Sav fortron inutile?

Sav fortron inutile? - Matériels & problèmes divers - Hardware

Marsh Posté le 18-05-2007 à 10:41:45    

voici le topo :
alim fortron blue storm acheté chez ldlc il y a 1 an et demi ne fonctionne plus
j'envoie un mail a ldlc qui me dit de contacter fortron, car garrantie a depassé 1 an
et voici la reponse de fortron :
premier mail :  

Citation :

Dear Sir
We don’t know how many years warranty the shop you bought offer you.
Our official warranty is 2 years, but the shop also has rights to decide their own
So pls check with the shop you bought and talk with them..
Thank you

2eme message : je leur dis que que chez ldlc c'est seulement 1 an

Citation :

Dear Sir,
sorry not...because you could get cheaper price from the shop due to less year warrant
in this case, it is the risk you chose…
we only accept the returned goods from our direct customers…
in this case, I will recommend you, next time when you choose products, warranty is also the point you should pay attention to.
I recommand you contacting
They are our distritbutor in Belgium, you can find more new FSP PSU from them
Thank you

donc en gros, la garantie constructeur ne marche que si on la acheté que ds un certains type de magasin?????
c'est quoi ce truc? premiere fois que j'entend parler de ceci!
Derniere fois que je prend du fortron pour ma part
d'autres ont déja eu le cas?


Marsh Posté le 18-05-2007 à 10:41:45   


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