wolfenstein et bot

wolfenstein et bot - Jeux Video

Marsh Posté le 13-02-2002 à 14:21:48    

j'ai finis wolf en solo et j'ai qu'un pauvre modem 56k il à t-il un moyen d'ajouter de bots dans wolfenstein ??


Marsh Posté le 13-02-2002 à 14:21:48   


Marsh Posté le 13-02-2002 à 14:27:55    

J'ai lu que leurs bots marchent avec RTCW :


Marsh Posté le 13-02-2002 à 14:29:31    

voila ce qu'on truve sur le site :
How do I play against bots in RtCW or MOHAA?
Neither Return to Castle Wolfenstein nor Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault currently (January 2002) have support for bots. Without such support, there is no way for Q3Offline to set up these games to play against bots. This is a limitation of these games and not Q3Offline.
There are rumours of bot support being added to these games as a mod or possibly a patch from the original developers. These bots will have to be even more intelligent that the original Quake III Arena bots, because of the complexity of the multiplayer part of these games; therefore it may be some time before someone is able to develop a bot that gives reasonable gameplay.
If and when bots are available, Q3Offline will support them, probably without requiring a new release. However, I will make sure that if any changes are required to Q3Offline I'll get a new release out as soon as possible, as I'm as keen as anyone to play these games against bots.


Marsh Posté le 13-02-2002 à 14:32:23    

Ah oui, au temps pour moi.
J'avais mal compris ca :

Citation :

In-Game With Offline  Comments
Sunday, January 27, 2002, 11:05 | Jube
A new version of Q3Offline has been released, an easy to use configuration utility for playing single player games of Q3A, coming to us with a fistful of enhancements and a few bug fixes. There's also a note on the Q3Offline site regarding support for Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Medal of Honor: Allied Assault. To answer the questions that have been asked lately, we're informed that Q3Offline does not fully support RtCW and MoH due to the absence of bots in those games. However, Q3Offline can be used with Return to Castle Wolfenstein to set up multiplayer servers. [Read More...]


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