Fallout 3 !!!!! (ou presque) - Jeux Video
Marsh Posté le 14-01-2002 à 15:43:04
putain je veux!
ça me fera patienter en attendant fallout 3
Marsh Posté le 14-01-2002 à 16:54:49
Il a l'air trop fort...
En plus, le nom de leur site c'est un truc du genre "Magical Gecko"...Ca doit etre des fans...
Un Fallout-like fait par des fans ! Miam !
Marsh Posté le 15-01-2002 à 13:01:54
Marsh Posté le 15-01-2002 à 13:02:25
Mhhhhhhh j'en VEUXXXXX!
Fallout RuleZzzzz!!!!
Ya des screen du jeu ou juste des armes?
Marsh Posté le 15-01-2002 à 13:04:29
ReplyMarsh Posté le 15-01-2002 à 13:11:01
Meulator a écrit a écrit :![]() ![]() |
Marsh Posté le 15-01-2002 à 13:17:00
Marsh Posté le 15-01-2002 à 14:34:15
The history of the hero
of the "Wastelands Wolf"
There is 2018 year on the outside. After small, as it seems at first, political crisis in US begins economic depression. You, the sergeant of armed forces of United States, were dismissed due to some shadowy past in biography. All your life you gave the military service, and now you are on the threshold of civil life, during total unemployment and inflation. Not having kin's and relatives, you turned out to be in very sad position.
But unexpectedly you found a chance to have done with all discomforts at once. Business Corporation R&D based by government made you an offer to assist in one experiment. In exchange it proposes an enormous sum of money - in three times more, than you earned for all your life! They guarantee that you remain of sound mind, exact memory and intact body. The essence of Experiment is consisted in trial cryogenic refrigeration of your organism. So far cryogenic experiments were conducted only on animals, but here had came turn to test the method on a man. Without thoughts you agree - you have no choice in any case.
Having signed contract, you got to know details. You will spend in cryogenic sleep one year, as it is proposed now. If unexpected circumstances are arisen, your sleep may be prolonged within at most five years. Today you go to sleep in the country being in serious decline, and tomorrow arouse in prosperous, as previously, state! It is an offer, impossible to refuse.
To appending last signature, you fall asleep...
Of course R&D don't intend to terminate experiment through year, 5 or ten years at all. In the last months working out of experiment they discovered that in cryogenic refrigeration they could change organism with any methods, even on atomic tier, without harm for it. Actually, equipment for creating of any entity with minimal costs was fallen out into their hands. The subdivision of scientific batch, your unconscious body to fall into, was engaged in studies of alterations of organism on gene tier and combinations it with mechanical and computer equipment. After series of the unfortunate experiments of other batches, all attention was concentrated on you. Having obtained wide experience on mistakes with other specimens, scientists successfully operated meeting with approval of authority.
So fifty years passed. All, who had known you somehow, died or disappeared.
There is a worldwide crisis started soon. Fuel resources come to an end. USA, by controlling last oil field, actually sentenced the rest of the countries to beggarly existence with crumbs from American's. Many had no wish to put up with it, and war was unleashed.
27 October 2077 year it was developed in atomic war. World sank into fire, turned into darkness.
Scientists abandoned their laboratories leaving their guinea pigs to mercy of fate.
But many, many years later, the automated systems of laboratories come to life, and defreezing process was started...
Marsh Posté le 15-01-2002 à 14:34:59
Description of role and battle
game's systems, basic concepts
and interesting feature.
"Wasteland's Wolf" is a role-playing game, RPG. Your character has lots of various traits and skills represented in numbers that forms a single whole, and define him as the person with all merits and demerits.
Role-playing system looks like S.P.E.C.I.A.L. in a whole.
Basic traits or atributes:
Strength - key atribute for those who don't disdain unarmed combat, and likes to keep all things with him. Some weapons can turn out to be too heavy for weak characters.
Constitution - constitution affects rate of character's fatigue, his health and nature immunity for diseases of iron and vital.
Agility - agility affects a character's quickness, and many skills, required delicate work.
Mobility - mobility is a character's quickness of decision-making, and its immediate realization. It affects number of AP.
Intelligence - defines character's intellectual abilities. Many skills and number of skill points are depended on intellect.
Percection - ability to get orientated in environment, to grasp various factors, and to use its to achieve a goals. Perception is the most important to sharpshooters and to those who wants to do first (and last) shot in a battle.
Charisma - natural charm, inward energy. Characters with high charisma talks to people with easy, and gain them over.
Firmness - courage, bravery, character's ability to control himself in crisis situations. Character with low firmness takes chances become panic-stricken, being attacked even weak mutants.
Luck - Luck it is luck and at wasteland. What do you say about it, don't you? Affects all parameters in the game one or another way. Critical chance, forcing a lock, encounter in wasteland?
There are other traits exist. It is about dozen of them, and they are composed from attributes. There is Vitality (HP), and Damage Resistanses, and quite a few others.
Character's skills are very important - his ability in concrete actions. Number of skills is about thirteen altogether. Manage a fire-arms, Oratory, Sneak? one of skills functions constantly, another necessary to use in concrete situations. All skills are displayed in per cents and with getting of a new level of experience character can improve skills necessary to him. Mastery of concrete skill can occupy lots of time and energy, so it makes sense to improve your skills bit by bit. Having achieved mastery in some skill, you can get extra bonuses concerned with it, for example, for "Outdoorsman" it is increase of Perception in each casual encounter, and for "Medicine" - no penalty for treatment your own injuries.
All role system was considered for maximally approaching of player to the world of the game, to create his alter ego and to live in it with? And world of the game in its turn is able to react on the actions of each type of player - warrior, diplomat, thief, merchant, ranger, raider?
Battle system.
Combat in "Wolf..." is turn-based. Each character commits several actions that cost fixed amount of Action Points (AP). The total amount of character's AP is defined from his traits both common ones, and concrete (for example, doped with stimulators character has more AP). When he have used his reserve AP, turn is passed to the next. The order of the actions of characters and monsters is defined from the trait Initiative.
There are lots of various arms in the game. Primitive knives, pistols, shotguns, submachine guns, heavy machine-guns, energy weapon? this is only part from the whole. Each weapon has several types of fire. If it is important accuracy to you then better use single shots. If there are many enemies opposed you it is better to use short bursts. If enemies have crowded in mob, it's not sin to treat them with long burst or with doublet from shotgun. By aimed fire you may quickly have neutralized one enemy (throwing down him on earth, shooting off his hand), and set about the next. Placing by aimed shot in critical point you can fast get rid of enemy.
There are more then sixty items of the violent taking life in the game, more part of which (31) has belonged to light guns. There are 25 various caliber's altogether.
And close combat is not avoided an attention. Our system of close combat slightly differs from other analogs. Character can deliver several types of strikes by hands and feet, number and quality of strikes depends on the level of his skill in this specialty. But if you put on brass knuckles or shoe on metal high boots, your strikes and methods obtains extra power. Imagine the most complex strike produced high ampere electroshock glove or metal rivet high boot, versus shot even the very powerful rifle, winning will be not on the side of last.
We endeavor to stick to maximal realism regarding weapons at all, even not existing. We take into consideration known information about existent laser's gun, plasma and other devices, and based on it have created our future-weapons. Maybe you will be astonished having learned that laser rifle and laser pistol have approximately similar range, and that plasma thrower is not able to shoot further than on 5 steps. In a word, "it don't exists, but if it was it would be approximately so".
Graphic design of wounds will not make any allowances for the age of potential players, so if you want scattered brains and falling away bowels - switch position "blood" to "maximum" and enjoy? By the way, the entire details of wounds just as showy would be described in the dialogue window, and characters would drop different remarks and comments directly at combat.
Marsh Posté le 15-01-2002 à 14:54:00
Faut voir ce qu'ils vont faire maintenant...
Fallout out
January 15 2002 ApTyp
Our representatives had a pleasant talk with 1C (Russian software publisher). We don't want to reveal the results of this meeting right now (let's just say that the results were positive), but we'd like to make an important statement. 1C lawyers insisted on the complete elimination of all Fallout universe elements, as they are an Interplay's trademark. Nobody was able to buy a license, so our designers had to write us a new post-apocalyptic story. If you have read and liked David Brinn's "The Postman", you'll like the new world of the Wasteland Wolf - less nukes, more biological and climatic weapons, a lot of attention was given to the psychology and sociology of this world, and we could give a real scientific evidence of the way this world developes (by the way, WW takes place 32 years after the catastrophe. The place where WW takes place is still the same, some new story branches were added, but the only thing that was severely affected by these changes was the background story. And one more thing - since we now have Chosen One out of the picture, we can expand the world even further.
(Source http://www.rpgtoday.ru/dg/enindex.php)
Marsh Posté le 12-04-2002 à 00:44:09
Moteur de BG dark alliance... C'est un shoot qu'ils en on fait??
Marsh Posté le 14-01-2002 à 13:51:25
Bon, pour ceux qui parlent pas anglais, ca explique qu'une boite russe est en train de développer un jeu en s'inspirant fortement de l'univers de Fallout...A voir les screen shots, ils sont limite plagiat, mais bon, c'est pas grave, on leur pardonne, si ils nous font un jeu terrible...
New Fallout-style RPG
Kreegle | 3:11 | RPG
This is very, very cool. Fallout fans take note! There is a new RPG on the way (not made by Interplay, BIS or anyone like that - it's an independant project by a bunch of clever Russian guys), named Wasteland Wolf. Strongly influenced from Fallout - it looks and sounds exactly like what we want from Fallout 3. Check out a couple of these item renders.
Even better are these pointers taken from the FAQ:
And how that will be looked?16-bit color, 800х600 and 1024x768, isometric in Fallout's style. Characters are done in 3D. World has drawn in 2d and rather greatly animated.
How big will be the game?
The amount of cities is about 10, apart from small locations. But territorial sections are three - Nevada, California (central part of Fallout 2) and one more interesting locality. Hint - it's state too.
And the battle system?
Combat is turn-based in the game. There is huge number of weapon. Emerged the multitude of the new types of fire and action during combat, it became more balanced owing to double amount of the action points.
Sounds brilliant, doesn't it? We'll definitely be keeping an eye on this one... check it all out for yourself here. Thanks for dropping into #fallout and letting us know, Das!
pointant vers le site des développeurs
Miam !
Pourvu qu'ils se plantent pas !
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