erreur partition magic AIDEZ moi !!!!

erreur partition magic AIDEZ moi !!!! - Windows & Software

Marsh Posté le 03-12-2001 à 22:46:27    

j'ai une partition c avec win 98 une autre d avec win2k et la derniere e avec des sauvegardes  
je souhaite redimensionner d car plus de place donc je fs ce qui est dit ds le logiciel et pis je reboot malheureusement il me met une erreur quelques temps apres le demarage de partition
du type : les clusters .......
lorsque je fs infos ds le logiciel il me donne des erreurs comme erreur n°2005  
qu est ce que c'est ????


Marsh Posté le 03-12-2001 à 22:46:27   


Marsh Posté le 03-12-2001 à 22:54:42    

Pour un problème avec Partition Magic, aller sur le site de Powerquest qui liste les codes d'erreur et leurs signification
Solution: Error 2005
One or more lost clusters are present.
In this instance, the problem can be resolved by running SCANDISK on the affected drive.
If problems copying DOS partition with remote agent see Error copying DOS partition with Remote Agent.
To fix this error in this case:
1. Find out which file was created with the volume bit set.
2. Copy the file to another drive.
3. Delete the original file and replace it with the copy.
To avoid this error, type UNLOAD NWKCFG.NLM  from the console prompt before loading ServerMagic. If you continue to receive this error, down the server and delete the following lines from the C:\NWSERVER directory: SERVCFG.000, SERVCFG.NBK, SERVCFG.TMP. For more information on these files, please refer to document 2942146 on the Novell support site.
The errors will usually disappear if you obtain and install the latest drivers for your SCSI controller.
If error still persists, please send the following information to PowerQuest Technical Support:
-  Include a Debug report (see Running a Debug Report)
- A PARTINFO report created by you. (For information on using PARTINFO, see PowerQuest Solution PR94, "Running a PartitionInfo." )
- The information outlined in PowerQuest Solution PR164, "Information Needed for a Trouble Report."
- If you are running under Windows ME, the VFNSTDBG.TXT file located in C:\Program Files\PowerQuest\PartitionMagic 6.0\Win9X\VFD.
- A copy of the contents of the Master Boot Record captured with WRPROG.EXE. (For information on using WRPROG, see PowerQuest Solution PR1391, "Instructions for Using the WRPROG.EXE Utility." )
Problem Description:
Error 2005 One or more lost clusters are present.
Error 2005  
Problem Environment:
PartitionMagic Pro
Drive Image
Drive Image Pro
Drive Copy
NOTE: Error can be reported when manipulating partitions on hardware-based RAID drives
Cause(s) of the problem
Some programs like QEMM create files on a partition that existed in a subdirectory and had the volume bit set. This is an illegal file type.When running ServerMagic on a NetWare 5.0 system, we have seen occasional occurrences of this error when performing operations on a FAT partition. This is due to a NetWare NLM which is writing to the disk while ServerMagic has the disk reserved.This can be problem are frequently caused by outdated SCSI controller drivers.


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