Room Arranger : pb avec la 3D - Logiciels - Windows & Software
Marsh Posté le 14-05-2006 à 21:06:27
je fais des essais avec room arranger demo pour meubler la chambre de mes gosses et j'arriver pas à passer en 3D ça ouvre netscape et ça me donne ça : et j'y comprens rien mwa #VRML V2.0 utf8 WorldInfo { title "Room Arranger 3D scene" info ["Author: Room Arranger,"] } DEF WALK_NAV NavigationInfo { headlight FALSE avatarSize [.15, 1.60, .5] type ["WALK", "ANY"]} DEF FLY_NAV NavigationInfo { headlight FALSE avatarSize [.15, 1.60, .5] type ["FLY", "ANY"]} Background { skyColor [ 0 0 1, 0.6 0.8 1, 1 1 1] skyAngle [1.5, 1.57] groundColor [0.7 0.8 0, 0.3 0.5 0] groundAngle [1.57] } Transform { translation 0 -.12 0 children Shape { appearance Appearance {material Material {emissiveColor 0.3 0.5 0.0 diffuseColor 0 0 0 }} geometry Box {size 200 .2 200} } } DEF user1 Viewpoint {description "Début" position 1.50 1.60 1.65 orientation 0 1 0 -0.00} ROUTE user1.isBound TO WALK_NAV.set_bind DEF v2 Viewpoint {description "Vue de face" position 1.50 5.15 4.30 orientation 1 0 0 -1} DEF v3 Viewpoint {description "Vue de gauche" position -1 5.15 1.65 orientation .5 1 .5 -1.77} DEF v4 Viewpoint {description "Vue arrière" position 1.50 5.15 -1 orientation 0 1 .5 -3.14} DEF v5 Viewpoint {description "Vue de droite" position 4.00 5.15 1.65 orientation -.5 1 .5 1.77} DEF v6 Viewpoint {description "Vue du centre" position 1.50 6.15 2.05 orientation 1 0 0 -1.45} ROUTE v2.isBound TO FLY_NAV.set_bind ROUTE v3.isBound TO FLY_NAV.set_bind ROUTE v4.isBound TO FLY_NAV.set_bind ROUTE v5.isBound TO FLY_NAV.set_bind ROUTE v6.isBound TO FLY_NAV.set_bind PointLight {intensity .28 location -2.00 4.80 -2.00 ambientIntensity .15} PointLight {intensity .28 location -2.00 4.80 6.62 ambientIntensity .15} PointLight {intensity .28 location 6.32 4.80 6.62 ambientIntensity .15} PointLight {intensity .28 location 6.32 4.80 -2.00 ambientIntensity .15} PointLight {intensity .22 location 2.16 -1.00 -2.00} PointLight {intensity .22 location -2.00 -1.00 2.31} PointLight {intensity .22 location 2.16 -1.00 6.62} PointLight {intensity .22 location 6.32 -1.00 2.31} EXTERNPROTO Rectangle [field SFNode appearance] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#Rectangle" EXTERNPROTO Circle [field SFNode appearance] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#Circle" EXTERNPROTO Ellipse [field SFNode appearance] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#Ellipse" EXTERNPROTO Triangle [field SFNode appearance] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#Triangle" EXTERNPROTO Hexagon [field SFNode appearance] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#Hexagon" EXTERNPROTO Octagon [field SFNode appearance] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#Octagon" EXTERNPROTO Door [field SFNode appearance] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#Door" EXTERNPROTO Window [field SFNode appearance] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#Window" EXTERNPROTO Arrow [field SFNode appearance] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#Arrow" EXTERNPROTO UserPicLibraryObject93 [field SFColor color field MFString urlTexture ] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#UserPicLibraryObject93" EXTERNPROTO UserPicLibraryObject171 [field SFColor color field MFString urlTexture ] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#UserPicLibraryObject171" EXTERNPROTO UserPicLibraryObject172 [field SFColor color field MFString urlTexture ] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#UserPicLibraryObject172" EXTERNPROTO Wall [field SFColor colorL field SFColor colorR field MFString urlTexture] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#Wall" EXTERNPROTO TriWall [field SFColor colorL field SFColor colorR field SFFloat fromZHeight field SFFloat toZHeight field MFString urlTexture] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#TriWall" EXTERNPROTO OpenDoorST [field SFRotation OpenRot field SFFloat ClosedRot field SFVec3f scale field MFNode doormodel] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#OpenDoorST" EXTERNPROTO SlidingDoorST [field SFVec3f OpenRot field SFFloat ClosedRot field SFVec3f scale field MFNode doormodel] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#SlidingDoorST" EXTERNPROTO FoldingDoorST [field SFRotation OpenRot field SFFloat ClosedRot field SFVec3f scale field SFRotation OpenRot2 field SFVec3f shift2 field MFNode doormodel] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#FoldingDoorST" EXTERNPROTO DoorModel0 [field SFNode appearance] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#DoorModel0" EXTERNPROTO DoorModel1 [field SFNode appearance] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#DoorModel1" EXTERNPROTO DoorModel2 [field SFNode appearance] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#DoorModel2" EXTERNPROTO DoorModel3 [field SFNode appearance] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#DoorModel3" EXTERNPROTO DoorModel4 [field SFNode appearance] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#DoorModel4" EXTERNPROTO DoorModel5 [field SFNode appearance] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#DoorModel5" EXTERNPROTO DoorModel6 [field SFNode appearance] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#DoorModel6" EXTERNPROTO WindowSub0 [field SFNode appearance field SFColor colorW] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#WindowSub0" EXTERNPROTO WindowSub1 [field SFNode appearance field SFColor colorW] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#WindowSub1" EXTERNPROTO WindowSub2 [field SFNode appearance field SFColor colorW] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#WindowSub2" EXTERNPROTO WindowSub3 [field SFNode appearance field SFColor colorW] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#WindowSub3" EXTERNPROTO WindowSub4 [field SFNode appearance field SFColor colorW] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#WindowSub4" EXTERNPROTO WindowSub5 [field SFNode appearance field SFColor colorW] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#WindowSub5" EXTERNPROTO WindowSub6 [field SFNode appearance field SFColor colorW] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#WindowSub6" EXTERNPROTO WindowSub7 [field SFNode appearance field SFColor colorW] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#WindowSub7" Transform {translation 0.000 0 0.000 rotation 0 1 0 -0.0000 children Transform {translation 0.000 0.000 -0.100 scale 0.880 2.650 0.100 children TriWall {colorL 1.00 1.00 1.00 colorR 0.99 0.93 0.51 fromZHeight 1.000 toZHeight 1.000 urlTexture ""}}} Transform {translation 0.000 0 0.000 rotation 0 1 0 -0.0000 children Transform {translation 2.080 0.000 -0.100 scale 0.920 2.650 0.100 children TriWall {colorL 1.00 1.00 1.00 colorR 0.99 0.93 0.51 fromZHeight 1.000 toZHeight 1.000 urlTexture ""}}} Transform {translation 0.000 0 0.000 rotation 0 1 0 -0.0000 children Transform {translation 0.880 1.300 -0.100 scale 1.200 1.350 0.100 children TriWall {colorL 1.00 1.00 1.00 colorR 0.99 0.93 0.51 fromZHeight 1.000 toZHeight 1.000 urlTexture ""}}} Transform {translation 0.000 0 0.000 rotation 0 1 0 -1.5708 children Transform {translation 0.000 0.000 0.000 scale 2.460 2.650 0.100 children TriWall {colorL 0.99 0.93 0.51 colorR 1.00 1.00 1.00 fromZHeight 1.000 toZHeight 1.000 urlTexture ""}}} Transform {translation 0.000 0 0.000 rotation 0 1 0 -1.5708 children Transform {translation 3.260 0.000 0.000 scale 0.040 2.650 0.100 children TriWall {colorL 0.99 0.93 0.51 colorR 1.00 1.00 1.00 fromZHeight 1.000 toZHeight 1.000 urlTexture ""}}} Transform {translation 0.000 0 0.000 rotation 0 1 0 -1.5708 children Transform {translation 2.460 1.950 0.000 scale 0.800 0.700 0.100 children TriWall {colorL 0.99 0.93 0.51 colorR 1.00 1.00 1.00 fromZHeight 1.000 toZHeight 1.000 urlTexture ""}}} Transform {translation 0.000 0 3.300 rotation 0 1 0 -0.0000 children Transform {translation 0.000 0.000 0.000 scale 3.000 2.650 0.100 children TriWall {colorL 0.99 0.93 0.51 colorR 1.00 1.00 1.00 fromZHeight 1.000 toZHeight 1.000 urlTexture ""}}} Transform {translation 3.000 0 0.000 rotation 0 1 0 -1.5708 children Transform {translation 0.000 0.000 -0.100 scale 3.300 2.650 0.100 children TriWall {colorL 1.00 1.00 1.00 colorR 0.99 0.93 0.51 fromZHeight 1.000 toZHeight 1.000 urlTexture ""}}} Transform {translation 0 -.15 0 scale 3.000 .1 3.300 children Rectangle {appearance Appearance {material Material {diffuseColor 1.00 1.00 1.00 }}}} Shape { appearance Appearance {material Material {diffuseColor 0 0 0 emissiveColor 1.00 1.00 1.00}} geometry IndexedFaceSet { coord Coordinate { point [ 0.000 0 0.000, 3.000 0 0.000, 3.000 0 3.300, 0.000 0 3.300, ]} coordIndex [0 1 2 3 -1] solid FALSE convex FALSE }} Transform {translation 0.880 0.000 -0.100 rotation 0 1 0 -0.0000 scale 1.200 1.300 0.100 children WindowSub1 {appearance Appearance {material Material {diffuseColor 0.86 0.86 0.86 emissiveColor 0.00 0.00 0.00 transparency 0.00}} colorW 0.88 1.00 1.00}} Transform {translation 0.000 0.000 3.260 rotation 0 1 0 -4.7124 children OpenDoorST {OpenRot 0 1 0 -1.57 ClosedRot -0.00 scale 0.800 1.950 0.030 doormodel DoorModel0 {appearance Appearance {material Material {diffuseColor 0.99 0.99 0.99 emissiveColor 0.00 0.00 0.00 transparency 0.00}}}}} EXTERNPROTO LibraryObject83 [field SFNode appearance field SFNode appearanceFront] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#LibraryObject83" Transform {translation 2.980 0.000 2.270 rotation 0 1 0 -1.5708 scale 1.000 1.600 2.000 children LibraryObject83 {appearance Appearance {material Material {diffuseColor 1.00 1.00 0.87 emissiveColor 0.00 0.00 0.00 transparency 0.00}} appearanceFront Appearance {material Material {diffuseColor 1.00 1.00 0.87 emissiveColor 0.00 0.00 0.00 transparency 0.00}}}} EXTERNPROTO LibraryObject23 [field SFNode appearance field SFNode appearanceFront] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#LibraryObject23" Transform {translation 1.980 0.000 0.020 rotation 0 1 0 -0.0000 scale 1.000 0.900 2.000 children LibraryObject23 {appearance Appearance {material Material {diffuseColor 1.00 1.00 0.85 emissiveColor 0.00 0.00 0.00 transparency 0.00}} appearanceFront Appearance {material Material {diffuseColor 1.00 1.00 0.85 emissiveColor 0.00 0.00 0.00 transparency 0.00}}}} EXTERNPROTO LibraryObject22 [field SFNode appearance field SFNode appearanceFront] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#LibraryObject22" Transform {translation 0.010 0.000 1.600 rotation 0 1 0 -4.7124 scale 0.600 2.000 0.500 children LibraryObject22 {appearance Appearance {material Material {diffuseColor 0.53 0.27 0.27 emissiveColor 0.00 0.00 0.00 transparency 0.00}} appearanceFront Appearance {material Material {diffuseColor 0.53 0.27 0.27 emissiveColor 0.00 0.00 0.00 transparency 0.00}}}}
Make sure you enter the(*)required information where indicate.HTML code is not allowed
Marsh Posté le 14-05-2006 à 21:06:27
je fais des essais avec room arranger demo pour meubler la chambre de mes gosses et j'arriver pas à passer en 3D
ça ouvre netscape et ça me donne ça : et j'y comprens rien mwa
#VRML V2.0 utf8
WorldInfo {
title "Room Arranger 3D scene"
info ["Author: Room Arranger,"]
DEF WALK_NAV NavigationInfo { headlight FALSE avatarSize [.15, 1.60, .5] type ["WALK", "ANY"]}
DEF FLY_NAV NavigationInfo { headlight FALSE avatarSize [.15, 1.60, .5] type ["FLY", "ANY"]}
Background {
skyColor [ 0 0 1, 0.6 0.8 1, 1 1 1]
skyAngle [1.5, 1.57]
groundColor [0.7 0.8 0, 0.3 0.5 0]
groundAngle [1.57]
Transform {
translation 0 -.12 0
children Shape {
appearance Appearance {material Material {emissiveColor 0.3 0.5 0.0 diffuseColor 0 0 0 }}
geometry Box {size 200 .2 200}
DEF user1 Viewpoint {description "Début" position 1.50 1.60 1.65 orientation 0 1 0 -0.00}
ROUTE user1.isBound TO WALK_NAV.set_bind
DEF v2 Viewpoint {description "Vue de face" position 1.50 5.15 4.30 orientation 1 0 0 -1}
DEF v3 Viewpoint {description "Vue de gauche" position -1 5.15 1.65 orientation .5 1 .5 -1.77}
DEF v4 Viewpoint {description "Vue arrière" position 1.50 5.15 -1 orientation 0 1 .5 -3.14}
DEF v5 Viewpoint {description "Vue de droite" position 4.00 5.15 1.65 orientation -.5 1 .5 1.77}
DEF v6 Viewpoint {description "Vue du centre" position 1.50 6.15 2.05 orientation 1 0 0 -1.45}
ROUTE v2.isBound TO FLY_NAV.set_bind
ROUTE v3.isBound TO FLY_NAV.set_bind
ROUTE v4.isBound TO FLY_NAV.set_bind
ROUTE v5.isBound TO FLY_NAV.set_bind
ROUTE v6.isBound TO FLY_NAV.set_bind
PointLight {intensity .28 location -2.00 4.80 -2.00 ambientIntensity .15}
PointLight {intensity .28 location -2.00 4.80 6.62 ambientIntensity .15}
PointLight {intensity .28 location 6.32 4.80 6.62 ambientIntensity .15}
PointLight {intensity .28 location 6.32 4.80 -2.00 ambientIntensity .15}
PointLight {intensity .22 location 2.16 -1.00 -2.00}
PointLight {intensity .22 location -2.00 -1.00 2.31}
PointLight {intensity .22 location 2.16 -1.00 6.62}
PointLight {intensity .22 location 6.32 -1.00 2.31}
EXTERNPROTO Rectangle [field SFNode appearance] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#Rectangle"
EXTERNPROTO Circle [field SFNode appearance] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#Circle"
EXTERNPROTO Ellipse [field SFNode appearance] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#Ellipse"
EXTERNPROTO Triangle [field SFNode appearance] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#Triangle"
EXTERNPROTO Hexagon [field SFNode appearance] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#Hexagon"
EXTERNPROTO Octagon [field SFNode appearance] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#Octagon"
EXTERNPROTO Door [field SFNode appearance] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#Door"
EXTERNPROTO Window [field SFNode appearance] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#Window"
EXTERNPROTO Arrow [field SFNode appearance] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#Arrow"
EXTERNPROTO UserPicLibraryObject93 [field SFColor color field MFString urlTexture ] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#UserPicLibraryObject93"
EXTERNPROTO UserPicLibraryObject171 [field SFColor color field MFString urlTexture ] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#UserPicLibraryObject171"
EXTERNPROTO UserPicLibraryObject172 [field SFColor color field MFString urlTexture ] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#UserPicLibraryObject172"
EXTERNPROTO Wall [field SFColor colorL field SFColor colorR field MFString urlTexture] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#Wall"
EXTERNPROTO TriWall [field SFColor colorL field SFColor colorR field SFFloat fromZHeight field SFFloat toZHeight field MFString urlTexture] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#TriWall"
EXTERNPROTO OpenDoorST [field SFRotation OpenRot field SFFloat ClosedRot field SFVec3f scale field MFNode doormodel] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#OpenDoorST"
EXTERNPROTO SlidingDoorST [field SFVec3f OpenRot field SFFloat ClosedRot field SFVec3f scale field MFNode doormodel] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#SlidingDoorST"
EXTERNPROTO FoldingDoorST [field SFRotation OpenRot field SFFloat ClosedRot field SFVec3f scale field SFRotation OpenRot2 field SFVec3f shift2 field MFNode doormodel] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#FoldingDoorST"
EXTERNPROTO DoorModel0 [field SFNode appearance] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#DoorModel0"
EXTERNPROTO DoorModel1 [field SFNode appearance] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#DoorModel1"
EXTERNPROTO DoorModel2 [field SFNode appearance] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#DoorModel2"
EXTERNPROTO DoorModel3 [field SFNode appearance] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#DoorModel3"
EXTERNPROTO DoorModel4 [field SFNode appearance] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#DoorModel4"
EXTERNPROTO DoorModel5 [field SFNode appearance] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#DoorModel5"
EXTERNPROTO DoorModel6 [field SFNode appearance] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#DoorModel6"
EXTERNPROTO WindowSub0 [field SFNode appearance field SFColor colorW] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#WindowSub0"
EXTERNPROTO WindowSub1 [field SFNode appearance field SFColor colorW] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#WindowSub1"
EXTERNPROTO WindowSub2 [field SFNode appearance field SFColor colorW] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#WindowSub2"
EXTERNPROTO WindowSub3 [field SFNode appearance field SFColor colorW] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#WindowSub3"
EXTERNPROTO WindowSub4 [field SFNode appearance field SFColor colorW] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#WindowSub4"
EXTERNPROTO WindowSub5 [field SFNode appearance field SFColor colorW] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#WindowSub5"
EXTERNPROTO WindowSub6 [field SFNode appearance field SFColor colorW] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#WindowSub6"
EXTERNPROTO WindowSub7 [field SFNode appearance field SFColor colorW] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#WindowSub7"
Transform {translation 0.000 0 0.000 rotation 0 1 0 -0.0000
children Transform {translation 0.000 0.000 -0.100 scale 0.880 2.650 0.100
children TriWall {colorL 1.00 1.00 1.00 colorR 0.99 0.93 0.51 fromZHeight 1.000 toZHeight 1.000 urlTexture ""}}}
Transform {translation 0.000 0 0.000 rotation 0 1 0 -0.0000
children Transform {translation 2.080 0.000 -0.100 scale 0.920 2.650 0.100
children TriWall {colorL 1.00 1.00 1.00 colorR 0.99 0.93 0.51 fromZHeight 1.000 toZHeight 1.000 urlTexture ""}}}
Transform {translation 0.000 0 0.000 rotation 0 1 0 -0.0000
children Transform {translation 0.880 1.300 -0.100 scale 1.200 1.350 0.100
children TriWall {colorL 1.00 1.00 1.00 colorR 0.99 0.93 0.51 fromZHeight 1.000 toZHeight 1.000 urlTexture ""}}}
Transform {translation 0.000 0 0.000 rotation 0 1 0 -1.5708
children Transform {translation 0.000 0.000 0.000 scale 2.460 2.650 0.100
children TriWall {colorL 0.99 0.93 0.51 colorR 1.00 1.00 1.00 fromZHeight 1.000 toZHeight 1.000 urlTexture ""}}}
Transform {translation 0.000 0 0.000 rotation 0 1 0 -1.5708
children Transform {translation 3.260 0.000 0.000 scale 0.040 2.650 0.100
children TriWall {colorL 0.99 0.93 0.51 colorR 1.00 1.00 1.00 fromZHeight 1.000 toZHeight 1.000 urlTexture ""}}}
Transform {translation 0.000 0 0.000 rotation 0 1 0 -1.5708
children Transform {translation 2.460 1.950 0.000 scale 0.800 0.700 0.100
children TriWall {colorL 0.99 0.93 0.51 colorR 1.00 1.00 1.00 fromZHeight 1.000 toZHeight 1.000 urlTexture ""}}}
Transform {translation 0.000 0 3.300 rotation 0 1 0 -0.0000
children Transform {translation 0.000 0.000 0.000 scale 3.000 2.650 0.100
children TriWall {colorL 0.99 0.93 0.51 colorR 1.00 1.00 1.00 fromZHeight 1.000 toZHeight 1.000 urlTexture ""}}}
Transform {translation 3.000 0 0.000 rotation 0 1 0 -1.5708
children Transform {translation 0.000 0.000 -0.100 scale 3.300 2.650 0.100
children TriWall {colorL 1.00 1.00 1.00 colorR 0.99 0.93 0.51 fromZHeight 1.000 toZHeight 1.000 urlTexture ""}}}
Transform {translation 0 -.15 0 scale 3.000 .1 3.300
children Rectangle {appearance Appearance {material Material {diffuseColor 1.00 1.00 1.00 }}}}
Shape {
appearance Appearance {material Material {diffuseColor 0 0 0 emissiveColor 1.00 1.00 1.00}}
geometry IndexedFaceSet { coord Coordinate { point [
0.000 0 0.000, 3.000 0 0.000, 3.000 0 3.300, 0.000 0 3.300, ]}
coordIndex [0 1 2 3 -1]
solid FALSE convex FALSE
Transform {translation 0.880 0.000 -0.100 rotation 0 1 0 -0.0000 scale 1.200 1.300 0.100
children WindowSub1 {appearance Appearance {material Material {diffuseColor 0.86 0.86 0.86 emissiveColor 0.00 0.00 0.00 transparency 0.00}} colorW 0.88 1.00 1.00}}
Transform {translation 0.000 0.000 3.260 rotation 0 1 0 -4.7124
children OpenDoorST {OpenRot 0 1 0 -1.57 ClosedRot -0.00 scale 0.800 1.950 0.030 doormodel DoorModel0 {appearance Appearance {material Material {diffuseColor 0.99 0.99 0.99 emissiveColor 0.00 0.00 0.00 transparency 0.00}}}}}
EXTERNPROTO LibraryObject83 [field SFNode appearance field SFNode appearanceFront] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#LibraryObject83"
Transform {translation 2.980 0.000 2.270 rotation 0 1 0 -1.5708 scale 1.000 1.600 2.000
children LibraryObject83 {appearance Appearance {material Material {diffuseColor 1.00 1.00 0.87 emissiveColor 0.00 0.00 0.00 transparency 0.00}} appearanceFront Appearance {material Material {diffuseColor 1.00 1.00 0.87 emissiveColor 0.00 0.00 0.00 transparency 0.00}}}}
EXTERNPROTO LibraryObject23 [field SFNode appearance field SFNode appearanceFront] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#LibraryObject23"
Transform {translation 1.980 0.000 0.020 rotation 0 1 0 -0.0000 scale 1.000 0.900 2.000
children LibraryObject23 {appearance Appearance {material Material {diffuseColor 1.00 1.00 0.85 emissiveColor 0.00 0.00 0.00 transparency 0.00}} appearanceFront Appearance {material Material {diffuseColor 1.00 1.00 0.85 emissiveColor 0.00 0.00 0.00 transparency 0.00}}}}
EXTERNPROTO LibraryObject22 [field SFNode appearance field SFNode appearanceFront] "file://C:\Program Files\Room Arranger\library.wrl#LibraryObject22"
Transform {translation 0.010 0.000 1.600 rotation 0 1 0 -4.7124 scale 0.600 2.000 0.500
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