Explorer.exe: Mon onglet FOLDERS n'affiche rien!!

Explorer.exe: Mon onglet FOLDERS n'affiche rien!! - Win NT/2K/XP - Windows & Software

Marsh Posté le 01-12-2003 à 15:29:26    

Je ne sais pas pourquoi mais tout d'un coup lorsque j'ouvre mon windows explorer la fenêtre à gauche (on l'appèlle l'onglet FOLDERS je crois) qui affiche normalement les disques durs, cd-rom etc... n'affiche absolument rien.
Quesque je dois faire?
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide


Marsh Posté le 01-12-2003 à 15:29:26   


Marsh Posté le 01-12-2003 à 15:43:01    

J'ai oublier de dire: Je suis sur Windows 2000 server


Marsh Posté le 01-12-2003 à 15:54:20    

J'ai finalement trouvé la solution, alors à ceux qui ont ou qui auront le même problème que j'ai eu, allez là:
Merci quand même!
Si au cas où la page mène a un 404 voici ce quelle contenait (sans bien sur les liens):
The problem of the Grayed out Explorer Folders Pane has been traced to a single registry key.  
This one:
The Default value for this key points to the file which builds the Explorer Band. That file is either Shdocvw.dll or Browseui.dll. The file varies according to which version of Internet Explorer is installed. If this entry is not correct, the Pane will not be built.  
Internet Explorer 5.5 uses Browseui.dll
All other Internet Explorer Versions use Shdocvw.dll
Using a registry file and merging that file into the registry can repair the problem on all versions except IE 5.5.
For All Internet Explorer versions EXCEPT IE 5.5
Go to Start>run and type Regedit. Press Enter
Navigate to this key:
Highlight InProcServer32 in the left pane. In the right pane, double click on Default. Modify the value data in the box which will come up, by typing in the correct path to shdocvw.dll. Click Ok. Close the Registry.
Or you can download a file and merge that into the Registry:
There are two files, one for Win9x and ME, another for WinXP and Windows2000. This is because the path to shdocvw.dll is different in each operating system. And the Operating Systems use different registry value types.  
Download the appropriate file for your operating system. The files are attached as text files. Download the text file and rename it with a .reg extension. Double click the registry file to Merge into the registry. If you are running Windows 2000 or WindowsXP, the file attached here is correct for your Operating System.  
If you use Win 9x or ME, go to this link for the correct file:
For those of you using Internet Explorer 5.5
Repair Internet Explorer. See if that corrects the situation. If not then doublecheck your installed version of Browseui.dll to be sure it is the correct version for IE 5.5.
To cover all bases, (note: The registry usually doesn't solve the problem for IE 5.5)  
Go to this key:
Click on InProcServer32  
Make sure the Default in the right pane is the correct path to Browseui.dll.
If none of this helps, you may either Upgrade Internet Explorer or revert to the previous version and/or try another reinstall of Internet Explorer 5.5.
Attachment: winxp2k.txt
This has been downloaded 1304 time(s).


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