R200 is back

R200 is back - Carte graphique - Hardware

Marsh Posté le 06-12-2002 à 20:12:08    

vu sur [H]ardOCP:
The RADEON 9100 is a high performance mainstream graphics processor for desktop PCs. Products based on the RADEON 9100 GPU will provide the outstanding 3D gaming performance, image quality and support for the latest game-enhancing features like DirectX 8.1 shaders. Its powerful architecture, including four parallel rendering pipelines and two geometry engines, is designed for optimal performance in the mainstream segment.
If this sounds reminiscent of the RADEON 8500 products, you are correct! Our partners continue to see strong demand for products based on our R200 architecture, so we are re-introducing it as a part of our 9000-family of products.
Donc si vous voulez une 8500 pas chere, faut pas tarder, vu que les 9100 seront forcement plus cheres...

Branchez votre Radeon directement sur la Peritel de votre TV en RGB! - e-nyar/bresse: the grodon legacy lives on.

Marsh Posté le 06-12-2002 à 20:12:08   


Marsh Posté le 06-12-2002 à 20:13:43    

Je dirais que sa place est plus ici


Marsh Posté le 06-12-2002 à 20:18:08    

ChrisLeurn a écrit :

Je dirais que sa place est plus ici

ça fait juste un mois qu'on sait qu'elle va sortir [:spamafote]

"I wonder if the internal negative pressure in self pumping toothpaste tubes is adjusted for different market altitudes." John Carmack

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