Ejecter lecteur cd

Ejecter lecteur cd - C - Programmation

Marsh Posté le 20-12-2006 à 20:28:10    

Cela fait un moment que je cherche sur le web un code en c pour ejecter un lecteur mais je ne trouve pas.
Si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider.
merci beaucoup


Marsh Posté le 20-12-2006 à 20:28:10   


Marsh Posté le 20-12-2006 à 20:31:14    

La majorité des lecteurs CDs étant vissés aux boitiers respectifs de leurs PCs, faut chercher les fonctions hTournevis et unscrewCaseScrew dans l'API win32 pour pouvoir enlever les visses

I mean, true, a cancer will probably destroy its host organism. But what about the cells whose mutations allow them to think outside the box by throwing away the limits imposed by overbearing genetic regulations? Isn't that a good thing?

Marsh Posté le 20-12-2006 à 20:40:52    

masklinn a écrit :

La majorité des lecteurs CDs étant vissés aux boitiers respectifs de leurs PCs, faut chercher les fonctions hTournevis et unscrewCaseScrew dans l'API win32 pour pouvoir enlever les visses


Des infos sur la programmation et le langage C: http://www.bien-programmer.fr Pas de Wi-Fi à la maison : http://www.cpl-france.org/

Marsh Posté le 20-12-2006 à 20:47:47    

et en étant sérieux cela fait quoi?


Marsh Posté le 20-12-2006 à 21:01:29    

mx321 a écrit :

et en étant sérieux cela fait quoi?

Tu veux vraiment éjecter le lecteur ? Il t'a fait quoi ?

Des infos sur la programmation et le langage C: http://www.bien-programmer.fr Pas de Wi-Fi à la maison : http://www.cpl-france.org/

Marsh Posté le 20-12-2006 à 21:04:55    

Voilà [:dawa]

Code :
  1. /********************************************************************
  2. *
  3. *        L I N U X   E J E C T    C O M M A N D
  4. *
  5. *          by Jeff Tranter (tranter@pobox.com)
  6. *
  7. ********************************************************************
  8. *
  9. * Copyright (C) 1994-2001 Jeff Tranter (tranter@pobox.com)
  10. * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Frank Lichtenheld (djpig@debian.org)
  11. *
  12. * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  13. * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  14. * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  15. * (at your option) any later version.
  16. *
  17. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  18. * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  20. * GNU General Public License for more details.
  21. *
  22. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  23. * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  24. * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
  25. *
  26. ********************************************************************
  27. *
  28. * See the man page for a description of what this program does and what
  29. * the requirements to run it are.
  30. *
  31. */
  33. #include "i18n.h"
  35. #ifndef DEFAULTDEVICE
  36. #error DEFAULTDEVICE not set, check Makefile
  37. #endif
  39. #include <unistd.h>
  40. #include <stdlib.h>
  41. #include <stdio.h>
  42. #include <string.h>
  43. #include <fcntl.h>
  44. #include <limits.h>
  46. #ifdef GETOPTLONG
  47. #include <getopt.h>
  48. #endif /* GETOPTLONG */
  49. #include <errno.h>
  50. #include <regex.h>
  51. #include <sys/types.h>
  52. #include <sys/stat.h>
  53. #include <sys/ioctl.h>
  54. #include <sys/wait.h>
  55. #include <sys/mtio.h>
  56. #include <sys/mount.h>
  58. #if defined(__linux__)
  59. #include <linux/version.h>
  60. /* handy macro found in 2.1 kernels, but not in older ones */
  61. #ifndef KERNEL_VERSION
  62. #define KERNEL_VERSION(a,b,c) (((a) << 16) + ((b) << 8) + (c))
  63. #endif
  64. #include <linux/types.h>
  65. #include <linux/cdrom.h>
  67. #include <linux/ucdrom.h>
  68. #endif
  69. #include <linux/fd.h>
  70. #include <scsi/scsi.h>
  71. #include <scsi/sg.h>
  72. #include <scsi/scsi_ioctl.h>
  73. #include <sys/time.h>
  75. /* Used by the ToggleTray() function. If ejecting the tray takes this
  76. * time or less, the tray was probably already ejected, so we close it
  77. * again.
  78. */
  79. #define TRAY_WAS_ALREADY_OPEN_USECS  200000    /* about 0.2 seconds */
  82. #define CLOSE(fd) if (close(fd)==-1) { \
  83.    perror(programName); \
  84.    exit(1); \
  85. }
  87. #define FCLOSE(fd) if (fclose(fd)==-1) { \
  88.    perror(programName); \
  89.    exit(1); \
  90. }
  92. #define HAVE_EJECT_SCSI
  93. #define HAVE_EJECT_FLOPPY
  94. #define HAVE_EJECT_TAPE
  96. #elif defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__)
  97. #include <sys/cdio.h>
  98. #endif /* if defined(__linux__) */
  101. #define CLOSE(fd) if (close(fd)==-1) { \
  102.    perror(programName); \
  103.    exit(1); \
  104. }
  106. #define FCLOSE(fd) if (fclose(fd)==-1) { \
  107.    perror(programName); \
  108.    exit(1); \
  109. }
  111. /* Global Variables */
  112. static const char *version = VERSION; /* program version */
  113. int a_option = 0; /* command flags and arguments */
  114. int c_option = 0;
  115. int d_option = 0;
  116. int f_option = 0;
  117. int h_option = 0;
  118. int n_option = 0;
  119. int q_option = 0;
  120. int r_option = 0;
  121. int s_option = 0;
  122. int t_option = 0;
  123. int T_option = 0;
  124. int X_option = 0;
  125. int v_option = 0;
  126. int x_option = 0;
  127. int p_option = 0;
  128. int m_option = 0;
  129. int a_arg = 0;
  130. int c_arg = 0;
  131. int x_arg = 0;
  132. static char *programName; /* used in error messages */
  134. /*
  135. * These are the basenames of devices which can have multiple
  136. * partitions per device.
  137. */
  138. static const char *partitionDevice[] = {
  139.     "hd",
  140.     "sd",
  141.     "xd",
  142.     "dos_hd",
  143.     "mfm",
  144.     "ad",
  145.     "ed",
  146.     "ftl",
  147.     "pd",
  148.     0};
  151. /* Display command usage on standard error and exit. */
  152. static void usage()
  153. {
  154. //    perror(_("%s: device is `%s'\n" ));
  155.     fprintf(stderr,_(
  156. "Eject version %s by Jeff Tranter (tranter@pobox.com)\n"
  157. "Usage:\n"
  158. "  eject -h                -- display command usage and exit\n"
  159. "  eject -V                -- display program version and exit\n"
  160. "  eject [-vnrsfqpm] [<name>]        -- eject device\n"
  161. "  eject [-vn] -d            -- display default device\n"
  162. "  eject [-vn] -a on|off|1|0 [<name>]    -- turn auto-eject feature on or off\n"
  163. "  eject [-vn] -c <slot> [<name>]    -- switch discs on a CD-ROM changer\n"
  164. "  eject [-vn] -t [<name>]        -- close tray\n"
  165. "  eject [-vn] -T [<name>]        -- toggle tray\n"
  166. "  eject [-vn] -x <speed> [<name>]    -- set CD-ROM max speed\n"
  167. "  eject [-vn] -X [<name>]        -- list CD-ROM available speeds\n"
  168. "Options:\n"
  169. "  -v\t-- enable verbose output\n"
  170. "  -n\t-- don't eject, just show device found\n"
  171. "  -r\t-- eject CD-ROM\n"
  172. #ifdef HAVE_EJECT_SCSI
  173. "  -s\t-- eject SCSI device\n"
  174. #endif
  175. #ifdef HAVE_EJECT_FLOPPY
  176. "  -f\t-- eject floppy\n"
  177. #endif
  178. #ifdef HAVE_EJECT_TAPE
  179. "  -q\t-- eject tape\n"
  180. #endif
  181. "  -p\t-- use /proc/mounts instead of /etc/mtab\n"
  182. "  -m\t-- do not unmount device even if it is mounted\n"
  183. )
  184. , version);
  185. #ifdef GETOPTLONG
  186.     fprintf(stderr,_(
  187. "Long options:\n"
  188. "  -h --help   -v --verbose      -d --default\n"
  189. "  -a --auto   -c --changerslot  -t --trayclose  -x --cdspeed\n"
  190. "  -r --cdrom"
  191. #ifdef HAVE_EJECT_SCSI
  192. "  -s --scsi"
  193. #endif
  194. #ifdef HAVE_EJECT_FLOPPY
  195. "         -f --floppy"
  196. #endif
  197. "     -X --listspeed"
  198. #ifdef HAVE_EJECT_TAPE
  199. "     -q --tape"
  200. #endif
  201. "\n"
  202. "  -n --noop   -V --version\n"
  203. "  -p --proc   -m --no-unmount   -T --traytoggle\n" ));
  204. #endif /* GETOPTLONG */
  205.     fprintf(stderr,_(
  206. "Parameter <name> can be a device file or a mount point.\n"
  207. "If omitted, name defaults to `%s'.\n"
  208. "By default tries -r, -s, -f, and -q in order until success.\n" ),
  209.             DEFAULTDEVICE);
  210.  exit(1);
  211. }
  214. /* Handle command line options. */
  215. static void parse_args(int argc, char **argv, char **device)
  216. {
  217.     const char *flags = "a:c:x:dfhnqrstTXvVpm";
  218. #ifdef GETOPTLONG
  219.     static struct option long_options[] =
  220.     {
  221.         {"help",    no_argument,       NULL, 'h'},
  222.         {"verbose",    no_argument,       NULL, 'v'},
  223.         {"default",    no_argument,       NULL, 'd'},
  224.         {"auto",    required_argument, NULL, 'a'},
  225.         {"changerslot", required_argument, NULL, 'c'},
  226.         {"trayclose",    no_argument,       NULL, 't'},
  227.         {"traytoggle",    no_argument,       NULL, 'T'},
  228.         {"cdspeed",    required_argument, NULL, 'x'},
  229.         {"listspeed",    no_argument,       NULL, 'X'},
  230.         {"noop",    no_argument,       NULL, 'n'},
  231.         {"cdrom",    no_argument,       NULL, 'r'},
  232.         {"scsi",    no_argument,       NULL, 's'},
  233.         {"floppy",    no_argument,       NULL, 'f'},
  234.         {"tape",    no_argument,       NULL, 'q'},
  235.         {"version",    no_argument,       NULL, 'V'},
  236.         {"proc",    no_argument,       NULL, 'p'},
  237.         {"no-unmount",    no_argument,       NULL, 'm'},
  238.         {0, 0, 0, 0}
  239.     };
  240.     int option_index;
  241. #endif /* GETOPTLONG */
  242.     int c;
  244. #ifdef GETOPTLONG
  245.     while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, flags, long_options, &option_index)) != EOF) {
  246. #else
  247.     while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, flags)) != EOF) {
  248. #endif /* GETOPTLONG */
  249.         switch (c) {
  250.           case 'a':
  251.               a_option = 1;
  252.               if (!strcmp(optarg, "0" ))
  253.                   a_arg = 0;
  254.               else if (!strcmp(optarg, "off" ))
  255.                   a_arg = 0;
  256.               else if (!strcmp(optarg, "1" ))
  257.                   a_arg = 1;
  258.               else if (!strcmp(optarg, "on" ))
  259.                   a_arg = 1;
  260.               else {
  261.                   fprintf(stderr, _("%s: invalid argument to --auto/-a option\n" ), programName);
  262.                   exit(1);
  263.               }
  264.               break;
  265.           case 'c':
  266.               c_option = 1;
  267.               /* atoi() returns 0 on error, so "0" must be parsed separately */
  268.               if (!strcmp(optarg, "0" ))
  269.                   c_arg = 0;
  270.               else {
  271.                   c_arg = atoi(optarg);
  272.                   if (c_arg <= 0) {
  273.                       fprintf(stderr, _("%s: invalid argument to --changerslot/-c option\n" ), programName);
  274.                       exit(1);
  275.                   }
  276.               }
  277.               break;
  278.           case 'x':
  279.               x_option = 1;
  280.               if (!strcmp(optarg, "0" ))
  281.                   x_arg = 0;
  282.               else {
  283.                   x_arg = atoi(optarg);
  284.                   if (x_arg <= 0) {
  285.                       fprintf(stderr, _("%s: invalid argument to --cdspeed/-x option\n" ), programName);
  286.                       exit(1);
  287.                   }
  288.               }
  289.               break;
  290.           case 'd':
  291.               d_option = 1;
  292.               break;
  293.           case 'f':
  294.               f_option = 1;
  295.               break;
  296.           case 'h':
  297.               usage();
  298.               exit(0);
  299.               break;
  300.           case 'm':
  301.               m_option = 1;
  302.               break;
  303.           case 'n':
  304.               n_option = 1;
  305.               break;
  306.           case 'p':
  307.               p_option = 1;
  308.               break;
  309.           case 'q':
  310.               q_option = 1;
  311.               break;
  312.           case 'r':
  313.               r_option = 1;
  314.               break;
  315.           case 's':
  316.               s_option = 1;
  317.               break;
  318.           case 't':
  319.               t_option = 1;
  320.               break;
  321.           case 'X':
  322.               X_option = 1;
  323.               break;
  324.           case 'T':
  325.               T_option = 1;
  326.               break;
  327.           case 'v':
  328.               v_option = 1;
  329.               break;
  330.           case 'V':
  331.               printf(_("eject version %s by Jeff Tranter (tranter@pobox.com)\n" ), version);
  332.               exit(0);
  333.               break;
  334.           case '?':
  335.               exit(1);
  336.               break;
  337.         }
  338.     }
  339.     /* check for a single additional argument */
  340.     if ((argc - optind) > 1) {
  341.         fprintf(stderr, _("%s: too many arguments\n" ), programName);
  342.         exit(1);
  343.     }
  344.     if ((argc - optind) == 1) { /* one argument */
  345.         *device = strdup(argv[optind]);
  346.     }
  347. }
  350. /* Return 1 if file/device exists, 0 otherwise. */
  351. static int FileExists(const char *name, const int try, int *found)
  352. {
  354.        if (!found) return -1;
  355.        /*
  356.      * access() uses the UID, not the EUID. This way a normal user
  357.      * cannot find out if a file (say, /root/fubar) exists or not, even
  358.      * if eject is SUID root
  359.      */
  360.     if (access (name, F_OK) == 0) {
  361.       (*found)++;
  362.       if (try <= (*found))
  363.         return 1;
  364.       else
  365.         return 0;
  366.     } else {
  367.       return 0;
  368.     }
  369. }
  372. /*
  373. * Given name, such as foo, see if any of the following exist:
  374. *
  375. * foo (if foo starts with '.' or '/')
  376. * /dev/foo
  377. * /media/foo
  378. * /mnt/foo
  379. * /dev/cdroms/foo
  380. * /dev/cdroms/foo0
  381. * /dev/dsk/foo
  382. * /dev/rdsk/foo
  383. * ./foo
  384. *
  385. * If found, return the full path. If not found, return 0.
  386. * Returns pointer to dynamically allocated string.
  387. */
  388. static char *FindDevice(const char *name)
  389. {
  390.     char *buf;
  391.     static int try = 0;
  392.     int found = 0;
  394.     buf = (char *) malloc(strlen(name)+14); /* to allow for "/dev/cdroms/ + "0" + null */
  395.     if (buf==NULL) {
  396.         fprintf(stderr, _("%s: could not allocate memory\n" ), programName);
  397.         exit(1);
  398.     }
  400.     if (try == INT_MAX) {
  401.       fprintf(stderr, _("%s: FindDevice called too often\n" ), programName );;
  402.       exit(1);
  403.     } else
  404.       try++;
  406.     if ((name[0] == '.') || (name[0] == '/')) {
  407.         strcpy(buf, name);
  408.         if (FileExists(buf, try, &found))
  409.             return buf;
  410.     }
  412.     strcpy(buf, "/dev/" );
  413.     strcat(buf, name);
  414.     if (FileExists(buf, try, &found))
  415.         return buf;
  417.     strcpy(buf, "/media/" );
  418.     strcat(buf, name);
  419.     if (FileExists(buf, try, &found))
  420.         return buf;
  422.     strcpy(buf, "/mnt/" );
  423.     strcat(buf, name);
  424.     if (FileExists(buf, try, &found))
  425.         return buf;
  427.     /* for devfs under Linux */
  428.     strcpy(buf, "/dev/cdroms/" );
  429.     strcat(buf, name);
  430.     if (FileExists(buf, try, &found))
  431.         return buf;
  433.     strcpy(buf, "/dev/cdroms/" );
  434.     strcat(buf, name);
  435.     strcat(buf, "0" );
  436.     if (FileExists(buf, try, &found))
  437.         return buf;
  439.     /* for devfs under Solaris */
  440.     strcpy(buf, "/dev/rdsk/" );
  441.     strcat(buf, name);
  442.     if (FileExists(buf, try, &found))
  443.         return buf;
  445.     strcpy(buf, "/dev/dsk/" );
  446.     strcat(buf, name);
  447.     if (FileExists(buf, try, &found))
  448.         return buf;
  450.     strcpy(buf, "./" );
  451.     strcat(buf, name);
  452.     if (FileExists(buf, try, &found))
  453.         return buf;
  455.     free(buf);
  456.     buf = 0;
  457.     return 0;
  458. }
  461. /* Set or clear auto-eject mode. */
  462. static void AutoEject(int fd, int onOff)
  463. {
  464.     int status = -1;
  466. #if defined(CDROM_SET_OPTIONS) && defined(CDROM_CLEAR_OPTIONS)
  467.     if (onOff)
  468.         status = ioctl(fd, CDROM_SET_OPTIONS, CDO_AUTO_EJECT);
  469.     else
  470.         status = ioctl(fd, CDROM_CLEAR_OPTIONS, CDO_AUTO_EJECT);
  471. #else
  472.     errno = ENOSYS;
  473. #endif
  474.     if (status < 0) {
  475.         fprintf(stderr, _("%s: CD-ROM auto-eject command failed: %s\n" ), programName, strerror(errno));
  476.         exit(1);
  477.     }
  478. }
  481. /*
  482. * Changer select. CDROM_SELECT_DISC is preferred, older kernels used
  484. */
  485. static void ChangerSelect(int fd, int slot)
  486. {
  487.     int status;
  489. #ifdef CDROM_SELECT_DISC
  490.     status = ioctl(fd, CDROM_SELECT_DISC, slot);
  491.     if (status < 0) {
  492.         fprintf(stderr, _("%s: CD-ROM select disc command failed: %s\n" ), programName, strerror(errno));
  493.         exit(1);
  494.     }
  495. #elif defined CDROMLOADFROMSLOT
  496.     status = ioctl(fd, CDROMLOADFROMSLOT, slot);
  497.     if (status != 0) {
  498.         fprintf(stderr, _("%s: CD-ROM load from slot command failed: %s\n" ), programName, strerror(errno));
  499.         exit(1);
  500.     }
  501. #else
  502.    fprintf(stderr, _("%s: IDE/ATAPI CD-ROM changer not supported by this kernel\n" ), programName);
  503. #endif
  504. }
  507. /*
  508. * Close tray. Not supported by older kernels.
  509. */
  510. static void CloseTray(int fd)
  511. {
  512.     int status;
  514. #if defined(CDROMCLOSETRAY) || defined(CDIOCCLOSE)
  515. #if defined(CDROMCLOSETRAY)
  516.     status = ioctl(fd, CDROMCLOSETRAY);
  517. #elif defined(CDIOCCLOSE)
  518.     status = ioctl(fd, CDIOCCLOSE);
  519. #endif
  520.     if (status != 0) {
  521.         fprintf(stderr, _("%s: CD-ROM tray close command failed: %s\n" ), programName, strerror(errno));
  522.         exit(1);
  523.     }
  524. #else
  525.    fprintf(stderr, _("%s: CD-ROM tray close command not supported by this kernel\n" ), programName);
  526. #endif
  527. }
  529. /*
  530. * Toggle tray.
  531. *
  532. * Written by Benjamin Schwenk <benjaminschwenk@yahoo.de> and
  533. * Sybren Stuvel <sybren@thirdtower.com>
  534. *
  535. * Not supported by older kernels because it might use
  536. * CloseTray().
  537. *
  538. */
  539. static void ToggleTray(int fd)
  540. {
  541.     struct timeval time_start, time_stop;
  542.     int time_elapsed;
  544. #ifdef CDROMCLOSETRAY
  546.     /* Try to open the CDROM tray and measure the time therefor
  547.      * needed.  In my experience the function needs less than 0.05
  548.      * seconds if the tray was already open, and at least 1.5 seconds
  549.      * if it was closed.  */
  550.     gettimeofday(&time_start, NULL);
  552.     /* Send the CDROMEJECT command to the device. */
  553.     if (ioctl(fd, CDROMEJECT, 0) < 0) {
  554.         perror("ioctl" );
  555.         exit(1);
  556.     }
  558.     /* Get the second timestamp, to measure the time needed to open
  559.      * the tray.  */
  560.     gettimeofday(&time_stop, NULL);
  562.     time_elapsed = (time_stop.tv_sec * 1000000 + time_stop.tv_usec) -
  563.         (time_start.tv_sec * 1000000 + time_start.tv_usec);
  565.     /* If the tray "opened" too fast, we can be nearly sure, that it
  566.      * was already open. In this case, close it now. Else the tray was
  567.      * closed before. This would mean that we are done.  */
  568.     if (time_elapsed < TRAY_WAS_ALREADY_OPEN_USECS)
  569.         CloseTray(fd);
  571. #else
  572.    fprintf(stderr, _("%s: CD-ROM tray toggle command not supported by this kernel\n" ), programName);
  573. #endif
  575. }
  577. /*
  578. * Select Speed of CD-ROM drive.
  579. * Thanks to Roland Krivanek (krivanek@fmph.uniba.sk)
  580. */
  581. static void SelectSpeedCdrom(int fd, int speed)
  582. {
  583.     int status;
  585. #ifdef CDROM_SELECT_SPEED
  586.     status = ioctl(fd, CDROM_SELECT_SPEED, speed);
  587.     if (status != 0) {
  588.         fprintf(stderr, _("%s: CD-ROM select speed command failed: %s\n" ), programName, strerror(errno));
  589.         exit(1);
  590.     }
  591. #else
  592.    fprintf(stderr, _("%s: CD-ROM select speed command not supported by this kernel\n" ), programName);
  593. #endif
  594. }
  596. /*
  597. * Read Speed of CD-ROM drive. From Linux 2.6.13, the current speed is correctly reported
  598. */
  599. static int ReadSpeedCdrom(const char *shortName)
  600. {
  601.     char line[512];
  602.     char *str_speed, *str_name;
  603.     int drive_number = -1, i;
  604.     FILE *f = fopen("/proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info", "r" );
  606.     if (f == NULL) {
  607.         fprintf(stderr, _("%s: unable to read the speed from /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info\n" ), programName);
  608.         exit(1);
  609.     }
  611.     while (!feof(f)) {
  612.         fgets(line, sizeof(line), f);
  614.         /* find drive number from shortName in line "drive name" */
  615.         if (drive_number == -1) {
  616.             if (strncmp(line, "drive name:", 11) == 0) {
  617.                 str_name = strtok(&line[11], "\t " );
  618.                 drive_number = 0;
  619.                 while (strncmp(shortName, str_name, strlen(shortName)) != 0) {
  620.                     drive_number++;
  621.                     str_name = strtok(NULL, "\t " );
  622.                     if (str_name == NULL) {
  623.                         fprintf(stderr, _("%s: error while finding CD-ROM name\n" ), programName);
  624.                         exit(1);
  625.                     }
  626.                 }
  627.             }
  628.         /* find line "drive speed" and read the correct speed */
  629.         } else {
  630.             if (strncmp(line, "drive speed:", 12) == 0) {
  631.                 str_speed = strtok(&line[12], "\t " );
  632.                 for (i = 1; i < drive_number; i++)
  633.                     str_speed = strtok(NULL, "\t " );
  635.                 if (str_speed == NULL) {
  636.                     fprintf(stderr, _("%s: error while reading speed\n" ), programName);
  637.                     exit(1);
  638.                 }
  639.                 return atoi(str_speed);
  640.             }
  641.         }
  642.     }
  644.     fprintf(stderr, _("%s: error while reading speed\n" ), programName);
  645.     exit(1);
  646.     return -1;
  647. }
  650. /*
  651. * List Speed of CD-ROM drive.
  652. */
  653. static void ListSpeedCdrom(const char *fullName, int fd)
  654. {
  655. #ifdef CDROM_SELECT_SPEED
  656.     int max_speed, curr_speed = 0, prev_speed;
  657.     char *shortName = rindex(fullName, '/') + 1;
  659.     SelectSpeedCdrom(fd, 0);
  660.     max_speed = ReadSpeedCdrom(shortName);
  661.     while (curr_speed < max_speed) {
  662.         prev_speed = curr_speed;
  663.         SelectSpeedCdrom(fd, prev_speed + 1);
  664.         curr_speed = ReadSpeedCdrom(shortName);
  665.         if (curr_speed > prev_speed)
  666.             printf("%d ", curr_speed);
  667.         else
  668.             curr_speed = prev_speed + 1;
  669.     }
  671.     printf("\n" );
  672. #else
  673.     fprintf(stderr, _("%s: CD-ROM select speed command not supported by this kernel\n" ), programName);
  674. #endif
  675. }
  677. /*
  678. * Eject using CDROMEJECT ioctl. Return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise.
  679. */
  680. static int EjectCdrom(int fd)
  681. {
  682.     int status = -1;
  684. #if defined(CDROMEJECT)
  685.     status = ioctl(fd, CDROMEJECT);
  686. #elif defined(CDIOCEJECT)
  687.     status = ioctl(fd, CDIOCEJECT);
  688. #else
  689. /* Some kernels implement cdrom-eject only, but I don't think any kernel in the
  690.   world would implement eject only for non-cdrom drives.  Let's die. */
  691. # error
  692. #endif
  693.     return (status == 0);
  694. }
  696. #ifdef HAVE_EJECT_SCSI
  697. /*
  698. * Eject using SCSI SG_IO commands. Return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise.
  699. */
  700. static int EjectScsi(int fd)
  701. {
  702.     int status, k;
  703.     sg_io_hdr_t io_hdr;
  704.     unsigned char allowRmBlk[6] = {ALLOW_MEDIUM_REMOVAL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
  705.     unsigned char startStop1Blk[6] = {START_STOP, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0};
  706.     unsigned char startStop2Blk[6] = {START_STOP, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0};
  707.     unsigned char inqBuff[2];
  708.     unsigned char sense_buffer[32];
  710.     if ((ioctl(fd, SG_GET_VERSION_NUM, &k) < 0) || (k < 30000)) {
  711.       printf("not an sg device, or old sg driver\n" );
  712.       return 0;
  713.     }
  715.     memset(&io_hdr, 0, sizeof(sg_io_hdr_t));
  716.     io_hdr.interface_id = 'S';
  717.     io_hdr.cmd_len = 6;
  718.     io_hdr.mx_sb_len = sizeof(sense_buffer);
  719.     io_hdr.dxfer_direction = SG_DXFER_NONE;
  720.     io_hdr.dxfer_len = 0;
  721.     io_hdr.dxferp = inqBuff;
  722.     io_hdr.sbp = sense_buffer;
  723.     io_hdr.timeout = 2000;
  725.     io_hdr.cmdp = allowRmBlk;
  726.     status = ioctl(fd, SG_IO, (void *)&io_hdr);
  727.     if (status < 0)
  728.         return 0;
  730.     io_hdr.cmdp = startStop1Blk;
  731.     status = ioctl(fd, SG_IO, (void *)&io_hdr);
  732.     if (status < 0)
  733.         return 0;
  735.     io_hdr.cmdp = startStop2Blk;
  736.     status = ioctl(fd, SG_IO, (void *)&io_hdr);
  737.     if (status < 0)
  738.         return 0;
  740.     /* force kernel to reread partition table when new disc inserted */
  741.     status = ioctl(fd, BLKRRPART);
  742.     return 1;
  743. }
  744. #endif
  747. #ifdef HAVE_EJECT_FLOPPY
  748. /*
  749. * Eject using FDEJECT ioctl. Return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise.
  750. */
  751. static int EjectFloppy(int fd)
  752. {
  753.     int status;
  755.     status = ioctl(fd, FDEJECT);
  756.     return (status >= 0);
  757. }
  758. #endif
  761. #ifdef HAVE_EJECT_TAPE
  762. /*
  763. * Eject using tape ioctl. Return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise.
  764. */
  765. static int EjectTape(int fd)
  766. {
  767.     int status;
  768.     struct mtop op;
  770.     op.mt_op = MTOFFL; /* rewind and eject */
  771.     op.mt_count = 0;   /* not used */
  772.     status = ioctl(fd, MTIOCTOP, &op);
  773.     return (status >= 0);
  774. }
  775. #endif
  778. /* Unmount a device. */
  779. static void Unmount(const char *fullName)
  780. {
  781.     int status;
  783.     switch (fork()) {
  784.       case 0: /* child */
  785.           setuid(getuid()); /* reduce likelyhood of security holes when running setuid */
  786.           if(p_option) {
  787.               execlp("pumount", "pumount", fullName, "-n", NULL);
  788.               execlp("umount", "umount", fullName, "-n", NULL);
  789.           } else {
  790.               execlp("pumount", "pumount", fullName, NULL);
  791.               execlp("umount", "umount", fullName, NULL);
  792.           }
  793.           fprintf(stderr, _("%s: unable to exec umount of `%s': %s\n" ),
  794.                   programName, fullName, strerror(errno));
  795.           exit(1);
  796.           break;
  797.       case -1:
  798.           fprintf(stderr, _("%s: unable to fork: %s\n" ), programName, strerror(errno));
  799.           break;
  800.       default: /* parent */
  801.           wait(&status);
  802.           if (WIFEXITED(status) == 0) {
  803.               fprintf(stderr, _("%s: unmount of `%s' did not exit normally\n" ), programName, fullName);
  804.               exit(1);
  805.           }
  806.           if (WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) {
  807.               fprintf(stderr, _("%s: unmount of `%s' failed\n" ), programName, fullName);
  808.               exit(1);
  809.           }
  810.           break;
  811.     }
  812. }
  815. /* Open a device file. */
  816. static int OpenDevice(const char *fullName)
  817. {
  818.     int fd = open(fullName, O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK);
  819.     if (fd == -1) {
  820.         fprintf(stderr, _("%s: unable to open `%s'\n" ), programName, fullName);
  821.         exit(1);
  822.     }
  823.     return fd;
  824. }
  827. /*
  828. * Get major and minor device numbers for a device file name, so we
  829. * can check for duplicate devices.
  830. */
  831. static int GetMajorMinor(const char *name, int *maj, int *min)
  832. {
  833.     struct stat sstat;
  834.     if (maj) *maj = -1;
  835.     if (min) *min = -1;
  836.     if (stat(name, &sstat) == -1)
  837.         return -1;
  838.     if (! S_ISBLK(sstat.st_mode) && ! S_ISCHR(sstat.st_mode))
  839.         return -1;
  840.     if (maj) *maj = major(sstat.st_rdev);
  841.     if (min) *min = minor(sstat.st_rdev);
  842.     return 0;
  843. }
  846. /*
  847. * See if device has been mounted by looking in mount table.  If so, set
  848. * device name and mount point name, and return 1, otherwise return 0.
  849. */
  850. static int MountedDevice(const char *name, char **mountName, char **deviceName)
  851. {
  852.     FILE *fp;
  853.     char line[1024];
  854.     char s1[1024];
  855.     char s2[1024];
  856.     int rc;
  858.     int maj;
  859.     int min;
  861.     GetMajorMinor(name, &maj, &min);
  863.     fp = fopen((p_option ? "/proc/mounts" : "/etc/mtab" ), "r" );
  864.     if (fp == NULL)
  865.     {
  866.         fprintf(stderr, _("unable to open %s: %s\n" ), (p_option ? "/proc/mounts" : "/etc/mtab" ), strerror(errno));
  867.         exit(1);
  868.     }
  870.     while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != 0) {
  871.         rc = sscanf(line, "%1023s %1023s", s1, s2);
  872.         if (rc >= 2) {
  873.             int mtabmaj, mtabmin;
  874.             GetMajorMinor(s1, &mtabmaj, &mtabmin);
  875.             if (((strcmp(s1, name) == 0) || (strcmp(s2, name) == 0)) ||
  876.                 ((maj != -1) && (maj == mtabmaj) && (min == mtabmin))) {
  877.                 FCLOSE(fp);
  878.                 *deviceName = strdup(s1);
  879.                 *mountName = strdup(s2);
  880.                 return 1;
  881.             }
  882.         }
  883.     }
  884.     *deviceName = 0;
  885.     *mountName = 0;
  886.     FCLOSE(fp);
  887.     return 0;
  888. }
  891. /*
  892. * See if device can be mounted by looking in /etc/fstab.
  893. * If so, set device name and mount point name, and return 1,
  894. * otherwise return 0.
  895. */
  896. static int MountableDevice(const char *name, char **mountName, char **deviceName)
  897. {
  898.     FILE *fp;
  899.     char line[1024];
  900.     char s1[1024];
  901.     char s2[1024];
  902.     int rc;
  904.     fp = fopen("/etc/fstab", "r" );
  905.     if (fp == NULL) {
  906. /*
  907. * /etc/fstab may be unreadable in some situations due to passwords in the
  908. * file.
  909. */
  910. /*        fprintf(stderr, _("%s: unable to open /etc/fstab: %s\n" ), programName, strerror(errno));
  911.         exit(1);*/
  912.         if (v_option) {
  913.             printf( _("%s: unable to open /etc/fstab: %s\n" ), programName, strerror(errno));
  914.         }
  915.         return -1;
  916.     }
  918.     while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != 0) {
  919.         rc = sscanf(line, "%1023s %1023s", s1, s2);
  920.         if (rc >= 2 && s1[0] != '#' && strcmp(s2, name) == 0) {
  921.             FCLOSE(fp);
  922.             *deviceName = strdup(s1);
  923.             *mountName = strdup(s2);
  924.             return 1;
  925.         }
  926.     }
  927.     FCLOSE(fp);
  928.     return 0;
  929. }
  932. /*
  933. * Step through mount table and unmount all devices that match a regular
  934. * expression.
  935. */
  936. static void UnmountDevices(const char *pattern)
  937. {
  938.     regex_t preg;
  939.     FILE *fp;
  940.     char s1[1024];
  941.     char s2[1024];
  942.     char line[1024];
  943.     int status;
  945.     if (regcomp(&preg, pattern, REG_EXTENDED)!=0) {
  946.         perror(programName);
  947.         exit(1);
  948.     }
  950.     fp = fopen((p_option ? "/proc/mounts" : "/etc/mtab" ), "r" );
  951.     if (fp == NULL)
  952.     {
  953.         fprintf(stderr, _("unable to open %s: %s\n" ),(p_option ? "/proc/mounts" : "/etc/mtab" ), strerror(errno));
  954.         exit(1);
  955.     }
  957.     while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != 0) {
  958.         status = sscanf(line, "%1023s %1023s", s1, s2);
  959.         if (status >= 2) {
  960.             status = regexec(&preg, s1, 0, 0, 0);
  961.             if (status == 0) {
  962.                 if (v_option)
  963.                     printf(_("%s: unmounting `%s'\n" ), programName, s2);
  964.                 Unmount(s2);
  965.             }
  966.         }
  967.     }
  968.     regfree(&preg);
  969.     FCLOSE(fp);
  970. }
  973. /* Check if name is a symbolic link. If so, return what it points to. */
  974. static char *SymLink(const char *name)
  975. {
  976.     int status;
  977.     char s1[PATH_MAX];
  978.     char s2[PATH_MAX];
  979.     char s4[PATH_MAX];
  980.     char result[PATH_MAX];
  981.     char *s3;
  983.     memset(s1, 0, sizeof(s1));
  984.     memset(s2, 0, sizeof(s2));
  985.     memset(s4, 0, sizeof(s4));
  986.     memset(result, 0, sizeof(result));
  988.     status = readlink(name, s1, sizeof(s1) - 1);
  990.     if (status == -1)
  991.         return 0;
  993.     s1[status] = 0;
  994.     if (s1[0] == '/') { /* absolute link */
  995.         return strdup(s1);
  996.     } else { /* relative link, add base name */
  997.         strncpy(s2, name, sizeof(s2)-1);
  998.         s3 = strrchr(s2, '/');
  999.         if (s3 != 0) {
  1000.             s3[1] = 0;
  1001.             snprintf(result, sizeof(result)-1, "%s%s", s2, s1);
  1002.         }
  1003.     }
  1004.     realpath(result, s4);
  1005.     return strdup(s4);
  1006. }
  1009. /*
  1010. * Given a name, see if it matches a pattern for a device that can have
  1011. * multiple partitions.  If so, return a regular expression that matches
  1012. * partitions for that device, otherwise return 0.
  1013. */
  1014. static char *MultiplePartitions(const char *name)
  1015. {
  1016.     int i = 0;
  1017.     int status;
  1018.     regex_t preg;
  1019.     char pattern[256];
  1020.     char *result = 0;
  1022.     for (i = 0; partitionDevice[i] != 0; i++) {
  1023.         /* look for ^/dev/foo[a-z]([0-9]?[0-9])?$, e.g. /dev/hda1 */
  1024.         strcpy(pattern, "^/dev/" );
  1025.         strcat(pattern, partitionDevice[i]);
  1026.         strcat(pattern, "[a-z]([0-9]?[0-9])?$" );
  1027.         if (regcomp(&preg, pattern, REG_EXTENDED|REG_NOSUB) != 0) {
  1028.             perror(programName);
  1029.             exit(1);
  1030.         }
  1031.         status = regexec(&preg, name, 1, 0, 0);
  1032.         regfree(&preg);
  1033.         if (status == 0) {
  1034.             result = (char *) malloc(strlen(name) + 25);
  1035.             if (result == NULL) {
  1036.                 fprintf(stderr, _("%s: could not allocate memory\n" ), programName);
  1037.                 exit(1);
  1038.             }
  1039.             strcpy(result, name);
  1040.             result[strlen(partitionDevice[i]) + 6] = 0;
  1041.             strcat(result, "([0-9]?[0-9])?$" );
  1042.             if (v_option)
  1043.                 printf(_("%s: `%s' is a multipartition device\n" ), programName, name);
  1044.             return result;
  1045.         }
  1046.     }
  1047.     if (v_option)
  1048.         printf(_("%s: `%s' is not a multipartition device\n" ), programName, name);
  1049.     return 0;
  1050. }
  1053. /* handle -x option */
  1054. static void HandleXOption(char *deviceName)
  1055. {
  1056.     int fd;        /* file descriptor for device */
  1057.     if (x_option) {
  1058.         if (v_option)
  1059.         {
  1060.             if (x_arg == 0)
  1061.                 printf(_("%s: setting CD-ROM speed to auto\n" ), programName);
  1062.             else
  1063.                 printf(_("%s: setting CD-ROM speed to %dX\n" ), programName, x_arg);
  1064.         }
  1065.         fd = OpenDevice(deviceName);
  1066.         SelectSpeedCdrom(fd, x_arg);
  1067.         exit(0);
  1068.     }
  1069. }
  1072. /* main program */
  1073. int main(int argc, char **argv)
  1074. {
  1075.     const char *defaultDevice = DEFAULTDEVICE;  /* default if no name passed by user */
  1076.     int worked = 0;    /* set to 1 when successfully ejected */
  1077.     char *device = 0;  /* name passed from user */
  1078.     char *fullName;    /* expanded name */
  1079.     char *fullNameOrig;/* expanded name (links not resolved) */
  1080.     char *deviceName;  /* name of device */
  1081.     char *linkName;    /* name of device's symbolic link */
  1082.     char *mountName;   /* name of device's mount point */
  1083.     int fd;        /* file descriptor for device */
  1084.     int mounted = 0;   /* true if device is mounted */
  1085.     int mountable = 0; /* true if device is in /etc/fstab */
  1086.     int result = 0;    /* store the result of a operation */
  1087.     char *pattern;       /* regex for device if multiple partitions */
  1088.     int ld = 6;       /* symbolic link max depth */
  1090.     I18NCODE
  1092.     /* program name is global variable used by other procedures */
  1093.     programName = strdup(argv[0]);
  1095.     /* parse the command line arguments */
  1096.     parse_args(argc, argv, &device);
  1099.     /* handle -d option */
  1100.     if (d_option) {
  1101.         printf(_("%s: default device: `%s'\n" ), programName, defaultDevice);
  1102.         exit(0);
  1103.     }
  1105.     /* if no device, use default */
  1106.     if (device == 0) {
  1107.         device = strdup(defaultDevice);
  1108.         if (v_option)
  1109.             printf(_("%s: using default device `%s'\n" ), programName, device);
  1110.     }
  1112.     /* Strip any trailing slash from name in case user used bash/tcsh
  1113.        style filename completion (e.g. /mnt/cdrom/) */
  1114.     if (device[strlen(device)-1] == '/')
  1115.         device[strlen(device)-1] = 0;
  1117.     if (v_option)
  1118.         printf(_("%s: device name is `%s'\n" ), programName, device);
  1120.     do {
  1121.       /* figure out full device or mount point name */
  1122.       fullName = FindDevice(device);
  1123.       if (fullName == 0) {
  1124.         fprintf(stderr, _("%s: unable to find or open device for: `%s'\n" ),
  1125.             programName, device);
  1126.         exit(1);
  1127.       }
  1128.       if (v_option)
  1129.         printf(_("%s: expanded name is `%s'\n" ), programName, fullName);
  1131.       /* check for a symbolic link */
  1132.       /* /proc/mounts doesn't resolve symbolic links */
  1133.       fullNameOrig = strdup(fullName);
  1134.       linkName = strdup(fullName); /* ensure linkName is initialized */
  1135.       if (!p_option) {
  1136.         while ((linkName = SymLink(fullName)) && (ld > 0)) {
  1137.           if (v_option)
  1138.         printf(_("%s: `%s' is a link to `%s'\n" ), programName,
  1139.                fullName, linkName);
  1140.           free(fullName);
  1141.           fullName = strdup(linkName);
  1142.           free(linkName);
  1143.           linkName = 0;
  1144.           ld--;
  1145.         }
  1146.       }
  1147.       /* handle max depth exceeded option */
  1148.       if (ld <= 0) {
  1149.         printf(_("%s: maximum symbolic link depth exceeded: `%s'\n" ), programName, fullName);
  1150.         exit(1);
  1151.       }
  1153.       /* if mount point, get device name */
  1154.       mounted = MountedDevice(fullName, &mountName, &deviceName);
  1155.       if (v_option) {
  1156.         if (mounted)
  1157.           printf(_("%s: `%s' is mounted at `%s'\n" ), programName,
  1158.              deviceName, mountName);
  1159.         else
  1160.           printf(_("%s: `%s' is not mounted\n" ), programName, fullName);
  1161.       }
  1162.       if (!mounted) {
  1163.         deviceName = strdup(fullName);
  1164.       }
  1166.       /* if not currently mounted, see if it is a possible mount point */
  1167.       if (!mounted) {
  1168.         mountable = MountableDevice(fullName, &mountName, &deviceName);
  1169.         /* if return value -1 then fstab could not be read */
  1170.         if (v_option && mountable >= 0) {
  1171.           if (mountable)
  1172.         printf(_("%s: `%s' can be mounted at `%s'\n" ), programName, deviceName, mountName);
  1173.           else
  1174.         printf(_("%s: `%s' is not a mount point\n" ), programName, fullName);
  1175.         }
  1176.       }
  1178.       result = GetMajorMinor(deviceName, NULL, NULL);
  1179.       if (result == -1) {
  1180.           fprintf(stderr,
  1181.               _("%s: tried to use `%s' as device name but it is no block device\n" ),
  1182.               programName, deviceName);
  1183.       }
  1185.     } while (result == -1);
  1187.     /* handle -n option */
  1188.     if (n_option) {
  1189.         printf(_("%s: device is `%s'\n" ), programName, deviceName);
  1190.         if (v_option)
  1191.             printf(_("%s: exiting due to -n/--noop option\n" ), programName);
  1192.         exit(0);
  1193.     }
  1195.     /* handle -a option */
  1196.     if (a_option) {
  1197.         if (v_option) {
  1198.             if (a_arg)
  1199.                 printf(_("%s: enabling auto-eject mode for `%s'\n" ), programName, deviceName);
  1200.             else
  1201.                 printf(_("%s: disabling auto-eject mode for `%s'\n" ), programName, deviceName);
  1202.         }
  1203.         fd = OpenDevice(deviceName);
  1204.         AutoEject(fd, a_arg);
  1205.         exit(0);
  1206.     }
  1208.     /* handle -t option */
  1209.     if (t_option) {
  1210.         if (v_option)
  1211.             printf(_("%s: closing tray\n" ), programName);
  1212.         fd = OpenDevice(deviceName);
  1213.         CloseTray(fd);
  1214.         HandleXOption(deviceName);
  1215.         exit(0);
  1216.     }
  1218.     /* handle -X option */
  1219.     if (X_option) {
  1220.         if (v_option)
  1221.             printf(_("%s: listing CD-ROM speed\n" ), programName);
  1222.         fd = OpenDevice(deviceName);
  1223.         ListSpeedCdrom(deviceName, fd);
  1224.         exit(0);
  1225.     }
  1227.     /* handle -x option only */
  1228.     if (!c_option) HandleXOption(deviceName);
  1230.     /* unmount device if mounted */
  1231.     if ((m_option != 1) && mounted) {
  1232.         if (v_option)
  1233.             printf(_("%s: unmounting device `%s' from `%s'\n" ), programName, deviceName, mountName);
  1234.         Unmount(mountName);
  1235.     }
  1237.     /* if it is a multipartition device, unmount any other partitions on
  1238.        the device */
  1239.     pattern = MultiplePartitions(deviceName);
  1240.     if ((m_option != 1) && (pattern != 0))
  1241.         UnmountDevices(pattern);
  1243.     /* handle -T option */
  1244.     if (T_option) {
  1245.         if (v_option)
  1246.             printf(_("%s: toggling tray\n" ), programName);
  1247.         fd = OpenDevice(deviceName);
  1248.         ToggleTray(fd);
  1249.         HandleXOption(deviceName);
  1250.         exit(0);
  1251.     }
  1253.     /* handle -c option */
  1254.     if (c_option) {
  1255.         if (v_option)
  1256.             printf(_("%s: selecting CD-ROM disc #%d\n" ), programName, c_arg);
  1257.         fd = OpenDevice(deviceName);
  1258.         ChangerSelect(fd, c_arg);
  1259.         HandleXOption(deviceName);
  1260.         exit(0);
  1261.     }
  1263.     /* if user did not specify type of eject, try all four methods */
  1264.     if ((r_option + s_option + f_option + q_option) == 0) {
  1265.         r_option = s_option = f_option = q_option = 1;
  1266.     }
  1268.     /* open device */
  1269.     fd = OpenDevice(deviceName);
  1271.     /* try various methods of ejecting until it works */
  1272.     if (r_option) {
  1273.         if (v_option)
  1274.             printf(_("%s: trying to eject `%s' using CD-ROM eject command\n" ), programName, deviceName);
  1275.         worked = EjectCdrom(fd);
  1276.         if (v_option) {
  1277.             if (worked)
  1278.                 printf(_("%s: CD-ROM eject command succeeded\n" ), programName);
  1279.             else
  1280.                 printf(_("%s: CD-ROM eject command failed\n" ), programName);
  1281.         }
  1282.     }
  1284. #ifdef HAVE_EJECT_SCSI
  1285.     if (s_option && !worked) {
  1286.         if (v_option)
  1287.             printf(_("%s: trying to eject `%s' using SCSI commands\n" ), programName, deviceName);
  1288.         worked = EjectScsi(fd);
  1289.         if (v_option) {
  1290.             if (worked)
  1291.                 printf(_("%s: SCSI eject succeeded\n" ), programName);
  1292.             else
  1293.                 printf(_("%s: SCSI eject failed\n" ), programName);
  1294.         }
  1295.     }
  1296. #endif
  1298. #ifdef HAVE_EJECT_FLOPPY
  1299.     if (f_option && !worked) {
  1300.         if (v_option)
  1301.             printf(_("%s: trying to eject `%s' using floppy eject command\n" ), programName, deviceName);
  1302.         worked = EjectFloppy(fd);
  1303.         if (v_option) {
  1304.             if (worked)
  1305.                 printf(_("%s: floppy eject command succeeded\n" ), programName);
  1306.             else
  1307.                 printf(_("%s: floppy eject command failed\n" ), programName);
  1308.         }
  1309.     }
  1310. #endif
  1312. #ifdef HAVE_EJECT_TAPE
  1313.     if (q_option && !worked) {
  1314.         if (v_option)
  1315.             printf(_("%s: trying to eject `%s' using tape offline command\n" ), programName, deviceName);
  1316.         worked = EjectTape(fd);
  1317.         if (v_option) {
  1318.             if (worked)
  1319.                 printf(_("%s: tape offline command succeeded\n" ), programName);
  1320.             else
  1321.                 printf(_("%s: tape offline command failed\n" ), programName);
  1322.         }
  1323.     }
  1324. #endif
  1326.     if (!worked) {
  1327.         fprintf(stderr, _("%s: unable to eject, last error: %s\n" ), programName, strerror(errno));
  1328.         exit(1);
  1329.     }
  1331.     /* cleanup */
  1332.     CLOSE(fd);
  1333.     free(device);
  1334.     free(deviceName);
  1335.     free(fullName);
  1336.     free(fullNameOrig);
  1337.     free(linkName);
  1338.     free(mountName);
  1339.     free(pattern);
  1340.     exit(0);
  1341. }

Me: Django Localization, Yogo Puzzle, Chrome Grapher, C++ Signals, Brainf*ck.

Marsh Posté le 20-12-2006 à 21:16:32    

0x90 a écrit :

Voilà [:dawa]

Code :
  1. "  -f\t-- eject floppy\n"
  2. "  -q\t-- eject tape\n"


I mean, true, a cancer will probably destroy its host organism. But what about the cells whose mutations allow them to think outside the box by throwing away the limits imposed by overbearing genetic regulations? Isn't that a good thing?

Marsh Posté le 22-12-2006 à 20:40:04    

Sinon, sous windows, faut regarder du coté de la bibliotheque multimedia MCI dans la msdn.
un lien pour t'aider:
http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/ [...] 32_set.asp


Marsh Posté le 22-12-2006 à 20:53:22    

breizhbugs a écrit :

Sinon, sous windows, faut regarder du coté de la bibliotheque multimedia MCI dans la msdn.
un lien pour t'aider:
http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/ [...] 32_set.asp

J'ai proposé ça un jour, je me suis fait traité de ringard, je ne dis plus rien.

Des infos sur la programmation et le langage C: http://www.bien-programmer.fr Pas de Wi-Fi à la maison : http://www.cpl-france.org/

Marsh Posté le 22-12-2006 à 21:05:24    

breizhbugs a écrit :

Sinon, sous windows, faut regarder du coté de la bibliotheque multimedia MCI dans la msdn.
un lien pour t'aider:
http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/ [...] 32_set.asp

ringard !


Marsh Posté le 22-12-2006 à 21:05:24   


Marsh Posté le 22-12-2006 à 23:28:30    

C'est vrai que j'ai jamais trop compris pourquoi faut utiliser une bibliotheque multimedia pour ouvrir la trappe.
Sinon je suppose qu'il faut utiliser DeviceIOtrucmachinchose...
@tamahome: c'est ringard de critiquer sans proposer mieux!


Marsh Posté le 23-12-2006 à 10:52:57    

c t pour -hs- ;o)


Marsh Posté le 23-12-2006 à 13:53:41    


What if I were smiling and running into your arms? Would you see then what I see now?  

Marsh Posté le 23-12-2006 à 14:30:10    

Moi, ça me va, tant pis si c'est ringard, du moment que ça marche...

Des infos sur la programmation et le langage C: http://www.bien-programmer.fr Pas de Wi-Fi à la maison : http://www.cpl-france.org/

Marsh Posté le 23-12-2006 à 15:01:01    

moi aussi je suis ringard je sais

What if I were smiling and running into your arms? Would you see then what I see now?  

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