[URG] petite préparation oral d'anglais

petite préparation oral d'anglais [URG] - Aide aux devoirs - Emploi & Etudes

Marsh Posté le 31-05-2007 à 16:42:53    

Je passe un oral d'anglais demain et je vais devoir parler de mes stages...
Je fais donc une petite préparation aux eventuelles question que l'ont pourrai me poser..

Citation :

During the first year, I was in a web agency, to develop an application for a company who help you to recover driving licence points.
During this placement, I learn the PHP language and the MySQL database.
This was very useful for my knowledge.  
During the second years, i was in an other web agency to develop an Intranet website. I learn during this placement many new development technology like CSS and AJAX, associated to Web 2.0.
Both was very useful, and today, i can thank the responsable of these company to trust in me.

Pouvez vous reprendre mes incorrections svp ?


Marsh Posté le 31-05-2007 à 16:42:53   


Marsh Posté le 31-05-2007 à 17:44:28    

During the first year, I worked in a web agency to develop an application for a company which helps you to recover driving licence points.
This experience increase my skills toward PHP language and the MySQL database.
It has been very useful for my knowledge.  
During the second year, i worked in an other web agency to develop an Intranet website. During this year, I have learned  many new development technologies like CSS and AJAX, associated to Web 2.0.
Both have been very useful. Today, i can thank the persons in charge of those companies for the trust they have allocated to me.
Ce n'est surement pas parfait, mais c'est plus anglais je pense ;)

Message édité par guigui6668 le 31-05-2007 à 17:44:45

Marsh Posté le 31-05-2007 à 21:51:06    

Merci bien :)
A la question "Que comptez vous faire par la suite ..."  
When I will get the patent, i will search a work in a web agency. In our region, we have many companies which engage people like us.
Question "qu'est ajax, web 2.0, CSS"  
These technologies permit to develop website like a application, without reload of screen during the database requests.


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