[Confirmation] : Nintendo serait sur le point d'acheter Capcom

: Nintendo serait sur le point d'acheter Capcom [Confirmation] - Consoles - Jeux Video

Marsh Posté le 17-12-2002 à 00:47:15    

Gaming consolidation?
Video-game industry analysts stoked speculation of a possible buyout Capcom Co. by Nintendo Co., one of the world's top three game-console makers.  
The sector is ripe for consolidation, and a Capcom buyout would substantially boost Nintendo's position, said James Lin, an analyst with Jeffries & Co. "All of these companies are up for sale, except Microsoft (MSFT: news, chart, profile) and Sony (SNE: news, chart, profile)."
Analysts said Japan-based Nintendo is expected to make a major announcement Tuesday. Officials at both Nintendo and Capcom, of Osaka, Japan, declined comment.
Nintendo could use Capcom's software to drive buys of its lagging GameCube console.
GameCube is second worldwide but ranked behind Microsoft's Xbox and Sony's PlayStation 2 in the United States, said analyst Paul Kaump, of Doughery & Co. LLC.  
Nintendo has suffered because its game software -- Pokemon, Super Mario and Donkey Kong -- cater to younger children. "They are trying to shake their image a little bit and attract older gamers," Kaump said.  
Capcom, which has created game franchises such as Street Fighter and Resident Evil, would be a logical buy for Nintendo, analysts said.  
"Nintendo has to do something to beef up its software," said analyst Shawn Milne of SoundView Technology.
http://cbs.marketwatch.com/news/st [...] iteid=mktw
Notez bien le conditionel tout de même ...
Bonne nuit  :hello:  :sleep:


Marsh Posté le 17-12-2002 à 00:47:15   


Marsh Posté le 17-12-2002 à 00:56:32    

et un Niem topic.


Marsh Posté le 17-12-2002 à 01:14:43    


Who are you ? I'm like you, I have no name !

Marsh Posté le 17-12-2002 à 01:20:39    

Je note surtout le "Nintendo pourrait utiliser les softwares Capcom pour booster les ventes de sa GameCube à la traine"... C clair qu'elle est loin de faire un carton aux USA (ce qui, au fond, n'est qu'un juste retour du blocus que font les japonais sur la Xbox), mais de là à dire qu'elle est à la traine...
Et effectivement, il m'a bien semblé voir environ 12 topics traitant du sujet. Celui-là pouvait fort bien s'intégrer dans un autre sans prendre de place...

Message édité par Mikl le 17-12-2002 à 01:21:30

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