Principe, fonctionnement et utilité de Twitter

Principe, fonctionnement et utilité de Twitter - Divers - Programmation

Marsh Posté le 12-11-2008 à 14:30:35    

Désolé d'avoir l'air aussi bête, mais j'entends tout le temps parler de Twitter, comme "le truc ultime sur internet". Mais je ne comprends pas à quoi ça sert.
D'après ce que je vois, c'est une sorte de mailing-list, où on poste des messages très courts qui sont ensuite "pushé" à ceux qui sont abonnés à notre profil, et inversement on reçoit les "pushs" des autres personnes auxquels on est abonné. J'ai bon ou pas? Déjà ça expliquerait pourquoi le backend Rails ai pété avec tous ces pushs.
Si j'ai bon, quelle est la différence entre Twitter, une mailing-list et un feed RSS d'un blog par exemple? Pour moi y'a pas de différence à part que Twitter ça fait "jeune", alors que les mailing-list c'est pour les barbus.
Ca m'énerve de pas comprendre.

Message édité par igarimasho le 02-05-2009 à 18:07:27

Marsh Posté le 12-11-2008 à 14:30:35   


Marsh Posté le 02-05-2009 à 15:45:05    

Je me pose la meme question  [:clooney20]

Life is like a pubic hair on a toilet seat. Eventually you'll get pissed off...

Marsh Posté le 02-05-2009 à 17:06:12    

Citation :

You follow people you are interested in, and get a feed of what all of those people are doing.
The twitter box says 'what are you doing right now?' - but that question doesn't really relate to what twitter is used for. People use it to share news, share opinions, thoughts, links, information, even photos.
The way I see it, Facebook is relationship based - you follow people you know. Twitter is interest based - you follow people who share your interests or who you find interesting.
Now, the 'killer app' of twitter is being able to follow subjects - not just people. Using any one of the many twitter clients out there, you set up a feed for a subject. People typically tag their updates which makes it easier for people to follow that subject. #reddit is a tag, for example. So you can add that to your client, and see everything being said about reddit in realtime. Set up a few important tags for your interests and you suddenly have a very powerful way to receive information.
I was like you not so long ago, Twitter seemed pathetic and full of self-important people. But a couple of friends explained the above, I tried it out, and suddenly came to realise the power of it.
The biggest Twitter tip is you simply cannot utilize it to the full via the website. You need one of the other clients to really 'get it'.
Hope that helps ;) [...] tw/c08xlsa

I mean, true, a cancer will probably destroy its host organism. But what about the cells whose mutations allow them to think outside the box, and replicate and expand beyond their wildest dreams by throwing away the limits imposed by overbearing genetic r

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