deconnection volontaire de wannadoo adsl

deconnection volontaire de wannadoo adsl - Windows & Software

Marsh Posté le 22-06-2002 à 11:52:35    

est ce vrai que wanadoo se deconnecte automatquement et volontairement a 00h si oui la soluce
merci a++


Marsh Posté le 22-06-2002 à 11:52:35   


Marsh Posté le 22-06-2002 à 11:53:10    

tu vas faire beaucoup de topics la-dessus?

"I intend to live the first half of my life.I don't care about the rest."Errol Flynn."The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."Albert Einstein

Marsh Posté le 22-06-2002 à 11:54:35    

desole j(avais oublier qqchose


Marsh Posté le 22-06-2002 à 11:58:13    

tu peux annuler le topic, tu sais?
je dis ca juste comme ca ;)

"I intend to live the first half of my life.I don't care about the rest."Errol Flynn."The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."Albert Einstein

Marsh Posté le 22-06-2002 à 11:59:57    



Marsh Posté le 22-06-2002 à 12:00:53    

et bien tu cliques sur le premier post pour le modifier, et tu auras une case pour l'annuler

"I intend to live the first half of my life.I don't care about the rest."Errol Flynn."The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."Albert Einstein

Marsh Posté le 22-06-2002 à 12:05:43    

le post c'est quoi


Marsh Posté le 22-06-2002 à 12:11:18    

le post, c'est ca ;)

"I intend to live the first half of my life.I don't care about the rest."Errol Flynn."The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."Albert Einstein

Marsh Posté le 22-06-2002 à 14:21:53    

djfa a écrit a écrit :

le post c'est quoi  

:ouch:  :eek2:  :ouch:  :eek2:

VENEZ LES AMIS!!!! [...] wntopic=&s

Marsh Posté le 22-06-2002 à 14:26:52    

ca arrive...

"I intend to live the first half of my life.I don't care about the rest."Errol Flynn."The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."Albert Einstein

Marsh Posté le 22-06-2002 à 14:26:52   


Marsh Posté le 22-06-2002 à 14:30:39    

débranches ton cable 3 mion aussi et ton IP va changer

--------------- [...] login=1408les amis de seb31

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