quelqu'un connait IRIX ? - Linux et OS Alternatifs
Marsh Posté le 28-01-2002 à 17:39:20
Bah j'y connais pas gd chose mais voila ce que je comprends
Faut mettre ds /etc/gateways
net Nname[/mask] gateway Gname metric value {passive|active|external}
host Hname gateway Gname metric value {passive|active|external}
- Nname ou Hname : nom ou IP de l'hote ou du reseau
- /mask : netmask, par contre j'ai pas bien compris le format
- Gname : nom ou IP de la passerelle vers qui forwarder les reponses RIP
- value : nombre dessaut vers la passerelle ci-dessus
- {passive|active|external} : passerelle passive/active ou n'utilisant pas le protocole RIP
Par exemple
host gateway metric 0 passive
mais bon c un peu de la pure speculation hein
[edtdd]--Message édité par pipomolo--[/edtdd]
Marsh Posté le 28-01-2002 à 17:42:57
Bben ouais mais moi d'hab, sur ma bécanne une IP ça suffit !
pourquoi il lui faut 2 ip à st'irix de m...
j'ai qu'un gateway moi...
Marsh Posté le 28-01-2002 à 17:45:22
routed est un daemon pour le routage, donc je ne pense pas que ce soit ce que tu veux en fait... Toi, tu veux surement l'emplacement du default gateway, mais je ne sais pas où il se trouve, dsl. Tu as cherché sur Google ?
Marsh Posté le 28-01-2002 à 17:48:06
Ouaip nan en fait j'ai edite mon post...
En gros si j'ai bien compris la 1ere IP c'est l'IP de la machine ou le sous reseau dont tu veux qu'il utilise la passerelle (qui est la deuxieme IP)
En gros ca revient a faire:
route add [-net | -host] adresse netmask masque gw passerelle interface
sauf que y a pas de notion d'interface, et y a en plus la gestion du RIP (mais pour un reseau local pas besoin a priori)
Par contre je vois pas comment faire l'equivalent de 'route add default gw gateway interface'
[edtdd]--Message édité par pipomolo--[/edtdd]
Marsh Posté le 28-01-2002 à 17:49:18
1. Create an /etc/config/ifconfig-1.options that contains the line:
(This assumes that you have one network device. Details may vary. Check /etc/init.d/network for more details.
* Edit /etc/init.d/network.local to change your default gateway from to 128.192.subnet.1 in two places (where subnet is the third number in your machine's IP address):
case "$1" in
#Default route
/usr/etc/route add default 128.192.subnet.1 1
lines omitted... 'stop'
/usr/etc/route delete net default 128.192.subnet.1
* Create an /etc/ntp.conf file with the following contents:
server time1.uga.edu
server time2.uga.edu
fudge stratum 100
If this file exists and contains any lines refering to "broadcastclient" delete them or comment them out. Changing the stratum for localhost to 100 means the local hardware clock will only be used as a backup.
* Then restart the network and xntpd, or reboot.
Marsh Posté le 28-01-2002 à 17:50:57
je c po si ca va vraiment t'aider mais je te file ce que je trouve
Marsh Posté le 28-01-2002 à 17:54:32
Setting up the Network on System V (IRIX)
The basic ideas are the same as in the BSD version but the configuration files are done differently. Under IRIX, there is a shell script /etc/init.d/network that controls all the network related setup. That shell script gets it information from some files described below.
* The hostname can be defined by created a file named /etc/sys_id and placing the name of the host on a line in that file. The network script will check for that file and set the hostname.
* Irix uses a file named /etc/config/netif.options to define the network interfaces available and the IP addresses associated with those interfaces. Instead of IP-addresses the interface addresses can be a hostname and IRIX will look up the IP address in the /etc/hosts file. The file /etc/config/netif.options has the format:
if1addr= OR if1addr=$HOSTNAME
* To set the netmask and broadcast addresses you must define a config file for each interface under the name /etc/config/ifconfig-N.options where N is the interface number starting with 1. The contents of this file contain a single line with the netmask and broadcsat keywords, as in:
netmask broadcast
* To turn on routed for the system you must use the command
chkconfig routed on
Then upon startup, the network script will look for a file named /etc/config/routed.options. This file contains any command options you want run such as default route, etc. On our systems we just run this with the option -q to place the system in quiet mode and only listen for RIP requests. To set up a static route the routed.options file would contain the line:
add default
* Edit the /etc/resolv.conf file and list the nameservers to use. The format of this file is
domain umbc.edu
hostresorder local bind nis
* Select the application deamons to support. On Irix, the network script automatically starts the master internet service deamon inetd which reads a file named /etc/inetd.conf. This file has a line for each application to be served by inetd.
Marsh Posté le 28-01-2002 à 18:20:32
ptain c chelou j'arrives pas à pinguer le DNS...
c ptêt une histoire de masque réseau nan ?
l'ip de la WS c'est xxx.xxx.114.xxx
et le dns c'est xxx.xxx.254.xxx
Marsh Posté le 29-01-2002 à 09:25:44
Ouaip pb de masque, ou alors ta passerelle n'est pas configuree. Tu devrais avoir une erreur du type "network unreachable" non ?
Essaie avec un masque du genre pour voir si ca vient de la.
Marsh Posté le 29-01-2002 à 10:50:48
je comprends rien... (j'ai essayé les deux masques...)
cette (pu**in de) machine :
* pingue n'importe quelle IP extérieure
* ne pingue l'IP du DNS...
(donc pas de resolv de dn... )
Marsh Posté le 29-01-2002 à 10:56:42
alors là je me jette en l'air !
à 5 minutes d'intervalle, ça marchait po et maintenant ça marche
spa possib !
faut que j'aille voir l'admin....
Marsh Posté le 28-01-2002 à 17:02:36
voos savez pas où on lui indique l'adresse d'un gateway ? passke le truc-qui-configure-tout-seul se vautre (
et le man routed me sort des trucs de l'espace du genre :
The /etc/gateways file is comprised of a series of lines, each in one of
the following two formats or consist of parameters described later.
Blank lines and lines starting with '#' are comments.
net Nname[/mask] gateway Gname metric value {passive|active|external}
host Hname gateway Gname metric value {passive|active|external}
Nname or Hname is the name of the destination network or host. It may be
a symbolic network name or an Internet address specified in "dot"
notation (see inet(3N)). (If it is a name, then it must either be
defined in /etc/networks or /etc/hosts, or name service must have been
started before routed.) mask is an optional number between 1 and 32
indicating the netmask associated with Nname.
Gname is the name or address of the gateway to which RIP responses should
be forwarded. Value is the hop count to the destination host or network.
"host hname" is equivalent to "net nname/32".
Page 5
One of the keywords passive, active or external must be present to
indicate whether the gateway should be treated as passive or active (as
described above), or whether the gateway is external to the scope of the
RIP protocol.
voos y comprenez kek chose vous ?
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