Question sur antivirus et autre....

Question sur antivirus et autre.... - Matériels & problèmes divers - Hardware

Marsh Posté le 19-06-2002 à 21:43:56    

Salut à Tous
1) Mon AV (Antiviral Toolkit Pro) a détecté un "virus" : JS.Trojan.NoClose.c
Lors de la désinfection, il me marque "désinfection avortée"
Comment faire pour m'en sortir ?
2) Avec ZoneAlarm, j'ai un programme qui se lance dès la connection. ZoneAlarm me demande quoi faire. Il s'agit de CMESYS.EXE. Qui peut me dire ce que c'est et d'où celà provient
Merci à tous de votre aide


Marsh Posté le 19-06-2002 à 21:43:56   


Marsh Posté le 19-06-2002 à 21:45:22    

va plutot sur software


Marsh Posté le 19-06-2002 à 21:50:31    


Marsh Posté le 19-06-2002 à 21:50:42    

Si tu as le nom exact du virus, vas faire un tour sur ce site là :
...!!! @+


Marsh Posté le 19-06-2002 à 21:52:40    

Background program which is part of the Gator GAIN software (Gator Advertising and Information Network).  Gator GAIN is what we call adware (advertising spyware).  Gator GAIN is used by software manufacturers to enable them to offer you the FREE use of their software ? instead, they receive advertising revenue through the advertisements displayed by the Gator GAIN add-on whenever you are using their software.
Recommendation :  
We are against all adware.  Download Ad-Aware from our Downloads area and use it to remove Gator and any other adware or spyware.  Note, however, that in some cases removing adware will totally disable the application which installed it, and this maybe an application which is important to you, so you may want to initially only disable this with Startup Manager while you ascertain how Gator Gain got into your PC.


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