definition de bootstrap please ???

definition de bootstrap please ??? - Installation - Linux et OS Alternatifs

Marsh Posté le 27-05-2003 à 03:13:34    

voila c'est tout dans le titre... simple curiosité ... j'ai vu pas mal ce terme de bootstrap sur plusieurs sans toutefois savoir la definition de ce mot ...
si on peut m'eclairer sur cela .. merci merci :jap:


Marsh Posté le 27-05-2003 à 03:13:34   


Marsh Posté le 27-05-2003 à 07:27:31    

une amorce, une langette comme pour les flambis... ou plutot comme sur les bottes (plus facile pour les enlever)


Marsh Posté le 27-05-2003 à 09:31:04    

Tu veux peut etre parler de debootstrap :
$ apt-cache show debootstrap
Description: Bootstrap a basic Debian system debootstrap is used to create a Debian base system from scratch, without requiring the availability of dpkg or apt. It does this by downloading .deb files from a mirror site, and carefully unpacking them into a directory which can eventually be chrooted into.
En gros c le process d'install de la debian.


Marsh Posté le 27-05-2003 à 15:04:02    

chez gentoo :

Citation :

11.Starting from Stage1
Note: If you are not starting from a stage1 tarball, skip this section.
The stage1 tarball is for complete customization and optimization. If you have picked this tarball, you are most likely looking to have an uber-optimized and up-to-date system. Have fun, because optimization is what Gentoo Linux is all about! Installing from a stage1 takes a lot of time, but the result is a system that has been optimized from the ground up for your specific machine and needs.
Now, it is time to start the "bootstrap" process. This process takes about two hours on my 1200MHz AMD Athlon system. During this time, the GNU C library, compiler suite and other key system programs will be built. Start the bootstrap as follows:
Code listing 11.1: Bootstrapping
# cd /usr/portage
# scripts/
The "bootstrap" process will now begin.
Note: Portage by default uses /var/tmp during package building, often using several hundred megabytes of temporary storage. If you would like to change where Portage stores these temporary files, set a new PORTAGE_TMPDIR before starting the bootstrap process, as follows:
Code listing 11.2: Changing Portage's Storage Path
# export PORTAGE_TMPDIR="/otherdir/tmp" will build binutils, gcc, gettext, and glibc, rebuilding binutils, gcc, and gettext after glibc. Needless to say, this process takes a while. Once this process completes, your system will be equivalent to a "stage2" system, which means you can now move on to the stage2 instructions.

Message édité par perchut2 le 27-05-2003 à 15:04:31

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