gran turismo sport NOUVEAU IMAGE ! [PS4] - Consoles - Jeux Video
Marsh Posté le 11-01-2016 à 03:11:41
Citation : Dreaming About GT Sport’s User Interface |
Citation : With the announcement of GT Sport late last year, a popular thread in our forums was given a new lease on life. The re-christened GT7 and GT Sport User Interface Fan Art thread was started by Scuderia Paul all the way back in 2014, and if it sounds familiar, then you may have already heard about it in a Community Spotlight feature back in May. We’re going to look at just a few of the literally hundreds of images in the thread, so get comfortable. |
Ce sont des créations de fans, rien d'autre.
Marsh Posté le 11-01-2016 à 08:44:07
Stop le spam P.atron hein
Marsh Posté le 11-01-2016 à 02:53:33
GRAN TURISMO SPORT [Playstation 4]

sortir: ???????? [...] ign=buffer
à un handicap général de 80% et il fait beaucoup d'efforts pour la communauté et pour s’exprimer, merci d'être compréhensif. l'implant cochléaire et carte mobilite inclusion