Soft TH pour le Surround Gaming [Topic Unique] - Ecran - Hardware - Périphériques
MarshPosté le 20-10-2008 à 19:12:44
Bonjours,ce topic est entièrement consacré a Soft TH et au différent code qui permette de l'utiliser pour jouer en tri-screen,pour ma parre je poste pour NFS carbon(Ca marche chez moi,mais je ne sais pas chez vous)
Citation :
; ; SoftTH configuration file ; by Kegetys <kegetys[ät]> ;
[config] ; deviceIDLeft/right: Direct3D device ID's of left and right monitor. ; secondaryWidth/Height: Left/right monitor resolution, set to -1 to use same as middle screen resolution ; secondaryRefresh: Refresh rate of left/right monitors ; secondary16bpp: Use 16bit colour in left and right monitors, this cuts the required bandwidth in half ; antialiasing: Level on anti-aliasing, use this instead of driver enforced setting ; anisotropic: Level of anisotropic filtering, you can also use driver enforced setting ; borderSize: Size of frame border between monitors that is discarded ; useMultihead: Uses multihead features of primary card if available, can increase performance and reduce memory use deviceIDLeft=2 deviceIDright=1 secondaryWidth=1280 secondaryHeight=1024 secondaryRefresh=70 secondary16bpp=1 antialiasing=0 anisotropic=0 borderSize=0 sideExtraWidth=0 useMultihead=0
[advanced] ; forceHorizontalFOV: Forces horizontal FOV to be three times as wide ; forceResolutionWidth/Height: Forces device to be created with this resolution ; cylindicalCorretionAngle: Amount of cylindrical correction done, use with sideExtraWidth ; hideNondefaultDevices: Hides all but the default adapter from the game ; force16bitDepth: Force game to use 16bit depth buffer, can improve performance and reduce memory use ; sleepBeforeRead: Time in ms to sleep before reading back buffer data from video card ; delayedPresent: When useMultihead enabled, delay primary monitor present to sync with secondary head ; swapOrder: Swap order at which the frame contents are copied ; noHotkeys: Set 1 to disable all hotkeys ; d3d8dll: Path to D3D8.dll/D3D9.dll to use or auto for automatic (system32 dir) forceHorizontalFOV=0 forceResolutionWidth=0 forceResolutionHeight=0 cylindicalCorretionAngle=0 hideNondefaultDevices=0 force16bitDepth=0 sleepBeforeRead=2 delayedPresent=1 swapOrder=0 noHotkeys=0 d3d8dll=auto
[hooks] ; Win32 API hooking settings - Used for some extra compatibility and game-specific fixes ; doHooking: Enable/disable all hooks ; doScaleMouseCoordinates: Scale mouse coordinates for getCursorPos to fix games which do not handle negative screen coordinates properly ; doScaleFromLeftScreen: Spread out mouse coordinates from left screen to full width ; mouseXoffset: Number of pixels to offset mouse cursor position in X axis, to fix misplaced cursor due to negative screen coordinates doHooking=0 doScaleMouseCoordinates=0 doScaleFromLeftScreen=0 mouseXoffset=0
; Triplehead screenmodes to add to resolutions list (width multiplied by 3) ; Must be last in this file [modes] 640x480x85 800x600x85 1024x768x85 1280x960x85 1280x1024x85
Marsh Posté le 20-10-2008 à 19:12:44
Bonjours,ce topic est entièrement consacré a Soft TH et au différent code qui permette de l'utiliser pour jouer en tri-screen,pour ma parre je poste pour NFS carbon(Ca marche chez moi,mais je ne sais pas chez vous
; SoftTH configuration file
; by Kegetys <kegetys[ät]>
; deviceIDLeft/right: Direct3D device ID's of left and right monitor.
; secondaryWidth/Height: Left/right monitor resolution, set to -1 to use same as middle screen resolution
; secondaryRefresh: Refresh rate of left/right monitors
; secondary16bpp: Use 16bit colour in left and right monitors, this cuts the required bandwidth in half
; antialiasing: Level on anti-aliasing, use this instead of driver enforced setting
; anisotropic: Level of anisotropic filtering, you can also use driver enforced setting
; borderSize: Size of frame border between monitors that is discarded
; useMultihead: Uses multihead features of primary card if available, can increase performance and reduce memory use
; forceHorizontalFOV: Forces horizontal FOV to be three times as wide
; forceResolutionWidth/Height: Forces device to be created with this resolution
; cylindicalCorretionAngle: Amount of cylindrical correction done, use with sideExtraWidth
; hideNondefaultDevices: Hides all but the default adapter from the game
; force16bitDepth: Force game to use 16bit depth buffer, can improve performance and reduce memory use
; sleepBeforeRead: Time in ms to sleep before reading back buffer data from video card
; delayedPresent: When useMultihead enabled, delay primary monitor present to sync with secondary head
; swapOrder: Swap order at which the frame contents are copied
; noHotkeys: Set 1 to disable all hotkeys
; d3d8dll: Path to D3D8.dll/D3D9.dll to use or auto for automatic (system32 dir)
; Win32 API hooking settings - Used for some extra compatibility and game-specific fixes
; doHooking: Enable/disable all hooks
; doScaleMouseCoordinates: Scale mouse coordinates for getCursorPos to fix games which do not handle negative screen coordinates properly
; doScaleFromLeftScreen: Spread out mouse coordinates from left screen to full width
; mouseXoffset: Number of pixels to offset mouse cursor position in X axis, to fix misplaced cursor due to negative screen coordinates
; Triplehead screenmodes to add to resolutions list (width multiplied by 3)
; Must be last in this file