ut 2005???

ut 2005??? - PC - Jeux Video

Marsh Posté le 22-12-2004 à 15:16:14    

dite voir , vous avez des infos sur ut 2005 (si il sortira ou pas,enfait si il existera ou pas)??


Marsh Posté le 22-12-2004 à 15:16:14   


Marsh Posté le 22-12-2004 à 15:21:31    

il sortira pas, enfin ya pas intéret, atari va pas se la jouer EA j'espere :sweat:


Marsh Posté le 22-12-2004 à 15:22:31    

quoike je sais pas mais moi jveux pas acheter ut 2k4 si ut 2k5 sort 2 mois après...
paske pour le moment chus sur ut 2k3 et ca manque de player.. et de mods/maps


Marsh Posté le 10-01-2005 à 16:52:10    

des infos?


Marsh Posté le 10-01-2005 à 17:04:51    

Citation :

Unreal Tournament 2006 - 2007
The next Unreal Tournament title to be released will probably be UT2006/7, its likely that it's being developed on Unreal Engine 3 to be released any time between 2006 and 2007, as Mark Rein explains.
    For sure we'll do another Unreal Tournament game, and we'll do it with [Unreal Engine 3].
For this reason, its obvious that the next Unreal Tournament will be a whole new game rather than a continuation of the UT2003/4 codebase, which is based around Unreal Engine 2.5. Also, since Epic are already working on another major title (see the 'Next Big Thing' below), its likely that the next UT will ship after this new title. Only one possible image of the next UT has been released so far... click here to see an Unreal Engine 3 powered Malcolm.

En gros le prochain UT sortire 2006/2007 et utilisera le Unreal Engine 3... (30sec de recherche sous google...)
Bon, parcontre on parle sur pas mal de forums allemands d'un UT2005 qui ne sera enfait qu'une version GOTY (Game of the year) de UT2004, avec des updates, maps et mod en plus et tout ca gratuit en DL.  
Des rumeurs encore une fois, rien d'officiel [:spamafote]

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Marsh Posté le 10-01-2005 à 17:08:05    

theBride a écrit :

Citation :

Unreal Tournament 2006 - 2007
The next Unreal Tournament title to be released will probably be UT2006/7, its likely that it's being developed on Unreal Engine 3 to be released any time between 2006 and 2007, as Mark Rein explains.
    For sure we'll do another Unreal Tournament game, and we'll do it with [Unreal Engine 3].
For this reason, its obvious that the next Unreal Tournament will be a whole new game rather than a continuation of the UT2003/4 codebase, which is based around Unreal Engine 2.5. Also, since Epic are already working on another major title (see the 'Next Big Thing' below), its likely that the next UT will ship after this new title. Only one possible image of the next UT has been released so far... click here to see an Unreal Engine 3 powered Malcolm.

En gros le prochain UT sortire 2006/2007 et utilisera le Unreal Engine 3... (30sec de recherche sous google...)
Bon, parcontre on parle sur pas mal de forums allemands d'un UT2005 qui ne sera enfait qu'une version GOTY (Game of the year) de UT2004, avec des updates, maps et mod en plus et tout ca gratuit en DL.  
Des rumeurs encore une fois, rien d'officiel [:spamafote]

Le 2k4 ECE bis en gros :D


Marsh Posté le 10-01-2005 à 18:20:08    



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