[VDS] HTC 8S Noir/Blanc

HTC 8S Noir/Blanc [VDS] - Téléphonie - Achats & Ventes

Marsh Posté le 11-04-2013 à 11:08:03    

Je ne m'en sers plus. Alors je le met en vente.
Il vient d'un achat avec un abo B&Y, donc unlock d'origine et aucun logo opérateur.
Très propre, toujours avec une protection d'écran. Le dos n'est pas 100% sans rayure puisqu'il est en plastique.
Vendu avec tous ses accessoires d'origines (écouteurs + chargeurs + boite + 2go micro SD).
Prix : 170€ fdp out
Main propre sur le 77 (Torcy) envisageable.
A vous de jouer.

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 11-04-2013 à 11:08:03   


Marsh Posté le 14-04-2013 à 20:31:02    

Petit up !

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 14-04-2013 à 21:13:05    

quelle est sa date d'achat ?
merci bien

Mon feedback

Marsh Posté le 15-04-2013 à 10:46:52    

Date d'achat : 23/12/2012
Date de la facture : 27/12/2012

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 17-04-2013 à 14:49:45    

Up !

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 17-04-2013 à 15:08:20    

le prix est négociable ou pas ?

Mon feedback

Marsh Posté le 17-04-2013 à 15:13:46    

Yes ! Tout est négociable dans la vie, dans la limite du raisonnable bien sur :D

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 19-04-2013 à 10:34:59    

Échange possible, je cherche un Motorola Milestone 2.

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 23-04-2013 à 09:32:41    

Up !

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 26-04-2013 à 11:52:30    

Up !

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 26-04-2013 à 11:52:30   


Marsh Posté le 26-04-2013 à 13:16:49    

Slt contre un wiko cink king quasi neuf complet et garanti....?


Marsh Posté le 26-04-2013 à 13:28:48    

Non merci, il ne m'intéresse pas du tout !  
Bonne journée.

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 26-04-2013 à 13:50:24    

Ok sans soucis bonne vente


Marsh Posté le 26-04-2013 à 17:02:10    

Pas intéressé par un Razr i ?
Quel serait ton ultime reduc si non ? :D


Marsh Posté le 26-04-2013 à 18:11:14    

Intéressant pour le Moto
Donne moi plus d'infos sur les modalités d'échange?
Sinon pour la réduction propose et je vois :)

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 30-04-2013 à 15:11:35    

up !

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 05-05-2013 à 18:18:11    

Up !!
Je cherche un PC portable ou un mini pc.

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 05-05-2013 à 22:05:52    

je cherche actuellement un téléphone dans cette gamme, mais je ne connais absolument pas les HTC ni l'OS de windows....
Peux-tu m'en dire plus sur ton utilisation ? Fluidité de la bête pour des jeux pas trop gourmands (angry birds par exemple ?)


Marsh Posté le 05-05-2013 à 22:19:06    

Hello !!
Pour les jeux basique, ça passe nickel comme Angry Birds par exemple.
Et l'OS, jamais eu de ralentissement comme sur Android (j'avais le Galaxy S3) ou iOs (quand le tèl est JB).

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 05-05-2013 à 22:29:15    

pourrais-tu mettre des photos de la bête ?


Marsh Posté le 05-05-2013 à 22:49:04    

Pas de soucis, envoie ton mail par message privé.

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 05-05-2013 à 23:20:40    

photos bien reçues. Pas de rayures/microrayures sur l'écran ( je suis maniaque^^)
et tjs sur la fluidité pour les jeux basiques, pas de latence ?


Marsh Posté le 06-05-2013 à 00:18:41    

autre petite question : est ce qu'il y a une led de notification ?


Marsh Posté le 06-05-2013 à 09:19:00    

Pas de micro rayure sur l'écran car il y a un film plastique dessus.
Par contre, oui, le film plastique est de mauvaise qualité, donc il est un peu usé.
Pour la led, bien sur il y en a une.

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 06-05-2013 à 12:45:52    

Envoie moi ton mail alors stp.

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 07-05-2013 à 19:41:14    

Coucou !!
Écoute ça me va.
Pour le règlement je te file mon rib et des réception je tenvoie le téléphone.
Ça te va?

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 07-05-2013 à 21:21:57    

Non désolé je n'utilise pas paypal.

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 07-05-2013 à 21:37:54    

Je t'envoie mon rib par mail.

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 08-05-2013 à 00:58:17    

salut propal a 145e en main propre, apres qui de droitet je me deplace!!


Marsh Posté le    


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