Bombermine online (web version)

Bombermine online (web version) - PC - Jeux Video

Marsh Posté le 28-02-2013 à 15:34:08    

Bomberman gets unofficial web-based version, crams in up to 1,000 online players
This is about to ruin any hopes you had of a productive day. Bombermine, an unofficial version of SNES throwback, Super Bomberman, is a web-based gift that lets you face-off against up to 1,000 players in a single game. Borrowing the same scoresheet setup of a first-person shooter, you'll auto-generate within an existing game once you've picked a username. Beta servers in Europe, the US and Japan all went live earlier this week. The gameplay is unaffected by the transition, although there are some new additions, like a chat window and even a Nyancat-tainted power-up to bring this terrible, terrible time-sink up to date. Get your work in order, then meet us on the servers at the source link. [...] d-version/


Marsh Posté le 28-02-2013 à 15:34:08   


Marsh Posté le 01-03-2013 à 16:15:36    

Je confirme, ça ruine la productivité ...

Star Citizen - Veteran Backer

Marsh Posté le 01-03-2013 à 23:17:28    

Pinaise c'est génialissime, merci [:ddr555]

J'ai le poignet loin derrière | Top hontes HFR | [VDS] Montres | [VDS] de l'histoire

Marsh Posté le 04-03-2013 à 11:32:14    

HS depuis vendredi, pour vous aussi?

Star Citizen - Veteran Backer

Marsh Posté le 07-03-2013 à 10:48:18    

Proxytaff en fait ...

Star Citizen - Veteran Backer

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