Lecteur CD absent sous Itunes 4.1 XP

Lecteur CD absent sous Itunes 4.1 XP - Logiciels - Windows & Software

Marsh Posté le 17-12-2003 à 13:03:02    

Bonjour, sous Itunes 4.1 (Win XP), impossible de voir mon lecteur CD... donc dès que je veux convertir en AAC, je dois d'abord extraire en WAV pour réencoder en AAC... C'est lourd alors que je pourrais directement faire ca avec Itunes.
Help :)

Message édité par desb le 17-12-2003 à 13:06:25

Marsh Posté le 17-12-2003 à 13:03:02   


Marsh Posté le 17-12-2003 à 22:42:24    

la solution :
Hi there! This post might please some of you guys who are having trouble readind and burning cds with iTunes for Windows. Having experienced this problem too, I have been looking for the solution for a while now and tried every remedy for it, including the replacement of GEAR drivers. Why not? For my part, it did not have anything to do with iTunes itself, or drivers or whatsoever... but from Windows' tendency to assign .dlls with the wrong program. Here's how I solved the problem:
- find the directory where iTunes is installed: it should be "C:\Program Files\iTunes" by default.
- open the sub-directory called "CD Configuration" in which you can find three files called "gcdrdll; gcdroem; gcdrtype".
- if it is not the case, reassign these files to iTunes, period. Right click on each of them, choose "Open with" and select iTunes in the list. Don't forget to check the box at the bottom of this window that says something like "Always open with the selected application" (I'm french, so this is a translation attempt, I don't know if it is exactly the same in the english version...  )
- Click Ok, and this is it! iTunes should open then, your burner and audio cds should be detected now... Well I hope so!
By the way, Apple rules!  


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