GRID Autosport : DISPONIBLE [Topic Unique][Consoles] - Consoles - Jeux Video
Marsh Posté le 03-05-2014 à 14:39:35
Y aura une vue cockpit et des pagani ?
Marsh Posté le 03-05-2014 à 14:59:56
Ouais, dans leur présentation il y a un petit "PS: oui oui il y aura une vue cockpit", genre arrêtez de nous faire chier
Marsh Posté le 03-05-2014 à 15:18:02
En même temps, fallait pas ne pas la mettre dans le 2
Marsh Posté le 03-05-2014 à 15:26:48
Celui là je vais surement attendre les premiers avis, vaut mieux éviter la débacle du 2 Mais ils ont l'air d'aller dans la bonne voie.
Et Castor, dans les artworks promotionnels, il y a la Zonda Revolucion
Marsh Posté le 03-05-2014 à 15:30:34
Marsh Posté le 03-05-2014 à 15:56:26
J'ai cru comprendre question était amateur de pagani et de rouquines, on est faits pour s'entendre
Marsh Posté le 03-05-2014 à 19:59:28
Apparemment en multi on pourra créer des teams, ce serait sympa de faire une HFR
Marsh Posté le 03-05-2014 à 20:30:57
Une idée des circuits présents ?
Sur le trailers on voit Jarama, Hockenheim (il me semble), Yas Marina le le Nurburgring de mémoire. Des infos sur d'éventuels nouveaux arrivants ?
J'espère qu'on aura droit à une bonne ration de vrais circuits (la boucle Nord s'il vous plait CM !!
Marsh Posté le 03-05-2014 à 20:33:49
bon ben drap...
Marsh Posté le 03-05-2014 à 22:48:11
Marsh Posté le 04-05-2014 à 00:58:22
fredoriking a écrit : Une idée des circuits présents ? |
22 lieux, plus de 100 circuits au total (variantes).
Ils disent qu'il y aura une sélection de circuits urbains (SF dans les vidéos, Barcelone peut-être ?) mais le plus gros restera les circuits.
C'est vrai que le Nordschleife n'a jamais été dans un GRID auparavant (il me semble ?), ce serait sympa de voir Spa et Bathurst inclus sur le disque cette fois ci ainsi que des circuits moins prévisibles, un peu comme la liste de Shift 2.
J'espère qu'il y aura le retour du Mans, avec les épreuves qui vont avec. Ce serait con de faire un mode Endurance avec usure des pneus, sans les 24H...
Marsh Posté le 04-05-2014 à 07:59:31
Laguna Seca, Spa, Rouen, mais faut pas rêver non plus
Marsh Posté le 04-05-2014 à 12:10:06
Gigastor a écrit : 22 lieux, plus de 100 circuits au total (variantes). C'est vrai que le Nordschleife n'a jamais été dans un GRID auparavant (il me semble ?), ce serait sympa de voir Spa et Bathurst inclus sur le disque cette fois ci J'espère qu'il y aura le retour du Mans, avec les épreuves qui vont avec. Ce serait con de faire un mode Endurance avec usure des pneus, sans les 24H... |
il y aura bien des courses de 24h, donc je suppose au mans
Marsh Posté le 04-05-2014 à 12:16:33
Taing, et dire que codemasters a tous les circuits de F1 entre 2010 et 2014 en stock
Me demande combien ils doivent payer de droits pour en mettre un.
En tout cas, j'avais trouvé ça bien sympa d'avoir istanbul park dans grid 1
Marsh Posté le 05-05-2014 à 10:47:20
saleté, je viens de me souvenir que GRID 2 est zoné (j'ai du le commander aux US pour ma console NTSC), je sais pas si ce sera le cas du nouveau du coup je peux pas prendre le risque de le précommander
Marsh Posté le 05-05-2014 à 19:41:07
tout ce que j'espère, c'est que y'aura plus de racenet pour les stats en multi....
je n'ai jamais pu me connecter et je n'ai jamais pu relier steam, je ne sais pas pourquoi, même après avoir essayé de trouver une solution avec le support de devait y avoir quelque chose qui bloquait, juste sur grid 2, mais je ne sais toujours pas quoi
Marsh Posté le 06-05-2014 à 00:22:13
ReplyMarsh Posté le 06-05-2014 à 16:03:37
j'y comprends rien, d'après ce que je trouve sur internet, les jeux Codemasters ne sont pas zonés, pourtant j'ai pas pu prendre GRID 2 en démat si ca se trouve en boite EURO il serait passé
du coup je vais surement me laisser tenter par une préco
Marsh Posté le 06-05-2014 à 19:33:40
Liste des volant et manettes compatibles
Volants PC
Fanatec Clubsport Pedals
Fanatec CSR Elite Wheel
Fanatec Clubsport Wheel
Fanatec CSR
Fanatec Porsche 911 Carrera
Fanatec Porsche 911 GT2 Wheel
Fanatec Porsche 911 GT3 RS V2 Wheel
Fanatec Porsche 911 Turbo S Wheel
Fanatec Porsche 911 Turbo Wheel
Logitech Drive FX Wheel
Logitech Driving Force EX
Logitech Driving Force GT
Logitech Driving Force Pro
Logitech G25
Logitech G27
Logitech MOMO Racing Wheel
Mad Catz Wireless Racing Wheel
Thrustmaster 458 Italia Wheel
Thrustmaster F430 Force
Thrustmaster Ferrari GT
Thrustmaster RGT FF Pro
Thrustmaster T100
Thrustmaster T500 RS
Thurstmaster TX 458 Italia Edition
SPEEDLINK Drift O.Z. Racing Wheel
Microsoft Wireless Xbox 360 Wheel
Xbox Wireless Speed Wheel
Manettes PC :
Official Xbox 360 Wireless Pad
Hama uRage ESS
Official Xbox 360 Wired Pad
Hama uRage Vendetta
Logitech Rumble Gamepad F510
Hama uRage Vendetta Cr
Logitech Dual Action Gamepad
Hama uRage Vendetta Wireless
Thrustmaster Dual Trigger 3-in-1
SPEEDLINK Strike FX Gamepad
Thrustmaster GPX Series
SPEEDLINK Torid Gamepad
Mad Catz MLG Pro Circuit
Wildfire 2
Volants PlayStation 3:
Fanatec Clubsport Pedals
Logitech Driving Force EX
Fanatec Clubsport Wheel
Logitech Driving Force GT
Fanatec CSR
Logitech Driving Force Pro
Fanatec CSR Elite Wheel
Logitech G25
Fanatec Porsche 911 Carrera
Logitech G27
Fanatec Porsche 911 GT2 Wheel
Logitech MOMO Racing Wheel
Fanatec Porsche 911 GT3 RS V2 Wheel
Thrustmaster F430
Fanatec Porsche 911 Turbo S Wheel
Thrustmaster RGT FF Pro
Fanatec Porsche 911 Turbo Wheel
Thrustmaster T100
Mad Catz MLG Pro Circuit
Thrustmaster T180
Thrustmaster T500 RS Racing Wheel
Manettes PlayStation 3
Hama uRage Vendetta Cr
Hama uRage Vendetta Wireless
Official Sony Wireless Bluetooth Keypad
SPEEDLINK Strike FX Gamepad
Mad Catz Wireless Gamepad
SPEEDLINK Torid Gamepad
Volants Xbox 360 :
Fanatec CSR
Mad Catz Wireless Racing Wheel
Fanatec Porsche 911 GT2 Wheel
Microsoft Wireless Xbox 360 Wheel
Fanatec Porsche 911 Turbo S Wheel
Thrustmaster 458 Italia Wheel
Fanatec Porsche 911 Turbo Wheel
Xbox Wireless Speed Wheel
Logitech Drive FX Wheel
Manettes Xbox 360
Official Xbox 360 Wireless Pad
Thrustmaster GPX Series
Official Xbox 360 Wired Pad
Wildfire 2
A noter que le jeu disposera de 2 vues cockpit!
Marsh Posté le 06-05-2014 à 21:40:34
merci, je mets ça en premier post
Marsh Posté le 06-05-2014 à 22:09:46
Pas de quoi je vais voir pour te faire un tableau au pire , si j'ai d'autres info je posterai
Marsh Posté le 06-05-2014 à 23:39:01
Ah oui pas bête, ce sera plus présentable
Marsh Posté le 07-05-2014 à 23:07:10
Article sur le moteur de degats [...] autosport/
Marsh Posté le 08-05-2014 à 17:54:33
J'ai ajouté les listes préliminaires de circuits et voitures
Marsh Posté le 08-05-2014 à 20:18:12
Précommandez GRiD Autosport et obtenez la Black Edition :
Les deux sont a 60€
Et donc, voici la GRiD Autosport Black Edition:
Mercedes SLS AMG Black Series exclusive
Livrée Ravenwest exclusive pour les modèles Black Edition
Des sponsors "premium" en online
20 looks exclusifs "Black Edition" (livrées pré-conçues)
10 nouveaux objectifs de sponsor
Marsh Posté le 10-05-2014 à 20:00:05
ReplyMarsh Posté le 10-05-2014 à 20:03:53
WipEout 2097 a écrit : ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- Trailer de lancement : ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- Touring Cars Open Wheel Endurance Street Tuner Class Unconfirmed ----------------------------------------- Hockenheim ----------------------------------------- |
slt drap
Marsh Posté le 14-05-2014 à 23:47:55
toujours pas de précommande sur steam, c'est normal ?
la date du 27 juin est toujours d'actualité ?
Marsh Posté le 19-05-2014 à 17:40:03
ah donc la sortie pc diffère alors....
Marsh Posté le 19-05-2014 à 21:22:29
ReplyMarsh Posté le 26-05-2014 à 22:17:10
Vaas2 a écrit : Je pense que si il y est |
il est spécifié certes, mais tu peux pas le précommander pour l'instant
Marsh Posté le 03-05-2014 à 14:34:51
Ce topic est pour tous les fans de Codemasters comme moi (ou les curieux) qui malgré la douche froide GRID 2 ont espoir pour ce nouveau volet
je fais plutôt confiance aux developpeurs qui ont été a l'écoute ces derniers temps, et semblent dans la bonne voie
Site Officiel :
Blog Codemasters GRID :
Page Facebook :
Twitter :
Youtube :
Trailer de lancement :
LISTE DES VOITURES [...] autosport/
LISTE DES CIRCUITS [...] rack-list/
Q)Is this more like Race Driver: GRID or GRID 2?
A) It’s a lot more like Race Driver: GRID than GRID 2
Q)What’s the Handling like?
A) It’s an authentic racing experience. Drifting around corners will be the slowest way to progress around a lap. You’ll want to find the optimal racing line if you want to set fast times.
Q)How many locations are in the game?
A) 22
Q)How many locations are based are circuits
A) 16
Q)What are RaceNet Clubs
A) Powered by RaceNet you’ll be able to join with friends to form Racing Clubs and race under team colours against other clubs in the community. Receive new challenges every week with the new and evolved Discipline Challenge, track your stats including your complete vehicle history and climb weekly and persistent leaderboards.
Q) Can you explain a bit how the 5 disciplines are presented within the game, percentage wise? Is the main focus on the Touring discipline? Are we talking about 25 % or 40 % of the content? Or are all the disciplines equally divided?
A) All disciplines are equally divided. So, Career mode is broken down into five sections (one for each discipline). You can choose which discipline you want to race in and the more you progress through it, the more becomes available. For example, if you take Touring Cars. You'll start off racing with entry level cars and by the end of the career you'll be racing in the more powerful Touring Car Spec Cars.
Q) Is there a photo mode during replays
A) No
Q) Is there a cockpit view?
A) There are two, one located around the dashboard and one at the drivers view point.
Q) If the physics & handling model in Autosport was like a brake bias where sim was the front, and arcade was the rear; what would the percentage setting be?
A) Probably around 60:40, hard to put it into numbers really.
Q) Will the lobby host be able to restrict certain assists? For example, allow traction control but disable ABS? This would be really good for leagues especially.
A) The lobby host has a toggle to turn assists on or off on a global setting but not individual ones.
Q) I wanted to know if we are going to unlock cars (like in Grid 2) or we will have to buy them. I think it's better to buy them.
A) Single player you are given specific cars to race in. What car you use is dependent on the team in question. You’ll buy them in multiplayer, and they’ll be persistent. More on that soon!
Q) Will the teammate always have the same car as the player or will we be able to choose which car he'll be driving before each race?
A) Your teammate’s car will also be chosen by the team, it’s normally the same much like it is in real world motorsport.
Q) Will there be a quick race mode? What customisable options are there?
A) Yes, you can jump into what we call Custom Cup, that allows you to race with a vast amount of options, choose the discipline, track, car, AI, practice, qualifying, race length, difficulty settings, pretty much anything you’d need.
Q) How cars unlock work in single player Quick Race? Are you given all out the cars in Quick Race from the get go or you have to unlock one by one from the career?
A) Everything is available in custom cup, it’s not tied to your career progress like GRID 2.
Q) What sort of AI improvements can we expect? Are they gonna behave more like Grid 1 where they occasionally make mistakes which gave the AI some character and realism?
A) AI have been tuned to each discipline, so a Touring Car AI driver will race completely different to an Open Wheel driver, one a bit aggressive the other really disciplined and precise. Yes, AI can make mistakes, I’ve been in a race, making my way through the pack when I’ve suddenly had to swerve out of the way of an accident up ahead. Likewise I’ve come around a corner only to find a car sat in the gravel kicking up dust where he/she has spun off.
Q) Can you choose a name when you play in game or does it choose your PSN/360 nickname?
A) Yes, Audio names are back as well, both male and female.
Q) Is qualifying back? It's missing from most of the current-gen racing titles, so it would be nice to have this feature come back.
A) Yes, as well as practice
Q) Career mode is said it would be massive, how massive in hours?
A) Hard to put it into hours as everyone’s play style will be different, more than enough content to keep you going.
Q) Is there a kind of Tutorial/Introduction when you fire up the game for the first time?
A) Yes, in a similar fashion to our other games
Q) Does this mean you’re thrown straight into a short race before having the opportunity to tweak gfx, wheel settings etc?
A) No, you’ll have access to the options before you click on career (which is where the tutorial is located).
Q) Can you finish a career in GAS without changing a team?
A) Different teams only compete in certain disciplines you you’re likely going to have change at some point. It all depends on your definition of ‘complete’, whether that’s finishing the disciplines your interested in or everything all together.
Q) When you are often in the rev limiter does it damage your engine?
A) Over-revving and shifting at the wrong time, (primarily in manual gears), will cause the gearbox to accrue damage more quickly.
Q) Are we able to race on race tracks with street cars? Like racing on Sepang in a M3?
A) Yes via Custom cups
Q) Can replays be saved?
A) Not at this time.
Q) Is the AI as good as it was in TOCA2 and Toca World Touring Cars
A) AI has had a lot of improvements made to it, will leave you to decide if it’s better or not.
Q) Is the classical D-pad layout still available and does it match the thumb stick lap times?
A) By default the d-pad is used to talk to your team engineer. The game hasn't really been made with D-pad controls in mind, just controller sticks and wheels. However, you can customise your controls should you wish.
Q) Do AI opponents also suffer from mechanical damage?
A) Yes
Q) Is there a podium sequence when one has made a podium finish?
A) There is a simple podium sequence at the end of the season, showing the top three drivers /cars
Q) Are there bonuses to be unlocked if you reach a certain mileage within a discipline?
A) You do get a ‘discipline level’, more on that soon.
Q) Is there a team manager who keeps you up to date with what's happening on the track?
A) You have an engineer but he doesn't really say much on his own. Instead we've allowed you to take control by giving you the ability to request details via the D-pad. He gives you essential information and updates on the race conditions once per lap. You can then request information on how you’re tracking against your rival, the condition of your car, your team mate status and the gaps to other drivers via the radio
Q) Can cars loose oil which makes a surface slippery
A) No
Q) Why did Codies not add a flag system to GRID AS
A) There’s a danger if we go down the route of adding all these traditional sim options that the game will lose a bit of its identity. That’s not to say we won’t look at that kind of system in the future but right now it’s probably a step too far towards sim for Autosport, we’re all about that ‘middle ground’
Q) How does qualifying work? one flying lap or several laps?
A) You have 3 laps to set your fastest time and you start with a rolling start.
Q) All cars / all tracks on Custom Online?
A) Yes, with a few exceptions (can’t drive a drift car on a non drift route etc)
Q) Is GRID Autosport going to allow modders to add tracks, not originally in the game?
A) Unfortunately not, there's a potential monstrous issue here as all circuits have to be officially licensed to be included in the game. Supporting the Modding Community is something we're keen on doing though and have had numerous discussions regarding it. We don't want to get into a situation where the Community makes a great track, faithful to its real world variant and us have to remove it from Steam Workshop (or similar) due to getting an angry phone call.
Q) Is it true that all endurance races happen during nights only?
A) Yes, but you can however select an Endurance event during the day within custom cup.
Q) Can you confirm if there's a lap countdown in the online lobbies, for players in the 'waiting room'.?
A) No lap countdown right now. We do have all the event info, route map, discipline, total laps.
Message édité par WipEout 2097 le 24-06-2014 à 16:09:48
La ram se met sur A2 et B2 :fou: