[VDS] PSP, PSP Vita, DSi, baisse de prix

PSP, PSP Vita, DSi, baisse de prix [VDS] - Achat & Ventes - Jeux Video

Marsh Posté le 26-01-2014 à 23:14:00    

Je revend les consoles de mon fils, dans le lot, il y a :
Une PSP slim :
PSP slim grey, très bon état, accompagnée de 2 MS 8Go avec boite et tout le toutim.  
Je ne connais pas la date d'achat de la console.
Prix : 50 euros
Wifi, date de septembre 2012. Très bon état général, micro rayures sur l'écran et le dos.
Fourni avec une housse de protection, carte de 8go, 3 jeux (Uncharted, Marvel vs Capcom 3, Little deviant) et un jeu acheté sur le PStore (Final Fantasy VI). J'ai encore la boite et la facture.
Prix : 130 euros
Une DSi :
Une Nintendo DSi noire, très bon état générale, micro rayures sur la console.  
Très très peu utilisée. A longtemps dormie dans un tiroir.
Vendu avec 1 jeu (Zelda - Fantom Hourglass).
Prix : 50 euros
Photos sur demande.
Vente en main propre sur Torcy ou dans le coin, sinon prévoir FDP à votre charge.
Bonne soirée.

Message édité par Angkor le 14-02-2014 à 08:47:31

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 26-01-2014 à 23:14:00   


Marsh Posté le 27-01-2014 à 10:32:37    

un echange est il possible meme partiel ?
jai des jeuxvideos de toute consoles , dvd, bluray, a proposer
intéressé par le lot vita

Message édité par bucheron-atomik le 27-01-2014 à 10:32:52


Marsh Posté le 27-01-2014 à 11:15:50    

Salut !
Je ne cherche rien, mais à la limite, peut être des bluray, à voir.

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 28-01-2014 à 07:52:26    

Up !

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 29-01-2014 à 19:43:46    

Up !

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 31-01-2014 à 11:17:22    

Up !

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 31-01-2014 à 15:19:41    

Tu vendrais Uncharted + la CM 8Go de ta Vita?

Mon feedback - [url=https://forum.hardware.fr/forum2.php?config=hfr.inc&cat=5&subcat=251&post=194834&page=1&p=1&sondage=0&owntopic=1&trash=0&trash

Marsh Posté le 03-02-2014 à 13:49:37    

Désolé, je préfère vendre par lot.

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 06-02-2014 à 09:52:46    

Up !

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 06-02-2014 à 13:18:48    

Propale à 100€ pour les packs DSI et psp slim en mains propres à Champs-sur-Marne demain.

Message édité par dadow94 le 06-02-2014 à 13:22:28

Marsh Posté le 06-02-2014 à 13:18:48   


Marsh Posté le 06-02-2014 à 21:03:50    

Salut !
A quelle heure demain et à quel endroit exactement à Champs?

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 07-02-2014 à 00:28:38    

17h30 devant le RER noisy champs?


Marsh Posté le 07-02-2014 à 06:16:39    

Ok à toute alors, je te pm mon portable.

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 07-02-2014 à 16:49:35    

Je me désiste suite à un empèchement.
Je vous souhaite une bonne vente.


Marsh Posté le 09-02-2014 à 19:52:41    

Up !

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 10-02-2014 à 21:12:30    

Up !

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 12-02-2014 à 10:00:02    

Up !

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 14-02-2014 à 08:47:38    

Up !

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 17-02-2014 à 08:47:37    

Up !

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

Marsh Posté le 19-02-2014 à 08:34:28    

Up !

"I was strolling down this Paris way, i walked through the streets in the light of the day and knew that summer had arrived, when I saw your eyes, when I see you."

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