un nouveau mpeg2avi !!!!!

un nouveau mpeg2avi !!!!! - Video & Son

Marsh Posté le 17-09-2001 à 11:32:27    

Bon c'est pas PX3 qui reprend du service (malheuresement) mais ça a l'air interessant quand meme voyer vous meme :
0.1.5c: released 16/09/2001
 * fixed the bug that made mpeg2avi wait forever without quitting at the end of the 1 pass in a DIVX4 2 pass session
 * fixed a crash that occured occasionnaly when hitting "cancel encoding"
 * crude but working error reporting
 * better avi file size estimation indicator
 * code cleaning ... Removed all non GUI stuff and a lot of old unused code
0.1.5b: released 15/09/2001
 * fixed a very annoying bug in the codec selection where no codec was listed at all (DIVX codec disparition bug)
 * fixed memory allocation bugs in avi file routines that for sure make the thing crash sometimes
 * added avi file size estimation in dialog. Useful when you use fixed quality encoding in DIVX4 and want to have an estimation of the file size
 * added achieved bitrate indicator in dialog (DIVX4 bitrate ie 1kpbs = 1000 bits)
 * changed units from KB to MB in dialog
 * code cleaning ...
Telechargeable comme d'hab sur http://www.doom9.org


Marsh Posté le 17-09-2001 à 11:32:27   


Marsh Posté le 17-09-2001 à 11:33:48    

oups j'ai oublier l'auteur !!
MPEG2AVI PX3 modded by OGO
This work is based on the good m2apx3g 0.1.5a from PX3 which has stopped any further developpement on it.
I plan to make more work on it in a near future, but for now i'm just :
 - cleaning the code
 - fixing bugs i find
 - adding little features


Marsh Posté le 17-09-2001 à 12:39:42    

Si ca fait tout ce que ca dit, c'est enorme.
Je vais essayer de l'utiliser avec le rippack V3
Merci pour le tuyau en tout cas


Marsh Posté le 17-09-2001 à 14:11:19    

Oui il marche, je l'ai annoné hiers soir dans le thread du rippack et sur www.mpeg4-fr.com !

A+++ Bruce - http://www.bheller.com

Marsh Posté le 17-09-2001 à 22:40:46    

Et cerise sur le gateau, il a l'air encore plus rapide.
je dirais de l'ordre de 8-10%.
Je suis presqu'en temps réel sur le Divx 3.11 (23 fps)
et de l'ordre de 19 fps sur Divx 4 :D


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