Feedback on EPF and SUPMECA

Feedback on EPF and SUPMECA - Etudes / Orientation - Emploi & Etudes

Marsh Posté le 04-01-2009 à 08:47:36    

Hello everybody,
I am from Hong Kong, I have two offers from EPF and SUPMECA, through the N+I program.
EPF (Business Engineering & Finance specialisation)
SUPMECA (Industrial Engineering)
Please some one can tell me about their opportunities of job in France or other country in Europe when i graduate.
And how about their reputation from the company??????
Thank you very much.


Marsh Posté le 04-01-2009 à 08:47:36   


Marsh Posté le 26-01-2009 à 14:05:45    

Pour info : [Topic unique] Supméca Paris & Toulon :o

Message édité par jarod926 le 11-06-2009 à 11:46:28

Recherche CDJ1000MKIII + Xone 32

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