bitdefender 8.0 seul ou accompagner par sp2 ? - Sécurité - Windows & Software
Marsh Posté le 19-09-2004 à 11:47:56
Il te faut un seul firewall !! ca c'est certain, sinon ils risquent de se rentrer dedans. Après, niveau config, personnellement je connais pas BitDefender. Regarde dans la doc...
Et puis si le FW de XP est si efficace, pourquoi tu veux mettre bitdefender ?
Marsh Posté le 19-09-2004 à 12:37:59
non je ne dis pas que tel ou tel est meilleur je me refere simplement a un test
j'ai lu que fw sp ne s'occupait des fichiers sortants ce qui est plutot genant
merci pour tes remarques
Marsh Posté le 19-09-2004 à 14:16:02
Le firewall de XP SP2 surveille les programmes qui tentent de sortir...
Marsh Posté le 19-09-2004 à 15:29:29
bitdefender demande si oui ou non on accepte le programme a communiquer sp2 non!
Marsh Posté le 19-09-2004 à 15:30:07
ReplyMarsh Posté le 19-09-2004 à 19:14:24
y'a déjà un bitdéfender 8?
Tu as essayé les précèdentes versions?
Marsh Posté le 19-09-2004 à 11:45:11
bonjour a tous
j'ai fait un test avec
j'ai bitdefender 8.0 et win xp sp2
j'ai obtenu ce resultat en deconnectant le firewall sp2 dans centre securité
Check for vulnerabilities of your computer system to remote attacks
We have scanned your system for open ports and for ports visible to others on the Internet. As a rule an open port means your computer is vulnerable to attacks by crackers. They gain access to your computer and its files through these open ports.
The test found visible port(s) on your system: 21, 23, 80, 137, 138, 1080, 3128
Install personal firewall software. PC Flank recommends Outpost Firewall Pro.
If you have already installed and are using a firewall, check if it is set to make all the ports of your computer invisible (hidden). If it is, then get new firewall software and redo this test.
Trojan horse check
The test scanned your system to find signs of a Trojan. If a Trojan horse is on your computer a cracker can access your system's files and your personal data.
The test found visible ports on your system: 27374, 12345, 1243, 31337, 12348.
The following Trojans use these ports: SubSeven, NetBus, SubSeven, Back Orifice, BioNet
Although these ports are visible, they are not open, so your system is not infected. However, having visible ports on your system means your computer can be "seen" over the Internet. This makes it very easy for skillful intruders to explore your system.
Install personal firewall software and use an anti-Trojan program. Anti-trojans to consider are: The Cleaner, PestPatrol or Tauscan.
If you have a firewall, check if it is set to make all your computer ports invisible (hidden). If it is, then it failed miserably. Replace it and redo this test.
Browser privacy check
The test checked if your web browser reveals any private information while you visit Web sites. Usually such information is: the last site visited, your locale and who your Internet Service Provider is.
While visiting web sites your browser reveals private information about you and your computer. It sends information about previous sites you have visited. It may also save special cookies on your hard drive that have the purpose of directing advertising or finding out your habits while web surfing.
We advise you to get personal firewall software. If you already have a firewall program adjust it to block the distribution of such information.
To compare your results to results of other users click on "Overall Stats".
bon vu apparament je n'arrive pas a tous traduire mais ca n'a pas l'air d'etre terrible :-( ca m'inquiete (The test found visible ports on your system: 27374, 12345, 1243, 31337, 12348)
lorsque j'active le firewall sp2 et firewall bitedefender
les resultats sont
Check for vulnerabilities of your computer system to remote attacks
We have scanned your system for open ports and for ports visible to others on the Internet. As a rule an open port means your computer is vulnerable to attacks by crackers. They gain access to your computer and its files through these open ports.
Trojan horse check
The test scanned your system to find signs of a Trojan. If a Trojan horse is on your computer a cracker can access your system's files and your personal data.
There is no evidence of a Trojan horse on your system.
The absence of a Trojan horse on your system does not mean this problem cannot happen, of course. Anti-virus and/or anti-Trojan software should be installed and used on your system. Anti-trojans to consider are: The Cleaner, PestPatrol or Tauscan.
If you already use this type of software on your system, its virus definitions (virus database) should regularly be updated.
Browser privacy check
The test checked if your web browser reveals any private information while you visit Web sites. Usually such information is: the last site visited, your locale and who your Internet Service Provider is.
While visiting web sites your browser reveals private information about you and your computer. It sends information about previous sites you have visited. It may also save special cookies on your hard drive that have the purpose of directing advertising or finding out your habits while web surfing.
We advise you to get personal firewall software. If you already have a firewall program adjust it to block the distribution of such information.
To compare your results to results of other users click on "Overall Stats
apparament vu les tetes vertes c'est meilleurs mais bon je ne omprends pas pourquoi il faut 2 firewalls pour etre couvert correctement d'autant que dans le centre de securite il indique qu'il faut mieux utiliser 1 seul parfeu
je ne sais pas comment parametrer bitdefender pour qu'il soit aussi sur que fw sp2 car lui tous seul sans bitedefender il a des resultats corrects
que me conseillez vous ??
merci d'avance pour votre aide