Les 24 plus grandes "rock 'n' roll songs" selon Stephen King - Musique - Discussions
Marsh Posté le 18-05-2007 à 23:56:34
eraser17 a écrit : topic stephen king |
Ah non non, c'est un sujet musical. Le fait qu'il soit signé de monsieur "Bouh fais-moi peur" est accessoire (quoique évidemment savoureux
). Mais si tu veux poster l'article sur le topic dédié de Stéphane Roi, c'est toi qui vois...
Marsh Posté le 18-05-2007 à 23:46:34
L'auteur préféré des ados lance le sujet préféré des ados : établir un classement des chansons de rock, de la meilleure à la moins meilleure.
Ca donne un résultat, qui comme toujours fait rire, s'énerver ou s'interroger, évidemment en vain.
L'article de présentation : http://www.ew.com/ew/gallery/1,,20039107,00.html. Le meilleur passage :
''Best rock songs of all time,'' (...) ''That subject always starts arguments, especially if you don't put 'Stairway' on there.''
Et sans plus attendre, le verdict :
24. ''IN-A-GADDA-DA-VIDA,'' Iron Butterfly
Only the long version counts. Which you can't get on iTunes, curse them.
23. ''DEAD FLOWERS,'' the Rolling Stones
Their finest rock-and-country fusion.
22. ''NEEDLES AND PINS,'' the Searchers
The epitome of folk rock.
21. ''I GET AROUND,'' the Beach Boys
Pretty white-bread, but unlike the odious ''Kokomo,'' it has stood the test of time.
20. ''ON THE DARK SIDE,'' John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band
Still smokin' after all these years. Simple and cool.
19. ''YOU NEVER CAN TELL,'' Chuck Berry
The father of us all. And whoa! The whole story of true love and happy marriage in two and a half minutes? Can't argue with that.
18. ''I WANT TO HELP YOU ANN,'' the Lyres
The best stalker rock song ever. Listen to it once and you'll never bother with ''Every Breath You Take'' again.
Should get old, but somehow never does.
16. ''DON'T BE CRUEL,'' Elvis Presley
Total bebop testifying. Brian Setzer would sell his soul to do this.
The quintessential AC/DC hook...played over...and over...and over.
14. ''SIXTY MINUTE MAN,'' the Dominoes
Basic dirty boogie boasting, 1950s style. What could be finer?
13. ''MASS. AVE.,'' Willie Alexander
Rattle-box guitar and the weirdest male falsetto ever laid down; it's Boston punk at its best.
12. ''THE GIRL CAN'T HELP IT,'' Little Richard
Can you imagine this guy on American Idol? The mind boggles.
11. ''SHE LOVES YOU,'' The Beatles
I've said it before and I'll say it again: It's the best Beatles track because it gets in, does its business, and gets back out again.
10. ''A BIG HUNK O' LOVE,'' Elvis Presley
Almost eclipsed by Elvis' screaming vocal is the rock era's best barrelhouse piano.
9. ''BIP BOP BOOM,'' Mickey Hawks
Under two minutes and still the greatest rockabilly record ever made.
8. ''LET'S HAVE A PARTY,'' Wanda Jackson
That raspy, frantic vocal has never been equaled. Ms. Jackson makes Beyoncé look like Britney.
7. ''NEW ORLEANS,'' Gary U.S. Bonds
Terrific recorded-in-a-bathroom reverb, insanely danceable backbeat. Earl Swanson's sax is the Special Bonus Feature.
6. ''RAMROD,'' Bruce Springsteen
His cleanest, coolest, purest track. To quote Mr. Berry, his guitar rings like a bell.
5. ''C'MON EVERYBODY,'' Eddie Cochran
The apocalyptic call of the teenage male: Dude, let's party. And screw the consequences.
4. ''STUPID CUPID,'' Connie Francis
Don't argue; the vocal is hotter than a pistol, and it's the best clap track ever. Stupid cupid, stop pickin' on me: Ay-men.
3. ''MYSTERY DANCE,'' Elvis Costello
It's 1:35, but how much angry, frustrated sex can you take?
2. ''BURNING LOVE,'' Elvis Presley
He saved the best for last. Lawd-a-mighty, I feel my temperature rising.
1. ''ANARCHY IN THE U.K.,'' The Sex Pistols
This song still sums up what I love about rock & roll: anger and joy and urgency, all compressed into three and a half minutes of drums and buzz-saw guitar. By God, even the name of the group sweats rock & roll.
On attend avec impatience les fans outragés de Queen, Pink Floyd et Led Zep.