Firewall lequel choisir ?

Firewall lequel choisir ? - Win NT/2K/XP - Windows & Software

Marsh Posté le 23-09-2002 à 23:24:06    

y en a trop ... de firewall disponible... je prends lequel ??
J'ai testé Norton (bof), Kerio (trop complexe .. mais efficace), ZA et Sygate (super).
Le truc c que Sygate utilise je ne sais pr quelle raison 100% du cpu toutes les 10s.
Bref je cherche un truc gratuit ds le genre de sygate. Une suggestion ?


Marsh Posté le 23-09-2002 à 23:24:06   


Marsh Posté le 23-09-2002 à 23:29:39    

si c'est du gratis que tu veux, je te conseille ZA.

Topic PC ultra-portable ACER Swift 1 fanless

Marsh Posté le 23-09-2002 à 23:32:53    

oui mais ds ZA free tu peux configurer kedal.... j'aimerais un truc ou on puisse quand meme configuerer des règles pr les applications


Marsh Posté le 23-09-2002 à 23:40:58    

greg l'expert a écrit a écrit :

oui mais ds ZA free tu peux configurer kedal.... j'aimerais un truc ou on puisse quand meme configuerer des règles pr les applications

alors ça risque de pas être gratuit.

Topic PC ultra-portable ACER Swift 1 fanless

Marsh Posté le 23-09-2002 à 23:42:19    

pas grave... je suis ouvert a tout


Marsh Posté le 23-09-2002 à 23:43:12    

look'n'stop est pas trop mal
enfin ca vaut pas netfilter/iptables


Marsh Posté le 23-09-2002 à 23:49:44    

ok... et qq1 sait si Tiny Firewall Perso 3.0 est gratuit  (le 2.0 oui).
que pensez vous de Outpost ?? et de BitDefender ???


Marsh Posté le 23-09-2002 à 23:55:32    

greg l'expert a écrit a écrit :

ok... et qq1 sait si Tiny Firewall Perso 3.0 est gratuit  (le 2.0 oui).

Mieux que Tiny, Kerio :
Et en plus gratuit "for home and personal use"


Marsh Posté le 23-09-2002 à 23:56:18    

ben faudrait savoir : tu veux un firewall (pourquoi faire au fait??) qui soit configurable mais simple... C'est soit configurable, soit simple, mais pas les deux...

"I intend to live the first half of my life.I don't care about the rest."Errol Flynn."The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."Albert Einstein

Marsh Posté le 23-09-2002 à 23:57:35    

oui je connais mais il faut un truc tout aussi efficace mais plus simple (c pas moi qui vait l'utiliser)...


Marsh Posté le 23-09-2002 à 23:57:35   


Marsh Posté le 24-09-2002 à 00:00:15    

comment veux tu que ca soit aussi configurable tout en etant plus simple??
plus simple, c'est ZA et c'est OUI ou NON.
moins simple, c'est Kerio (ou TPF) et il faut s'y connaitre un minimum.
sinon, vraiment, je vois pas

"I intend to live the first half of my life.I don't care about the rest."Errol Flynn."The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."Albert Einstein

Marsh Posté le 24-09-2002 à 00:10:52    

oui je sais... vous allez me dire que je cherche la perle rare.... mais sait-on jamais... si quelqu'un l'a trouvé ?


Marsh Posté le 24-09-2002 à 00:15:07    

greg l'expert a écrit a écrit :

oui je sais... vous allez me dire que je cherche la perle rare.... mais sait-on jamais... si quelqu'un l'a trouvé ?

un soir je l'avais trouve...
mais j'avais trop bu :D
nan, sans rire, en ce qui concerne les firewalls, si tu veux justement avoir un controle dessus, tu dois t'y connaitre un chouilla. Finalement, si tu regardes bien Kerio, c'est pas si complique que ca, non?

"I intend to live the first half of my life.I don't care about the rest."Errol Flynn."The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."Albert Einstein

Marsh Posté le 24-09-2002 à 00:19:13    

oui c vrai.. mais des applications genre icq c pas facile a configurer.. d'autant qu'elle utilise jamais les meme port :( !


Marsh Posté le 24-09-2002 à 00:29:20    

vi, mais ca sera pareil avec tous les firewall ou tu voudras avoir le controle.
et puis regarde, sur le net, tu trouves tout : [...] &toc=kerio

5. Whats a good set of rules for ICQ that doesn't open all ports?
The first rule is to connect to ICQ. The range of 1024-5000 for local port range can be applied to most rules actually, not just this one. You can be more strict on the address range, but this will do for the time being, besides it's not allowing a large address range.
Description: Connect to ICQ
Protocol: UDP
Direction: Both directions
Local endpoint  
 Port type: Port/Range
 First port number: 1024
 Last port number: 5000
Application: (to wherever your icq.exe is located)
Remote endpoint
 Address type: Network/Range
 First address:
  Last address:
Port type: Single port
Port number: 4000
Rule valid: Always
Action: Permit
This 2nd rule is for file transfers, chat rooms, maybe other things but I know of at least those two. I looked at limiting the remote port range but it didn't seem to stay in any kind of predictable range. For file transfers I had the port number's jump from in the 2000 range to the 20 000 range. Remote address is to whoever you're doing a file transfer with so limiting it can not really be done.
Description: ICQ 2
Protocol: TCP
Direction: Outgoing
Local endpoint
 Port type: Port/Range
 First port number: 1024
 Last port number: 5000
Application: (to wherever your icq.exe is located)
Remote endpoint
 Address type: Any address
 Port type: Any port
Rule valid: Always
Action: Permit
If you want to try file transfers, chats and whatever else on your own computer then look here this will tell you how you can make it so you can open multiple instances of ICQ. Then just create yourself a new identity on ICQ and open up two instances of ICQ and you can test things for yourself.
source: ygfjhg
Here are some slightly different rules for ICQ2000b v4.65. Amongst other things it seems to include a different connection port during startup. I don't know what the latest version is... I don't rely on this software and so don't update too frequently :)
Here are the rules I'm using, differences highlighted:
Description: ICQ
Protocol: TCP <---
Direction: Outgoing <---
Local endpoint
 Port type: Port/Range
 First port number: 1024
 Last port number: 5000
Application: (to wherever your icq.exe is located)
Remote endpoint
 Address type: Network/Mask <---
 Network Address: <---
 Network Mask: <---
Port type: Single port
Port number: 5190 <---
Rule valid: Always
Action: Permit
The netmask was required because I found ICQ connecting outside the narrower range suggested by jcarm. That entire B block is owned by AOL.
There's also a second version of this rule with network address: and netmask Again this entire block is owned by AOL and ICQ tries to connect there.
It's possible that these address ranges are too broad, so I'd appreciate any enlightenment.
Finally I've got a block rule (above both of these) that seems to be the one that grabs updated ads and graphics during logon:
Description: Block ICQ ads
Protocol: TCP
Direction: Outgoing
Local endpoint
 Port type: Port/Range
 First port number: 1024
 Last port number: 5000
Application: (to wherever your icq.exe is located)
Remote endpoint
 Address type: Single address
 Host Address:
 Port type: Single port
 Port number: 80
Rule valid: Always
Action: Deny
I don't have any specific rules for normal use of ICQ: I'm happy for it to popup connect requests when something unusual happens.
source: HTH

"I intend to live the first half of my life.I don't care about the rest."Errol Flynn."The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."Albert Einstein

Marsh Posté le 24-09-2002 à 05:31:54    

moi j'utilise Kerio sur toutes mes machines et je ne m'en pleinds pas... :)


Marsh Posté le 24-09-2002 à 10:50:34    

y a ptet celui la : Outpost (


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