correction grammaire anglais

correction grammaire anglais - Aide aux devoirs - Emploi & Etudes

Marsh Posté le 28-05-2008 à 17:53:07    

Bonjour j'ai un exo a faire et j'aimerais avoir al correction :
Write a sentence with if for each situation
Voici l'exemple:
I wasn't hungry, so I didn't eat anything  
If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something
2) The accident happened because the driver in front stopped so suddenly
If the driver in front hadn't stopped so suddenly, the accident wouldn't have happened
3) I didn't know that George had to get up early, so I didn't wake him up
If I had knew that george had to get up early, I would have woken him up
4)I was able to buy the car only because Jim lent me the money
If jimmy hadn't lent me money, I wouldn't have bought my car
5)Margaret wasn't injured in the crash because she was wearing a seat belt
If margaret hadn't worn a seat belt, She would have been injured

Message édité par stef755 le 28-05-2008 à 17:54:20

Marsh Posté le 28-05-2008 à 17:53:07   


Marsh Posté le 28-05-2008 à 17:55:30    

3 : le participe passé de know c'est known,  


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