Grub uninstall failure

Grub uninstall failure - Installation - Linux et OS Alternatifs

Marsh Posté le 29-04-2012 à 16:57:06    

My Windows 7 had gone mad on my sony vaio laptop. Forgeting about Grub 1, I started the windows 7 reinstall program. (I installed Grub 1 along with a Debian distrib).
After the first reboot, Grub came in and threw me into grub rescue mode saying that it couldn't find partitions again. Grb rescue did a terrible job at helping as no known command(even "help" ) worked.
I grabbed my debian DVDs, and head to forums where I spent about 2 hours trying to understand how grub could be uninstalled. I tried to follow what that guy is saying:
Now when the computer boots it says straight from the BIOS that no OS is found. When running fdisk -l from debian DVD it says that no valid parition table is found.
Ok, so my own conclusion to this is: I fucked up all my paritions, including my separate backup partition where all my data was stored. I have lost the sony vaio restore partition.
Is this correct? Or any genius out there can sniff the partitions back and reinstall the table?
Now, my other -and most important question is - If I buy a windows 7 CD, will it be able to handle my computer as it is now with no proper partition table? Or must I prepare some sort of table for it to at least finds its way?
Best Regards,


Marsh Posté le 29-04-2012 à 16:57:06   


Marsh Posté le 29-04-2012 à 18:57:16    

Hi !
You just posted to a francophone forum, congrats  :jap:  
About your problem: grub does not need be uninstalled, a simple mbr fix using windows 7 would have been sufficient. Now, if fdisk -l does not show you any partitions, it indeed means you lost table partitions information.
I don't know if it is possible to retrieve it using some tool, however reinstalling from scratch will make the trick. Either windows 7 or any linux distribution. You might not need to buy a windows 7 cd, maybe contacting vaio, explain that your laptop partitions are blown out (don't explain why ;-) ) and they might ship you recovery cd for free. Or maybe guide you to a retail store for recovery.
The second solution has one major advantage: it costs you no money  :D

Un blog qu'il est bien

Marsh Posté le 30-04-2012 à 17:21:44    

Thank you for your reply (and sorry for posting in the wrong channel). I contacted Sony and had to pay 60 CHF for a delivery of the CDs. Well, that will teach me...


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