Mother board up to 8 Giga bite and processor 32 bit issue

Mother board up to 8 Giga bite and processor 32 bit issue - Divers - Hardware - Périphériques

Marsh Posté le 03-12-2010 à 15:17:15    

I m going to mount a home PC, I m not sure of an information  
Is the 32 bit processor coudn t detect up to 4 Giga bit of RAM in case of a mother borad that has 8 Giga or 16 Giga of RAM
and then I need a 64 bit procesor?
Thank you


Marsh Posté le 03-12-2010 à 15:17:15   


Marsh Posté le 09-12-2010 à 16:17:09    

yes, precisely. this is the biggest reason for 64bit processors.
I'm not sure why you're speaking english though, please try french if you're coming on a french forum


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