Pure-FTPd 1.0.9 dispo!

Pure-FTPd 1.0.9 dispo! - Linux et OS Alternatifs

Marsh Posté le 21-02-2002 à 16:25:28    

Vala... Il est sur ftp.fr.pureftpd.org, ftp.pureftpd.org et sourceforge. La version Windows est aussi a jour.
Voici un copier/coller du changelog (j'ai la fleme de traduire, huhu) :
* Version 1.0.9 :
 - The server can now run 100% as a non-root user with all features turned on,
including chroot, virtual domains and virtual users.
 - ACLs for virtual users (puredb) can now resolve dynamic host names, not
only static IP addresses.
 - The LDAP backend now supports an extended schema with quota, ratios,
bandwidth management and FTP-specific uid/gid attributes.
 - MD5 hashed passwords are now implemented in the PostgreSQL backend.
 - External authentication modules are now properly working on non-Linux
systems, and they can compile without ratio/quotas/throttling.
 - Korean, Spanish and Slovak translations were updated.
 - System random devices can now be probed at run-time.
 - PAM examples are now more generic.


Marsh Posté le 21-02-2002 à 16:25:28   


Marsh Posté le 21-02-2002 à 16:54:38    

wéééééééé merci axey, tjs super utile pour moi ce prog :jap:

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