fully stable, ends up hurting the distro in the long run. With Redhat, Sun, Lindows, Xandros and a host of others now focusing on the desktop (of which Mandrake has been the leader until now) means that extra scrutiny will be placed on this release. If things don't work out of the box, many people will wipe it and try Redhat, etc. The tolerance for outstanding bugs will be much lower for a while. Since Mandrake plans on this being the last of the 6 month release schedule, I think getting it just right before release becomes even more important. |
SI Reasoning a écrit a écrit : I am in the middle of a benefit so I have not participated in the development process this time. But my brother (a very loud microsoft proponent) has tried it out. He actually was very impressed but ran into two problems that I heard about, one dealing with the nvidea driver and the other was the mouse lockup problem. I don't have enough info to help debug it, but it appears that I have seen similar issues reported. For what it is worth, he runs a Dell Inspiron 8100 laptop. For people like him, if this was the release, he would install it, run into a problem with a basic issue, and lose interest (this has been the history as he has installed every new version of Mandrake). These are the people who will need to convert. He is open, but Mandrake has lost out because of the little things. When the little details are handled, we are there. Ben Reser ( wrote*: > >On Sat, Sep 21, 2002 at 08:36:40PM +0000, SI Reasoning wrote: >> I've said this before... but I'll say it again... >> Rushing a release to meet a schedule, instead of releasing when fully stable, ends >> up hurting the distro in the long run. With Redhat, Sun, Lindows, Xandros and a host >> of others now focusing on the desktop (of which Mandrake has been the leader until >> now) means that extra scrutiny will be placed on this release. If things don't work >> out of the box, many people will wipe it and try Redhat, etc. The tolerance for >> outstanding bugs will be much lower for a while. Since Mandrake plans on this being >> the last of the 6 month release schedule, I think getting it just right before >> release becomes even more important. > >At some point in time you have to call it done. 9.0 seems to me to be >the most polished Mandrake release ever. Everyone else is playing catch >up. And they are all using the same software. So if Mandrake has an >issue with this guy's mouse everyone else is likely too. Without >instructions on how to replicate his issue or an error showing why the >kernel doesn't think that device is present on his system it will be >very difficult to fix. > >All bugs are fixable with limitless time and money. Most bugs are not >fixable with the time, money and information available. This is a >reality of software development for end users. Especially when doing >software development for a wide variety of hardware that you can't >possibly have access to all of it. > >This is especially true for bugs related to specific hardware (as his >seems to be since nobody else seems to be reporting the same bug). >Unlike the Windows world where the hardware manufacturers provide their >hardware to Microsoft to do verification that it works right. The Linux >world doesn't have that. Instead users have to put a degree of effort >into figuring out why their hardware isn't working. > >And this is certainly not a different situation for any of the other >Linux distributors. > > >Never take no as an answer from someone who isn't authorized to say yes. |
Ben Reser a écrit a écrit : Well it sounds to me that basically your brother is expecting as good of hardware support for Linux as for Windows. And unfortunately that just isn't going to happen right now. As long as hardware manufacturers refuse to take the Linux market seriously and don't provide high quality drivers for their hardware this is going to be an issue. |
SI Reasoning a écrit a écrit : This is the internal mouse for the laptop that he had lock up on him. No problems with it in 8.2. Most of the little things are just that. The fine tuning that a few additional weeks would bring, but it makes all of the difference in usability. Personally, I would consider it ready when cooker gets boring for lack of activity. :-} |
SI Reasoning a écrit (à un autre message lui disant de mettre une debian s'il voulait la stabilité absolue et éprouvée) a écrit : I have heard this argument before but don't buy it. I am not talking about waiting years here... Just taking the time to release the product when it is ready instead of forcing a deadline. Mandrake 8.2 was released despite a known serious issue with smb with the kernel. That was something that definately should have been fixed before release. This is not to say you don't aim for a deadline, but even Microsoft will fearlessly delay release, often for months. |
Ben Reser a écrit a écrit : Start paying attention. 9.0 was supposed to be released last week. It got pushed back a week to fix an issue. But you're arguing that we should delay it so we can fix some guys error where the kernel doesn't think he has a PS/2 mouse port and nobody else has seen this issue. For all we know fixing his issue will break something for a huge group of people. Sometimes fixing things for one thing will break things for other people. Take for instance the machines that don't turn themselves off. Apparently this has something to do with the Mandrake kernel not having ACPI support in it. But if we enable ACPI support then other people will have even worse problems. Face it. There will be bugs and there will be tradeoffs. Mandrake does the best that they can. |
SI Reasoning a écrit a écrit : I was not speaking specifically about this problem. I am also speaking out of frustration during my participation with 8.2. I tried my best to work through some issues with the developers, and did get one of the problems resolved, but as a whole, I felt like 8.2 was getting very close to being a very solid product, only a week or so away when it was released. I have not been a part of the process this time so I really don't know the ends and outs. But I started to hear some similar complaints. The best comparison I can come up with would be how I made the switch from a B sometimes C student (this is a while back mind you...) to making a 4.0. I did not put in that much more work. It really came down to the fact of giving myself an extra week or so to review the work a few times from a fresh perspective. The little changes and adjustments I made, were the difference in a letter grade or so. What I am getting at is.... after getting past the show stopper bugs, if Mandrake will continue just a bit more to get through the annoying or smaller issues, it may help Mandrake to take that next big step to becoming the standard linux desktop and market leader. I wouldn't be pushing here if I didn't believe that Mandrake has the best vision and it has been my favorite distro for quite a while. I would just like to see a fully polished product out, it seems the last one was so close..... |
Marsh Posté le 21-09-2002 à 17:08:21
C normal que quand je tape un message sous mozilla sur hfr mon occupation cpu monte a 25%?