Can not install Windows XP !

Can not install Windows XP ! - Win NT/2K/XP - Windows & Software

Marsh Posté le 22-03-2005 à 16:03:25    

Hello, I have just bought equipement to build a HTPC.
- Case : A Tech Fabrication (Model 4000)
- MB : K8N-E Deluxe
- CPU : Sempron 2600+ 754
- RAM : Kingston 512 Mo
- GC : ATI Radeon 7500 128 Mo AGP
- HDD : Maxtor Diamond Plus 9 200Go ATA
- DVD : Pioneer 106S (Slot-In)
I have tried during many hours to install Windows XP Pro SP1 (French version) without succes. I boot in the CD ROM, partition the disk but Windows XP frozes just after when is staring the format for the partition (8 Go). I have tried the maxtblast tool but it does not change any thing. I have aslo boot on W98 floppy, coppy the windows XP installation on disk.  It boots perfectly, see the partition too but when XP check the disk C , It frozes (stay on 0%)...
What Can I do ?
Thanks for your Help

Message édité par HTPC_Man le 22-03-2005 à 16:04:05

Marsh Posté le 22-03-2005 à 16:03:25   


Marsh Posté le 22-03-2005 à 16:04:37    

test your ram  with Memtest tools

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Marsh Posté le 22-03-2005 à 16:05:55    

Buy another HDD  [:ddr555]


Marsh Posté le 22-03-2005 à 16:06:39    

Your hard drive may be broken. I had the same problem when I bought my computer : impossible to format, it took about an hour to complete juste a single percent :( It was actually the hard drive who was fucked up...


Marsh Posté le 22-03-2005 à 16:13:27    

I have already resolved a problem of this kind by formating in FAT32 under back, with W98 floppy disk.

Message édité par magnancc51 le 22-03-2005 à 16:19:47

Marsh Posté le 22-03-2005 à 16:13:28    

With Maxblast, try a zero level fill !!
generally it work.


Marsh Posté le 22-03-2005 à 19:13:30    

Yes, but I have formated it with maxblast and also with dos tools..


Marsh Posté le 23-03-2005 à 15:02:10    

You can format your hard drive in two differents ways in Maxblast.
search for zero level fill in advances options of Maxblast.
Zero level fill is very long so be patient !!


Marsh Posté le 23-03-2005 à 15:05:57    

sont fort les gens en anglais ici   :jap:  :jap:  :jap:


Marsh Posté le 23-03-2005 à 15:06:55    


Marsh Posté le 23-03-2005 à 15:06:55   


Marsh Posté le 23-03-2005 à 15:14:44    

ouai je connais.
j'apprends l'anglais tout seul depuis quelques semaines, j'ai déjà pas mal avancé. C'est bien de pouvoir chanter des ziks americaines sans que personne ne comprend ce qu'on dit; mais quand je vois ce qu'il me reste à faire pour pouvoir parler anglais normalement  :pt1cable:  :pt1cable:


Marsh Posté le 23-03-2005 à 17:02:45    

If your Hard Drive is the problem, I suggest you to contact Manufacturer support. Sometimes, you just have to send it back, and it will send a new one.
Maxtor do it, they send a new Hard drive and just ask for your credit card number to be sure that you send the brocken Drive back in a month.


Marsh Posté le 23-03-2005 à 17:20:03    

Before send back your drive, try to conect it to another IDE controller (on the mother board, or better, or another device like a PCI IDE controller).


Marsh Posté le 23-03-2005 à 17:23:18    

HTPC_Man a écrit :

What Can I do ?
Thanks for your Help

If you can create partitions and format your HDD then I would say that your HDD is not faulty. You may want to check everything, so have you checked the memory and make sure it runs fine? And how about the CD drive, it might be another possibility of issue. Give a try and do a format with WinMe boot floppy and then try to install XP.

Message édité par Spiderkat le 23-03-2005 à 17:24:35

Marsh Posté le 23-03-2005 à 17:36:15    

It s a Serial ATA drive ?  [:thotho]


Marsh Posté le 31-03-2005 à 00:09:19    

non, c'est un disque ATA 133. Mais finalement j'ai ramené la CM + DD chez le vendeur. Il est en train de les tester. Je vous tiens au courant du resultat...
Sorry for english speaking...
A bientôt


Marsh Posté le 31-03-2005 à 10:16:12    

Gné ? :heink:


Marsh Posté le 31-03-2005 à 18:09:39    

Tu n'avais pas encore deviné que l'anglais n'est pas sa langue maternelle. :D


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