[Vendu] Ecran Cinema 16/9 pull-up 203cm de base

Ecran Cinema 16/9 pull-up 203cm de base [Vendu] - Audio, Vidéo - Achats & Ventes

Marsh Posté le 22-03-2009 à 11:16:26    

Je vends mon écran de cinéma Screen-up 51070.
Etat neuf, servi une fois (trop grand pour le nouvel appartement).
"Le nouvel écran Screen'up PULL-UP représente une alternative incontournable pour qui recherche un écran facilement transportable. Livré dans un élégant carter aluminium, il est particulièrement léger et sa mise en oeuvre très intuitive. Il dispose en effet d'un système d'ajustement en hauteur très rapide doublé d'un système de verrouillage qui permet à la toile d'être parfaitement tendue."
- Taille image (HxL) en cm : 114x203
- Ratio image : 16/9
- Toile : Blanc mat
- Position : Sol
Prix neuf : 299 euros Cédé : 159 149 euros
A prendre sur place car trop volumineux pour un envoi (210cm de long)

Message édité par DannyElfman le 19-10-2009 à 16:49:00

Blood is rushing into your muscles and that's what we call The Pump. Your muscles get a really tight feeling, like your skin is going to explode any minute ...

Marsh Posté le 22-03-2009 à 11:16:26   


Marsh Posté le 22-03-2009 à 21:47:40    


Blood is rushing into your muscles and that's what we call The Pump. Your muscles get a really tight feeling, like your skin is going to explode any minute ...

Marsh Posté le 23-03-2009 à 08:57:20    


Blood is rushing into your muscles and that's what we call The Pump. Your muscles get a really tight feeling, like your skin is going to explode any minute ...

Marsh Posté le 23-03-2009 à 12:13:05    

manque la balise [VDS] dans le titre :jap:


Marsh Posté le 23-03-2009 à 16:38:55    

Désolé, c'est corrigé, merci  :jap:

Blood is rushing into your muscles and that's what we call The Pump. Your muscles get a really tight feeling, like your skin is going to explode any minute ...

Marsh Posté le 24-03-2009 à 19:53:52    


Blood is rushing into your muscles and that's what we call The Pump. Your muscles get a really tight feeling, like your skin is going to explode any minute ...

Marsh Posté le 25-03-2009 à 12:08:52    

Pouet !

Blood is rushing into your muscles and that's what we call The Pump. Your muscles get a really tight feeling, like your skin is going to explode any minute ...

Marsh Posté le 27-03-2009 à 10:35:16    


Blood is rushing into your muscles and that's what we call The Pump. Your muscles get a really tight feeling, like your skin is going to explode any minute ...

Marsh Posté le 01-04-2009 à 21:43:17    


Blood is rushing into your muscles and that's what we call The Pump. Your muscles get a really tight feeling, like your skin is going to explode any minute ...

Marsh Posté le 07-04-2009 à 12:46:32    

Echange possible, propalez  :)

Blood is rushing into your muscles and that's what we call The Pump. Your muscles get a really tight feeling, like your skin is going to explode any minute ...

Marsh Posté le 07-04-2009 à 12:46:32   


Marsh Posté le 15-04-2009 à 22:54:27    


Blood is rushing into your muscles and that's what we call The Pump. Your muscles get a really tight feeling, like your skin is going to explode any minute ...

Marsh Posté le 17-04-2009 à 10:49:40    


Blood is rushing into your muscles and that's what we call The Pump. Your muscles get a really tight feeling, like your skin is going to explode any minute ...

Marsh Posté le 17-04-2009 à 11:02:25    

Vendu avec facture ?
Si oui, garantie jusqu'à quand ?
Il est actuellement en vente neuf à 199€ avec une garantie de 5ans.
http://www.hifissimo.com/ecran-de- [...] 746-1.html
Suivant tes réponses à mes questions, je peux être intéresse mais à un prix plus bas que celui que tu présentes.
Je ferais une offre quand j'aurais les réponses :jap:


Marsh Posté le 17-04-2009 à 22:03:51    

Hello  :)  
Vendu avec facture oui. Date du 26 Mai 2008. Et garantie effectivement par Screen Up pendant 5 ans.

Blood is rushing into your muscles and that's what we call The Pump. Your muscles get a really tight feeling, like your skin is going to explode any minute ...

Marsh Posté le 19-04-2009 à 14:33:16    

tu es dans quelle ville ?


Marsh Posté le 20-04-2009 à 13:14:36    


Blood is rushing into your muscles and that's what we call The Pump. Your muscles get a really tight feeling, like your skin is going to explode any minute ...

Marsh Posté le 20-04-2009 à 13:48:36    

dommage, je voulais te proposer un echange sur paris


Marsh Posté le 20-04-2009 à 16:33:32    

yep, un peu loin  [:minusplus]

Blood is rushing into your muscles and that's what we call The Pump. Your muscles get a really tight feeling, like your skin is going to explode any minute ...

Marsh Posté le 27-04-2009 à 12:56:18    


Blood is rushing into your muscles and that's what we call The Pump. Your muscles get a really tight feeling, like your skin is going to explode any minute ...

Marsh Posté le 29-04-2009 à 15:40:17    


Blood is rushing into your muscles and that's what we call The Pump. Your muscles get a really tight feeling, like your skin is going to explode any minute ...

Marsh Posté le 04-05-2009 à 22:16:34    


Blood is rushing into your muscles and that's what we call The Pump. Your muscles get a really tight feeling, like your skin is going to explode any minute ...

Marsh Posté le 08-05-2009 à 00:25:23    


Blood is rushing into your muscles and that's what we call The Pump. Your muscles get a really tight feeling, like your skin is going to explode any minute ...

Marsh Posté le 12-05-2009 à 12:58:03    


Blood is rushing into your muscles and that's what we call The Pump. Your muscles get a really tight feeling, like your skin is going to explode any minute ...

Marsh Posté le 29-05-2009 à 16:10:08    


Blood is rushing into your muscles and that's what we call The Pump. Your muscles get a really tight feeling, like your skin is going to explode any minute ...

Marsh Posté le 10-06-2009 à 10:48:59    


Blood is rushing into your muscles and that's what we call The Pump. Your muscles get a really tight feeling, like your skin is going to explode any minute ...

Marsh Posté le 15-09-2009 à 15:41:55    


Blood is rushing into your muscles and that's what we call The Pump. Your muscles get a really tight feeling, like your skin is going to explode any minute ...

Marsh Posté le 30-09-2009 à 22:23:58    


Blood is rushing into your muscles and that's what we call The Pump. Your muscles get a really tight feeling, like your skin is going to explode any minute ...

Marsh Posté le    


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