bind et sécurité

bind et sécurité - Codes et scripts - Linux et OS Alternatifs

Marsh Posté le 16-07-2002 à 18:34:57    

Dans le passages des lignes concernant le lancement de bind dans mes logs j'obtient celle ci et je ne sais pas a koi elle correspond  
Car franchement ca m'inquiete un peu
Jul 16 17:59:01 cariboux named[778]: Forwarding source address is [].53


Marsh Posté le 16-07-2002 à 18:34:57   


Marsh Posté le 16-07-2002 à 19:31:21    

Kermit a écrit a écrit :

Dans le passages des lignes concernant le lancement de bind dans mes logs j'obtient celle ci et je ne sais pas a koi elle correspond  
Car franchement ca m'inquiete un peu
Jul 16 17:59:01 cariboux named[778]: Forwarding source address is [].53

ben si tu pouvais donne plus d info, comme ton named.conf par exemple
pk la comme ca, c vrai que cette ligne veut pas dire grand chose


Marsh Posté le 16-07-2002 à 19:48:16    

Le passage complet :

Code :
  1. Jul 16 18:30:40 cariboux named[949]: hint zone "" (IN) loaded (serial 0)
  2. Jul 16 18:30:40 cariboux named[949]: master zone "localhost" (IN) loaded (serial 1)
  3. Jul 16 18:30:40 cariboux named[949]: master zone "" (IN) loaded (serial 1)
  4. Jul 16 18:30:40 cariboux named[949]: master zone "" (IN) loaded (serial 1)
  5. Jul 16 18:30:40 cariboux named[949]: master zone "" (IN) loaded (serial 1)
  6. Jul 16 18:30:40 cariboux named[949]: master zone "kermit.rez" (IN) loaded (serial 1)
  7. Jul 16 18:30:40 cariboux named[949]: master zone "" (IN) loaded (serial 1)
  8. Jul 16 18:30:40 cariboux named[949]: listening on [].53 (lo)
  9. Jul 16 18:30:40 cariboux named[949]: listening on [].53 (eth0)
  10. Jul 16 18:30:40 cariboux named[949]: Forwarding source address is [].53
  11. Jul 16 18:30:40 cariboux named[950]: group = bind
  12. Jul 16 18:30:40 cariboux named[950]: user = bind
  13. Jul 16 18:30:40 cariboux named[950]: Ready to answer queries.

et la partie options du named .conf  

Code :
  1. options {
  2.         directory "/var/cache/bind";
  3.         pid-file "/var/run/";
  4.         // If there is a firewall between you and nameservers you want
  5.         // to talk to, you might need to uncomment the query-source
  6.         // directive below.  Previous versions of BIND always asked
  7.         // questions using port 53, but BIND 8.1 and later use an unprivileged
  8.         // port by default.
  9.         query-source address * port 53;
  10.         // If your ISP provided one or more IP addresses for stable  
  11.         // nameservers, you probably want to use them as forwarders.   
  12.         // Uncomment the following block, and insert the addresses replacing  
  13.         // the all-0's placeholder.
  14.         forward first;
  15.         forwarders {
  16.       ;
  17.       ;
  18.       ;
  19.       ;
  20.         };
  21.         allow-transfer { none;};
  22.         allow-query {; ;};
  23.         listen-on { ; ;};
  24. };


Marsh Posté le 16-07-2002 à 20:03:20    

Kermit a écrit a écrit :

Le passage complet :

Code :
  1. Jul 16 18:30:40 cariboux named[949]: hint zone "" (IN) loaded (serial 0)
  2. Jul 16 18:30:40 cariboux named[949]: master zone "localhost" (IN) loaded (serial 1)
  3. Jul 16 18:30:40 cariboux named[949]: master zone "" (IN) loaded (serial 1)
  4. Jul 16 18:30:40 cariboux named[949]: master zone "" (IN) loaded (serial 1)
  5. Jul 16 18:30:40 cariboux named[949]: master zone "" (IN) loaded (serial 1)
  6. Jul 16 18:30:40 cariboux named[949]: master zone "kermit.rez" (IN) loaded (serial 1)
  7. Jul 16 18:30:40 cariboux named[949]: master zone "" (IN) loaded (serial 1)
  8. Jul 16 18:30:40 cariboux named[949]: listening on [].53 (lo)
  9. Jul 16 18:30:40 cariboux named[949]: listening on [].53 (eth0)
  10. Jul 16 18:30:40 cariboux named[949]: Forwarding source address is [].53
  11. Jul 16 18:30:40 cariboux named[950]: group = bind
  12. Jul 16 18:30:40 cariboux named[950]: user = bind
  13. Jul 16 18:30:40 cariboux named[950]: Ready to answer queries.

et la partie options du named .conf  

Code :
  1. options {
  2.         directory "/var/cache/bind";
  3.         pid-file "/var/run/";
  4.         // If there is a firewall between you and nameservers you want
  5.         // to talk to, you might need to uncomment the query-source
  6.         // directive below.  Previous versions of BIND always asked
  7.         // questions using port 53, but BIND 8.1 and later use an unprivileged
  8.         // port by default.
  9.         query-source address * port 53;
  10.         // If your ISP provided one or more IP addresses for stable  
  11.         // nameservers, you probably want to use them as forwarders.   
  12.         // Uncomment the following block, and insert the addresses replacing  
  13.         // the all-0's placeholder.
  14.         forward first;
  15.         forwarders {
  16.       ;
  17.       ;
  18.       ;
  19.       ;
  20.         };
  21.         allow-transfer { none;};
  22.         allow-query {; ;};
  23.         listen-on { ; ;};
  24. };


viens de matter sur le mien et j'ai la meme chose
sauf ke moi c pas le port 53 mais un highport
je sais pas a quoi ca correspond
vais chercher un peu...


Marsh Posté le 16-07-2002 à 20:14:32    

bon j ai chercher ds les newsgroup et voila la reponse :
It's telling you the source address and port that will be used when sending
out recursive queries.  [] means that it will let the OS choose the
source address, and 60628 is the source port it will use (BIND 4 always
used port 53).  You can override these with the query-source option in
voila pq toi tu as le port 53, puisque que tu as mi cette ligne ds ton named.conf:
query-source address * port 53;
alors ke moi j ai rien precise

Message édité par djtoz le 16-07-2002 à 20:15:33

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