commande pour arreter windows ? - Win NT/2K/XP - Windows & Software
Marsh Posté le 22-07-2003 à 17:48:03
menu demarrer -> arreter !
Marsh Posté le 22-07-2003 à 17:50:23
pour arrêter ou redémarrer tu as l'utilitaire "shutdwon.exe" du ressource kit
Usage: SHUTDOWN [/?] [\\Computer] [/L] [/A] [/R] [/T:xx] ["Msg"] [/Y] [/C]
/? Shows this screen.
\\Computer Specifies a remote computer to shutdown.
/L Specifies a local shutdown.
/A Abortes a systemshutdown. This is only possible during the
timeout period.If this switch is used, all other are ignored.
/R Specifies that the machine should reboot after shutdown.
/T:xx Sets the timer for system shutdown in seconds.[20 sec. default]
"Msg" Specifies an additional message
/Y Answer all following questinons with yes
/C Forces running applications to close.
ATTENTION: If you use the /C parameter NT ignores the
applications option to save data which may
have changed. You will see no File-Save dialog
box, because NT will force the application to
close. This will result in a loss of all data.
not previously saved !!!
pour se déloguer je c plus!
Marsh Posté le 22-07-2003 à 17:53:51
Marsh Posté le 22-07-2003 à 17:45:55
quelles sont les commandes pour arreter, se deloguer ou redemarrer ?
Merci d'avance