ou trouver le schema du connecteur MB d'une alim DELL ??? - Carte mère - Hardware
Marsh Posté le 26-09-2003 à 19:26:09
Dell non-standard ATX design
Un premier lien, mais tu n'es pas assez précis sur type de Dell et année de fabrication.
Citation : Table 21.7 and 21.8 show the non-standard Dell Main and Auxiliary power supply connections. This non-standard wiring is used on Dell systems dating from after September 1998 to the present. |
Marsh Posté le 27-09-2003 à 23:15:11
savatage a écrit : Dell non-standard ATX design
Modele : OptiPlex GX1
Date : 04/1999 (date de fabrication)..
si tu as un deuxieme lien je suis preneur.. je vais commencer a etudier le 1er mais apparament ils disent que ce n'est pas uniquement une inversion de Pins... :
Citation : At first I thought that if all they did was switch some of the terminals around, then I could use a terminal pick to remove the terminals from the connectors (with the wires attached) and merely reinsert them into the proper connector positions, allowing me to use the Dell power supply with an upgraded ATX motherboard in the future. Unfortunately if you study the Dell main and auxiliary connector pinouts I've listed here and compare them to the industry standard ATX pinouts listed earlier, you'll see that not only are the voltage and signal positions changed, but the number of terminals carrying specific voltages and grounds has changed as well. It would be possible to modify a Dell supply to work with a standard ATX board, or to modify a standard ATX supply to work with a Dell board, but you'd have to do some cutting and splicing in addition to swapping some terminals around. Usually it wouldn't be worth the time and effort. |
Marsh Posté le 25-09-2003 à 22:30:28
bonjour !
je dois reparer un pc dell a mon frere or l'alim est morte. Mais le probleme est que le connecteur qui va sur la carte mere n'est pas le meme que sur une ATX standart.. les pins sont interchangées.. quelqu'un a t il une solution ??
ou trouver le schema .. ?
je voudrais pas trop griller la Mobo ..c'est pourquoi je prefere etre sur du schema des pins ..
merci !!