A tous les possesseurs d'appareils photo Numériques...

A tous les possesseurs d'appareils photo Numériques... - Hardware

Marsh Posté le 12-02-2002 à 14:46:53    

Avez vous vu ça ?
Foveon has today announced a new, revolutionary image sensor called the X3. A traditional digital camera sensor works by capturing just one colour (red, green or blue) at each pixel location. These individual pixels are then combined in software to produce a full colour pixel. The X3 is the first sensor which is capable of capturing full colour for every pixel in its array. The X3 does so with a special photosite which is measures different colours at different 'depths' within the silicon. The first camera to use the new sensor will be the $3,000 Sigma SD9 D-SLR (Sigma lens mount), Kodak have also shown an interest in using the X3 technology.  
en savoir plus :  
http://www.dpreview.com/news/0202/ [...] review.asp

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Marsh Posté le 12-02-2002 à 14:46:53   


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