Hello! impossible d'installer une version de maya sur mon pc (windows xp)! exemple avec "Maya PLE 8.5", ça me dit en cours d'install...:
"InstallShield Wizard Completed The wizard was interrupted before maya 8.5 Personal Learning Edition could be completey installed. Your system has not been modified. To complete installation at another time, please run setup again. Click Finish to exit the wizard."
Help me! ça doit venir de mon pc, d'un truc installé ou de ma carte... je ne sais que faire?...
Marsh Posté le 14-04-2008 à 16:55:03

impossible d'installer une version de maya sur mon pc (windows xp)!
exemple avec "Maya PLE 8.5", ça me dit en cours d'install...:
"InstallShield Wizard Completed
The wizard was interrupted before maya 8.5 Personal Learning Edition could be completey installed.
Your system has not been modified. To complete installation at another time, please run setup again.
Click Finish to exit the wizard."
Help me! ça doit venir de mon pc, d'un truc installé ou de ma carte... je ne sais que faire?...