[PHP] shell_exec() pb de droits

shell_exec() pb de droits [PHP] - PHP - Programmation

Marsh Posté le 29-04-2002 à 10:18:04    

je voudrais redemarrer un serveur DHCP par l'interface web que j'ai concu pour l'administrer lorsque que je fait
shell_exec("/etc/init.d/dhcpd restart ou start" ); ou avec la fonctions system() le message de sorti m'indique :
no dhcp in /etc/conf.linuxconf, get eth0 as default interface
Starting dhcpd: Internet Software Consortium DHCP Server V3.0
Copyright 1995-2001 Internet Software Consortium.
All rights reserved.
For info, please visit http://www.isc.org/products/DHCP
unable to create icmp socket: Operation not permitted
Can't open /var/state/dhcp/dhcpd.leases for append.

If you did not get this software from ftp.isc.org, please
get the latest from ftp.isc.org and install that before
requesting help.
If you did get this software from ftp.isc.org and have not
yet read the README, please read it before requesting help.
If you intend to request help from the dhcp-server@isc.org
mailing list, please read the section on the README about
submitting bug reports and requests for help.
Please do not under any circumstances send requests for
help directly to the authors of this software - please
send them to the appropriate mailing list as described in
the README file.
[ECHOUE] Adding local broadcast host route:
j'ai essayé d'utiliser sudo mais cela ne marche pas en fait il n'y a carrement plus aucun message.


[jfdsdjhfuetppo]--Message édité par fabriceMerc le 29-04-2002 à 10:18:46--[/jfdsdjhfuetppo]


Marsh Posté le 29-04-2002 à 10:18:04   


Marsh Posté le 29-04-2002 à 10:44:33    

alllezzzzzzzz :bounce:  :bounce: UP !!!


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