comprends pas la au secours [patch ie6 + google] - Windows & Software
MarshPosté le 02-04-2002 à 01:00:28
ce soir je me suis dis connement tiens si je mettais les derniers patch de securite ie6 donc je dl, j'installe pas de pb (xp pro) puis avant d'aller me coucher j'ai une recherche sur google a faire et la vlam voila ce qu'il sort :
Citation :
403 Forbidden Your client does not have permission to get URL /search?q=toto&ie=UTF8&oe=UTF8&hl=fr&meta= from this server. (Client IP address: 194.158.xx.xx)
Unfortunately, Google has received a significant amount of abuse from your network. Because some person or people on your network have violated our Terms of Service ( and sent us numerous automated search queries, we have been forced to shut off access to Google's services from your network.
We have not yet been able to work this problem out with your sysadmin or your ISP's network and/or abuse department. Please contact your sysadmin or your ISP's network and/or abuse department and request that they track down who is causing this problem with Google.
We apologize for the inconvenience to you, and we hope we'll soon be able provide search results to you once more.
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[jfdsdjhfuetppo]--Message édité par zerod--[/jfdsdjhfuetppo]
Marsh Posté le 02-04-2002 à 01:00:28
ce soir je me suis dis connement tiens si je mettais les derniers patch de securite ie6 donc je dl, j'installe pas de pb (xp pro) puis avant d'aller me coucher j'ai une recherche sur google a faire et la vlam voila ce qu'il sort :
403 Forbidden
Your client does not have permission to get URL /search?q=toto&ie=UTF8&oe=UTF8&hl=fr&meta= from this server. (Client IP address: 194.158.xx.xx)
Unfortunately, Google has received a significant amount of abuse from your network. Because some person or people on your network have violated our Terms of Service ( and sent us numerous automated search queries, we have been forced to shut off access to Google's services from your network.
We have not yet been able to work this problem out with your sysadmin or your ISP's network and/or abuse department. Please contact your sysadmin or your ISP's network and/or abuse department and request that they track down who is causing this problem with Google.
We apologize for the inconvenience to you, and we hope we'll soon be able provide search results to you once more.
des idées ?
[jfdsdjhfuetppo]--Message édité par zerod--[/jfdsdjhfuetppo]