Partage adsl modem/routeur : bizarre ! - Windows & Software
Marsh Posté le 04-03-2004 à 13:19:51
Franchement, j'ai honte, mais je comprends rien de ce qu'ils expliquent, si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider, ca serai sympa. Merci d'avance.
le document en question :
The RP614 Settings pages allow you to configure, upgrade and check the status of your NETGEAR Cable/DSL Router.
Click an item in the leftmost column. The current settings or information for that area appear in the center column.
Helpful information related to the selected Settings page appears in this column. If you are using Internet Explorer, you may click an item in the center column to jump directly to the related help section; otherwise, scroll down until you reach it.
Basic Settings Help
Note: If you are setting up the router for the first time, the default settings may work for you with no changes.
Does Your Internet Connection Require A Login?
Select this option based on the type of account you have with your ISP. If you need to enter login information every time you connect to the Internet or you have a PPPoE account with your ISP, select Yes. Otherwise, select No.
Note: If you have installed PPP software such as WinPoET (from Earthlink), Enternet (from PacBell) or AOL Broadband software, then you have PPPoE. Select Yes.
Internet Service Provider
Select your ISP if it is listed in the pull down menu, otherwise select Other.
AOL Broadband DSL or Cable
If AOL Cable or AOL DSL is selected the router will automatically be configured with the required information for an AOL Broadband Connection. For Internet Access you must use AOL 7.0 or higher on each PC connecting to the router, otherwise you will not be able to surf the web.
Note: Please note that applications that utilize "L2TP tunneling", such as AOL, will bypass the firewall feature included with this router. For additional home network security it is recommended that a PC-based firewall software application be installed.
Connecting to the Internet:
To connect to AOL and the Internet you simply sign-on to the AOL Service normally, using AOL 7.0 or above. The only change needed is the Select Location: setting at the sign-on screen, which must be set as follows:
AOL DSL users should select Home Network for their location.
AOL Cable users should select Home - Cable for their location.
If the Home Network or Home - Cable option does not show up in the pull down box then you will need to add the location. Please refer to the Start Here Guide AOL has provided in your NETGEAR router box for how to setup the location correctly. If the documents are not available, then please follow the instructions below:
If you are able to sign-on to AOL:
1. Sign-on to AOL
2. Go to Keyword: Home Network Setup
3. Follow the instructions on your screen
4. Sign-off of AOL
5. Select Home Network as your location on the sign-on screen
AOL Cable Users
1. Select Home - Cable as your location on the sign-on screen
Note: If you able to sign on to AOL but are unable to reach any website ("Address Not Found" ), make sure you have configured your sign on location to connect using Home Network. Please refer to the AOL Start Here Guide for detailed instructions.
This is usually the name that you use in your e-mail address. For example, if your main mail account is, then put JerAB in this box.
Some ISPs (like Mindspring and Earthlink) require that you use your full e-mail address when you log in. If your ISP requires your full e-mail address, then type it in the Login box.
AOL Broadband users do not need to change these settings on the router - they are automatically entered by NETGEAR.
(Not available if you don't need to log in.)
Type the password that you use to log in to your ISP.
AOL Broadband users do not need to change these settings on the router - they are automatically entered by NETGEAR.
Service Name
For most users, you may leave this box blank.
If you have an Account Name given to you by your ISP, type it in this box. (For example, some Earthlink Accounts may require a service name of
Idle Timeout
(Not available if you don't need to log in.)
This is the amount of time (in minutes) of inactivity that the router allows before disconnecting you from the server. The suggested default value is 5.
DNS Address
The DNS server is used to look up site addresses based on their names.
If your ISP gave you one or two DNS addresses, select Use These DNS Servers and type the primary and secondary addresses.
Otherwise, select Get Automatically From ISP.
Note: If you get 'Address not found' errors when you go to a Web site, it is likely that your DNS servers aren't set up properly. You should contact your ISP to get DNS server addresses.
My IP Address
Used for PPTP Login only.
Server IP Address
Used for PPTP Login only.
Connection Name (ID)
Used for PPTP Login only.
Apply, Cancel and Test
Click Apply when you finish changing the settings.
Click Cancel to return to the original settings.
Click Test to connect to the NETGEAR Web site. If you connect successfully, your settings work and you may click Logout to exit these pages and... enjoy surfing the 'net!
If you don't connect successfully,
Go through the settings and make sure you've selected the correct options and typed everything correctly.
Contact your ISP to verify the configuration information.
Read the Troubleshooting section in the RP614 Installation Guide.
On the RP614 Resource CD, read the Troubleshooting Guide or the Troubleshooting section in the Reference Manual.
Contact NETGEAR Technical Support.
Marsh Posté le 05-03-2004 à 07:47:55
m'étonnerais que ce soit impossible, aol ou pas
si le routeur reçoit l'adsl via le modem, il nat et tu as internet, point
pourquoi faire une dmz?
pour l'accès de l'extérieur faut ouvrir un port (au hasard) du routeur pour qu'il devienne "transparent"
Marsh Posté le 04-03-2004 à 12:12:18
Salut tout le monde,
(j'attend la fin du contrat) et j'ai besoin de faire un accès a distance sur un pc de mon réseau (je voulais faire une dmz). J'ai acheté un modem alcatel speed touch home ethernet et un routeur netgear rp614. Ayant compris qu'avec aol, le partage est impossible sauf par des logiciels, je voulai savoir comment je peux faire pour acceder a mon pc de l'exterieur.
Alors je suis sur aol
Et la chose bizarre qui s'est passé, c'est que j'ai mis mon modem, le routeur et est réinstallé aol, et il s'est connecté (avec tcp/ip et pas modem) une première fois, ensuite il a planté, et impossible de le reconnecter. Pourquoi j'ai pu me connecter a aol sans config particulière avec le routeur alors qu'en temps normal c'est impossible ? et comment je peux faire mon accès a distance ?
Merci de vos réponses.
Message édité par GC60240 le 04-03-2004 à 13:18:53