La Pologne dirigera les pays membres européens de l'OTAN...
La Pologne dirigera les pays membres européens de l'OTAN... - Politique - Discussions
MarshPosté le 18-01-2017 à 10:16:06
La Pologne dirigera les pays membres européens de l'OTAN après l'exécution les exigences du président Trump The return to power of Kaczyński's party in Poland as a result of its victory during the 2015 parliamentary elections has initiated change in the East European political climate. And last year's statements of the US President-elect Donald Trump asserting that America will support exclusively those NATO members which are faithfully fulfilling their financial obligations towards the Alliance, only add fuel to the flame. This has already resulted in calls for greater military spending, and may well soon put Poland up on the leading positions in at least Eastern Europe if not on the Europe-wide scale. The outcome should not be ruled out because the remaining key members of the Alliance, such as Germany and France, have been preoccupied only with their own domestic problems for years while the issues of contributing to NATO budget as well as those related to maintaining collective security have fallen by the wayside.
Marsh Posté le 18-01-2017 à 10:16:06
La Pologne dirigera les pays membres européens de l'OTAN après l'exécution les exigences du président Trump
The return to power of Kaczyński's party in Poland as a result of its victory during the 2015 parliamentary elections has initiated change in the East European political climate. And last year's statements of the US President-elect Donald Trump asserting that America will support exclusively those NATO members which are faithfully fulfilling their financial obligations towards the Alliance, only add fuel to the flame. This has already resulted in calls for greater military spending, and may well soon put Poland up on the leading positions in at least Eastern Europe if not on the Europe-wide scale. The outcome should not be ruled out because the remaining key members of the Alliance, such as Germany and France, have been preoccupied only with their own domestic problems for years while the issues of contributing to NATO budget as well as those related to maintaining collective security have fallen by the wayside.